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5. Haziran 2011, 19:17:46
using the same way as the "emperors new cloths fable"

5. Haziran 2011, 19:11:19
Konu: Re: the Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development
Artful Dodger: Just to expose you for what you really are... which is obvious to all

5. Haziran 2011, 18:43:03
Konu: Re: the Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development
Artful Dodger: There is no bigger waste of time then discussion with bigots and racists with your type

5. Haziran 2011, 17:21:26
Konu: Re: random facts about Muslims
Artful Dodger: Your statement "the Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development. " is offensive and shows your bias

5. Haziran 2011, 03:58:23
For those who aren't sure... these posts today are sarcasm

5. Haziran 2011, 01:17:29
Konu: Re: the teachings matter
Artful Dodger: Surely we can find a way to wipe off the earth about a billion people or so....Thats what The Lord would want

5. Haziran 2011, 01:15:10
Konu: Re: random facts about Muslims
tyyy (5. Haziran 2011, 01:21:06) tarafından düzenlendi
Artful Dodger: the Arab world stands near the bottom of every measure of human development. You are correct.. they are most definitely just about sub human. Something must be done...a Final Solution for these Semitic savages..what would you propose...mein Herr? Also we must find a way to free Ratko Mladic, surely he was only doing God's will.

5. Haziran 2011, 01:09:32
a woman in Queens NY left $250,000 in her will to the Doomsday Prophet

29. Mayıs 2011, 02:09:43
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: I'm not really upset, I just find ANY racial /ethnic slang or whatever disturbing

27. Mayıs 2011, 23:34:28
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: the labels "rednecks" and "white trash" are considered by many to be offensive, just so you know

27. Mayıs 2011, 05:13:18
Konu: Re:
tyyy (27. Mayıs 2011, 05:17:46) tarafından düzenlendi
Übergeek 바둑이: wow , you're very wrong, there is a viable left wing and Soros is part of it, but to say the U.S. media won't criticize is silly, that would be only because of Obama. When Bush was in it was free open season with attacks by the U.S. media, maybe they weren't vicious enough for your likings , but they were real bad, for the wars and everything else including how he dressed, talked and how his wife and children acted.The U.S. media censored and right wing??? just not so.but opinions are free, its probably because you are very left wing and all to the center seem like right wing and same for those on the right... any dissension to their or your views make those dissenting make them radical opposites

25. Mayıs 2011, 02:09:36
Konu: Re:
tyyy (25. Mayıs 2011, 02:11:02) tarafından düzenlendi
Artful Dodger: Don't worry, we are giving it back slowly ..thru the birthrate.. same as what is happening in Israel/Palestine.. Prepare yourselves for the ultimate melting pot in a few decades.. one world

14. Mayıs 2011, 08:06:25
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: sorry, but speaking for some men. or maybe just me... too much ain't enough.. how about a few more

14. Mayıs 2011, 08:02:31
Konu: Re: okay, here is a story I heard recently...
Czuch: please... mentally challenged , or handicapped. But who defines the criteria? Besides me

7. Mayıs 2011, 06:07:12
Konu: Re: It must burn a little
Artful Dodger: They must obey their master... George Soros

4. Mayıs 2011, 04:35:25
Konu: Re: Distraction
Übergeek 바둑이: yes strategic resources,oil water, minerals, land,ocean access etc... as old as human history

4. Mayıs 2011, 01:21:11
Konu: Re: Distraction
tyyy (4. Mayıs 2011, 01:26:45) tarafından düzenlendi
Übergeek 바둑이: Maybe the U.S. should have done a Nick Berg style execution on bin laden. I t should have been total war from the start There are no civilians in total war.. check Al Bomber Harris in WW2 V can tell you about him and Dresden. As for Libya.. ask the British and french. They seemed so hot and heavy to get involved and start bombing..unlike in Bosnia at Gorazde and Srbrenica and other places.. I wonder at their motives

23. Nisan 2011, 23:12:07
Konu: Re: If everyone is a genius then no one is a genius
Iamon_lyme: some are super genius.
yours truly..Wile E. Coyote

14. Nisan 2011, 05:14:05
someone like Margaret Thatcher would do good

6. Nisan 2011, 00:53:21
Konu: Re: Donal Trump, head birther, and no stranger to bankruptcy
The Col: I don't want that clown.. just another BS artist

28. Mart 2011, 23:39:53
Konu: Re: So the world's hypocrites say "lets hold talks in Bahrain, and let's bomb Lybia". Nice double standard.
Übergeek 바둑이: as always.. the human nature 's dark side prevails.. double standards been happening that way forever.

24. Mart 2011, 01:07:36
Konu: Re: Lockerbie bombing.
Artful Dodger: no doubt

23. Mart 2011, 23:34:54
Konu: Re: GT...
tyyy (23. Mart 2011, 23:43:54) tarafından düzenlendi
(V): and I'm sure Jefferson Davis and Oliver Cromwell would be thanking any coalition that bailed them out too. Just like the Taliban was so grateful for help against the Soviets in Afghanistan. Who knows who these rebels are...Again.. the U.S. should stay out of other civil wars. But I thought that the UK was Qaddafi's best buddy after that Lockerbie intrigue..how quickly things turn... oh and they"re not MY opinion .. they are German and UK..well Australian anyways, news articles..oh and yes..MSNBC.. that noted Republican news organ..(sarcasm intended).. I know since they don't meet someones agenda here ..some try to twist and discredit things here

23. Mart 2011, 22:40:26
Konu: Re: Lockerbie bombing.
tyyy (23. Mart 2011, 22:48:51) tarafından düzenlendi
Artful Dodger: by the way , that Libyan terrorist that got released from prison via a special sneaky  deal by the UK Government is still alive... apparently he had a miracle of good health after being said that he was going to die real soon... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40760074/ns/us_news-security/

23. Mart 2011, 21:44:01
Konu: Re: clusterfark
tyyy (23. Mart 2011, 22:36:20) tarafından düzenlendi
 Übergeek 바둑이: or why or the Ivory Coast in West Africa or Sudan if because A Dictator is murdering his people? However it looks like this Coalition is falling apart..but what you said about the U.S. also goes for Europe and their Oil dreams and hypocrisy, if not double for them.

21. Mart 2011, 02:39:43
Konu: Re: The Empire strikes back
Artful Dodger: You're right

21. Mart 2011, 01:52:57
Konu: Re: The Empire strikes back
tyyy (21. Mart 2011, 01:56:11) tarafından düzenlendi
Tuesday: I never cared about debates, this man was a war naval aviator who endured more than most of us and a long track record as a US sen.. to call him a craze is disrespectful and wrong. You may be right about Palin.. but I believe the republican machine picked her however.. if there were to be a revote NOW.. He might win

21. Mart 2011, 01:41:14
Konu: Re: The Empire strikes back
Tuesday: John McCain was/is a crazy??

18. Mart 2011, 20:03:27
Konu: Re:Right now the results are a lot of people being murdered
tyyy (18. Mart 2011, 20:17:09) tarafından düzenlendi
Artful Dodger: No population likes foreign troops. Even in Alaska, a lot of natives didn't care for U.S. Soldiers..That was my personal observation anyways

18. Mart 2011, 18:52:53
Konu: Re:Right now the results are a lot of people being murdered
Artful Dodger: just like in Iraq for years

18. Mart 2011, 01:59:10
I really wish the U.S. would not get involved in civil wars in other countries.The results never seem to be good

18. Mart 2011, 01:57:06
Konu: Hillary's had enough
maybe it's not good when 2 opponents join up.

15. Mart 2011, 01:08:08
well, don't believe it all.. newspapers need to sell too... but don't believe them 100%.. every once in a while some jackass will get on a soapbox and say lets boycott this or that.. it never works

15. Mart 2011, 00:59:58
tyyy (15. Mart 2011, 01:00:19) tarafından düzenlendi
The post below was yet another one of my too numerous feeble attempts at levity or humor or humour. Please forgive me again

15. Mart 2011, 00:53:16
Konu: Re: The anti-French boycott
Mélusine: Actually, most people I know didn't take any of that boycott stuff seriously.In fact most Americans I know would buy anything from even invading Martians bent on destroying the Earth if it meant a better deal for themselves .. Anyways...Its not usually accurate to stereotype a nation of 300 million or so on their typical reactions. Nor is it usually accurate to take for granted what someone so anti American biased as one on this board to speak for a nation of 300 or so million. no offense intended to anyone.

11. Mart 2011, 00:23:53
Konu: Re:
tyyy (11. Mart 2011, 00:27:28) tarafından düzenlendi
Tuesday: I agree, he is a good man,sometimes the current events of the world at the time may be just the way it is, no matter who is running the show,Monday morning quarterbacks can say their guy or gal would be better, but who knows

10. Mart 2011, 13:44:54
Konu: Re: Am I disappointed with Obama? No, because I knew from the beginning that the US can NEVER close Guantanamo.
Übergeek 바둑이: Jimmy took office in 1977.us troops left in 72, all over by 75

10. Mart 2011, 04:12:54
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: If he is doing good for the economy as best he can.. then we all should prosper right?.. on another note.. In the state of PA.. the new Gov. agrees with the old Gov( Rendell) that oil companies drilling for shale oil shouldn't get taxed??? huh? sure make a profit ..take natural resources.. but don't get taxed?

10. Mart 2011, 03:38:53
look I want HIM to do good.. but do it already.. no excuses

10. Mart 2011, 03:37:26
opposing drilling for oil and forcing a health care package on the country when there is a recession or borderline depression on hand .....I don't think...I mean my economic skills ain't be as good as his or Rahm's.. it dont be seeming such a good idea

10. Mart 2011, 03:22:53
anyways...I thought it was the economy ...stupid..(not meaning anyone here)..Obama has really disappointed me with that... I know.. its a global world, but you can't blame bush anymore.. if so then why run for pres. in the first place? and please DONT SAY HE DIDN'T KNOW how bad it was, AND WASN'T INFORMED.. HE WAS A FREAKING SENATOR,and his party was the majority in the senate also.

12. Şubat 2011, 19:32:00
and if you voted for any of these, are you not then an accessory war criminal? also every leader initiating any military action can be considered.Saddam attacked both Iran and kuwait, so was bush in his right to Attack another war criminal? The possibilities throughout history are endless depending on how one wants to twist things

11. Şubat 2011, 03:29:39
Now the shame is i think is Bobby Kennedy would have been a great president

11. Şubat 2011, 03:24:34
Konu: Re:She's not president material.
Tuesday: Really, JFK? why?HE sent the Advisers and military into Vietnam..The bay of pigs could have been adverted, or won, but he choose otherwise. which led up to the missile crisis. but hey he was soooo good looking

11. Şubat 2011, 03:16:32
But having said that, Clinton in my opinion was a very good president, his mistake I didn't like was NAFTA

11. Şubat 2011, 03:08:48
Konu: Re:She's not president material.
Tuesday: and Bill Clinton was?or Joe Biden or JFK for that matter or w bush? Some one I know during Clinton's sex offender trials derided Paula Jones as trailer trash. I laughed and said and what is Bill? and check out his mother

10. Şubat 2011, 06:49:06
tyyy (10. Şubat 2011, 06:52:34) tarafından düzenlendi
What are the qualifications that would make a good president for the USA? What credentials? soundbites? How pretty he/she is? Does the camera like them?maybe dancing with the stars? or American Idol?

10. Şubat 2011, 06:42:14
Konu: Re:
Tuesday: nah, probably not. a good honorable man, wrote good books, but probably couldn't lower himself to roll in the slop with the other pols

1. Şubat 2011, 05:02:40
Its a shame, politicians, like others get judged by what they say ,rather than what they do. I was raised to believe that actions speak louder than words.Who cares if they speak with marbles in their mouths as long as they do the right stuff!

18. Ocak 2011, 08:08:05
don't forget the transportation costs, how food and other things get to the stores...trucks..when the costs raise what happens?

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