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Tuesday~Ferris Bueller: We have free speech here.. as long as it is not used to lie, cause hatred and the like. Then it's either a libel case or court. You can say what you want.. but if you break the law (which is very liberal) expect to be held to account.
ACORN whistle-blower Anita Moncrief held a press conference Friday at the Right Online Convention in Las Vegas. She announced today that she will press FEC charges against the Obama Administration for the campaign’s illegal coordination with ACORN during the 2008 election.
Konu: Here's a list of names of the knuckleheads that conspired to shape the news.
They are ALL from the Left.
1. Spencer Ackerman - Wired, FireDogLake, Washington Independent, Talking Points Memo, The American Prospect 2. Ben Adler - Newsweek, POLITICO 3. Mike Allen - POLITICO 4. Eric Alterman - The Nation, Media Matters for America 5. Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic 6. Greg Anrig - The Century Foundation 7. Ryan Avent - Economist 8. Dean Baker - The American Prospect 9. Nick Baumann - Mother Jones 10. Josh Bearman - LA Weekly 11. Steven Benen - The Carpetbagger Report 12. Jared Bernstein - Economic Policy Institute 13. Michael Berube - Crooked Timber (blog), Pennsylvania State University 14. Lindsay Beyerstein - (blogger) 15. Joel Bleifuss - In These Times 16. John Blevins - South Texas College of Law 17. Sam Boyd - The American Prospect 18. Rich Byrne - Playwright and freelancer 19. Ta-Nehisi Coates - The Atlantic 20. Jonathan Chait - The New Republic 21. Lakshmi Chaudry - In These Times 22. Isaac Chotiner - The New Republic 23. Michael Cohen - New America Foundation 24. Jonathan Cohn - The New Republic 25. Joe Conason - The New York Observer 26. David Corn - Mother Jones 27. Daniel Davies - The Guardian 28. David Dayen - FireDogLake 29. Brad DeLong - The Economists' Voice, University of California at Berkley 30. Ryan Donmoyer - Bloomberg 31. Kevin Drum - Washington Monthly 32. Matt Duss - Center for American Progress 33. Eve Fairbanks - The New Republic 34. Henry Farrell - George Washington University 35. Tim Fernholz - American Prospect 36. James Galbraith - University of Texas at Austin (professor) 37. Todd Gitlin - Columbia University 38. Ilan Goldenberg - National Security Network 39. Dana Goldstein - The Daily Beast 40. Merrill Goozner - Chicago Tribune 41. David Greenberg - Slate 42. Robert Greenwald - Brave New Films 43. Chris Hayes - The Nation 44. Don Hazen - Alternet 45. Michael Hirsh - Newsweek 46. John Judis - The New Republic, The American Prospect 47. Michael Kazin - Georgetown University (law professor) 48. Ed Kilgore - Democratic Stategist 49. Richard Kim - The Nation 50. Mark Kleiman - The Reality Based Community 51. Ezra Klein - Washington Post, Newsweek, The American Prospect 52. Joe Klein - TIME 53. Paul Krugman - The New York Times, Princeton University 54. Lisa Lerer - POLITICO 55. Daniel Levy - Century Foundation 56. Alec McGillis - Washington Post 57. Scott McLemee - Inside Higher Ed 58. Ari Melber - The Nation 59. Seth Michaels - 60. Luke Mitchell - Harper's Magazine 61. Gautham Nagesh - The Hill, Daily Caller 62. Suzanne Nossel - Human Rights Watch 63. Michael O'Hare - University of California, Berkeley 64. Rick Perlstein - Author, Campaign for America's Future 65. Harold Pollack - University of Chicago 66. Foster Kamer - The Village Voice 67. Katha Pollitt - The Nation 68. Ari Rabin-Havt - Media Matters 69. David Roberts - Grist 70. Alyssa Rosenberg - Washingtonian, The Atlantic, Government Executive 71. Alex Rossmiller - National Security Network 72. Laura Rozen - Politico, Mother Jones 73. Greg Sargent - Washington Post 74. Thomas Schaller - Baltimore Sun 75. Noam Scheiber - The New Republic 76. Michael Scherer - TIME 77. Mark Schmitt - American Prospect 78. Adam Serwer - American Prospect 79. Thomas Schaller - Baltimore Sun (columnist), University of Maryland, Baltimore County (professor), (contributing writer) 80. Julie Bergman Sender - Balcony Films 81. Walter Shapiro - 82. Nate Silver - 83. Jesse Singal - The Boston Globe, Washington Monthly 84. Ben Smith - POLITICO 85. Sarah Spitz - NPR 86. Adele Stan - The Media Consortium 87. Kate Steadman - Kaiser Health News 88. Jonathan Stein - Mother Jones 89. Sam Stein - The Huffington Post 90. Jesse Taylor - 91. Steven Teles - Yale University 92. Thoma - The Economist's View (blog), University of Oregon (professor) 93. Michael Tomasky - The Guardian 94. Jeffrey Toobin - CNN, The New Yorker 95. Rebecca Traister - Salon (columnist) 96. Cenk Uygur - The Young Turks 97. Tracy Van Slyke - The Media Consortium 98. Dave Weigel - Washington Post, MSNBC, The Washington Independent 99. Moira Whelan - National Security Network 100. Scott Winship - Pew Economic Mobility Project 101. Kai Wright - The Root 102. Holly Yeager - Columbia Journalism Review 103. Rich Yeselson - Change to Win 104. Matthew Yglesias - Center for American Progress, The Atlantic Monthly 105. Jonathan Zasloff - UCLA 106. Julian Zelizer - Princeton professor and CNN contributor 107. Avi Zenilman - POLITICO
Konu: Re:Freedom of speech should not be abused or cause harm, spread fear, used to spread hate.
Tuesday: who gets to decide what causes harm (your comments earlier caused me emotional harm) and what does spreading fear look like? Who decides that? Conservatives? What makes something qualify as "hate?" How do you define it in objective terma?
(V) & Tuesday: Breightbart might can be sued for liable here, but I don't know if there is any precedent for that in the blogisphere. We don't really have total freedom of speech in the US. You can be fired from your livelihood based on what you say, etc. Free speech should be responsible speech, but who decides what is responsible speech?
Personally, I think telling your listeners that liberals are cock roaches who must be killed is like screaming fire in a theater. Yes, the person who decides to act in this manner is ultimately the guilty party but the radical radio personality encouraged it. Its a difficult issue though. Could turn into a slippery slope where the gov't could take over freedom of speech.
Ferris Bueller: I don't consider free speech free, if it is used to spread hate and fear. The ideology behind free speech was on people being Ladies and Gentlemen and of people having honour.
Andrew Breitbart from what I've seen is neither a gentleman or honourable. Those that are.. ought to have redress available without lengthy court proceedings.
(V): They'll know just where the line is, circumvent it, push the envelope, but not go over. Besides, the current court system here would consider such regulation to be a violation of free speech. But, I agree w/ u, there probably should be abridement to hate speech.
Ferris Bueller: Maybe you need some UK style regulation. Sometimes here a channel over steps the mark. If the complaint to the regulators is upheld then the channel has to broadcast an apology.
Tuesday: Believe me, I can understand the temptation to get some of those wackos off the air. It hit very close to home with me when the Unitarian church in TN was shot up a couple of years back. The perpetrator justified his actions by claiming it was his duty to kill liberals. His home was full of propaganda from people like Limbaugh, Beck and other right wing idealogues. I'm a member of this denomination in SC. The minister in TN formerly was our minister. I, therefore, have nothing but contempt for what these types represent and their rhetoric. But, I've seen people on the left blogisphere who can be scary also. I'm not sure how healthy all of this so called 24/7 news cycle really is, but I'll admit, I don't have many answers except to turn off the TV.
Tuesday: There certainly is a lot of misleading from the right and a lot of unstable people out there. But, I think censureship is a knee-jerk reaction that could have dire consequences.
Fox is irresponsible & they play on people's fears. However, this time I agree with Dan. Pulling their license only opens the floodgates to censorship.
Tuesday: Since you can't name a single riot, it's fair to say that you made a false statement.
It's fine if one disagrees with Fox. But the left is currently falsely accusing Fox of being racist (they love playing that card - but that's because they can't beat Fox honestly). Disagree, but don't lower yourself to making false claims.
Tuesday: It's irresponsible to talk that way. You can't back it up. You are making a statement as if it's fact and hiding behind "it's just my opinion."
This sort of thing should frighten you on the Left. If the Left can do it, what will you say when the Conservatives retake power (and they will) and they do it to liberal talk radio/blogs/tv/cable etc.
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