Dolittle: i don't think so i heard the other day that "everyone" is upset with the author of a million pieces and oprah cause she backed him and he made up the whole story and was selling it as his own life????
I just re-read this book after many years and it seems to be a great read and thought I would share that with everyone. If you ever get the chance to read it, please, do enjoy it!
Eriisa:Now that was fast thinkin'!!LOL
It's much more fun to grab a good book than to walk or exercise. I have to get busy on that sort of thing myself tho..just know I gained over the holidays..only book I read was a cookbook!!
amandalove: LOL, I can identify with that. I'm only 48, and the other days I tried to kinda race from the bedroom to the front to get a phone call, and DANGIT!, my feet were so stiff, that I couldn't do it.
Its my own fault tho, I just wont take the time to excersize... Let alone just walk a block or something.......
now, lets see, how can I get this on topic???? I know! anyone read any great motivational books lately?
Eriisa: i know depends on where you are in life right now i am at the retirement stage of my life i have 4 herniated discs and bad knees. from 87 to 95 i was single danced 7 nights a week held down 3 jobs worked over 60hours a week now can't. glad my daughter gave me this membership to bk it helps with depression of having to become invalad when i feel like 35 years old in my widdle head.
Dolittle: i used to read the historical romances then all of Fern Michaels books then last two years mostly all Mysteries. I like the English kind with Agatha Rasin sort of a cute light mystery with comedy, then I like the Patricia Cornwell' Kay Scarletta the Head State Corner that also has her Law Degree. I like the nora Roberta writting as JDRobb where she plays a now married detective in the 2050s I think thats the correct date. I do not like Stephen King type thats too 'off the wall scarey' or the kind that uses posesed by the devil or outer space aliegns. i don't read the real stories as much. oh i like the ones that are the alphabet ones new one out now is "S" for silence. The Jan Evanovich? number one like 10 is for.. of course the James Patterson ones. hummm I like the ones about the Forest Ranger Gal, and well I have such a varity you got me going lol. Oh Diane Mott books with recipes Like The Cereal Killer. Her character plays the single mom that becomes a Food Catarar
can't spell tonight.
amandalove: I heard about the vitamin E thing and am taking it but you have to be careful not to take too much of it. At least that's what I heard. Your body don't throw off the excess on that like it does vitamin C.
Eriisa: It tells you how to balance your blood/sugar naturally. Lots of info about what foods are good or bad for you..I was surprised. I also read another good one called The Glucose Revolution that had lots of good info. I am also Type II. I ordered my books from another source but you can probably find them on Amazon.
Dolittle: my some of my family and friends have both. a really good vitamin is vit e to take really helps kidneys! now i read this week that vit e is good for memory.....ginko move over. i do have proof on the vit e for kidneys tho.
amandalove: thanks scarlet for sending it thru for me. nobleheart, thanks but that book is a little too involved reading for me will stick to my reading for pleasure. sounds conflicting tho
just finished new Nora Roberts writing as J.D.Robb Origin in Death; starting on Patricia Cornwells Preditor, a Kay Sharpetta Mystery.Mary,Mary by James Patterson was good too.
now reading
baddessi: Thanks for your input and the flowers too!! I will check on some of the book sites and see if I can find that series. If not I may have to venture out to a book store!
I like James Patterson alot- I don't think I'd come across a book of his I haven't liked. I haven't had a chance to read Mary, Mary.
I don't get to read as much as I'd like anymore, but I've come across a series of books I'm just loving. Quite different from anything I've come across and the author holds my attention and has me laughing out loud while weaving her plots. The author is Janet Evanovich and it's the Stephanie Plum series..One For the Money, Two for The Dough, Three to Get Deadly, Four to Score, High Five and on. I think there are 10 books in all in this series. If you haven't checked it out- give it a try- I don't think they are new books. The first was written in 1994, but they are still hot sellers at my corner bookstore.
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