Worked outside today trimming nice and warm. My rose bushes are putting on new growth like crazy (well the ones that the last freeze didn't kill)! My lilac bush is leafing out too!
nobleheart: The pluot does have a pit similar to a plum. Since it is from grafted trees, I don't know what you would get. If they have them at the market this year I will save you some seed!
BTW, pay no attention to Tootsie Roll Pops are locked up in a safe place!!
Sprinkle a half cup of Epsom salts on the surface of the soil (not touching the plants) around newly planted roses. It gives them deeper color, thicker petals, and stronger roots.
For a mid-summer pick-me-up, sprinkle any leftover tea leaves on the soil underneath each bush. The tannic acid in tea makes the soil slightly acidic, which roses just love. You can mulch with pine needles which will give the same result.
Dolittle (24. Mart 2005, 04:30:14) tarafından düzenlendi
We used to have deer come up and eat our roses and pansies. We put bars of cheap soap out (like Ivory or Cashmere Bouquet) and the deer quit coming! It really works!! They left the veggies alone too.
ScarletRose: No veggies for me this year. My little MinPin eats them before time to harvest, she stripped my bell pepper plants last year and got a number of tomatoes! I will stick to roses..maybe she won't bite those but once!!
bwildman, I think that tree is live oak but am not sure. found out today from the University garden expert that it had oak leaf caterpillars. they said not to do anything to will be fine. thanks for responding!!
and thanks also to Foxy for that great site!!
I have an oak tree that has something wrong with it and I don't have a clue what to spray it with. Some of the leaves look opaque but the vien is still green. My first thought was bag worms but that isn't the case. Does anyone know what to do for my lovely tree? ****HELP****
I would like to know how you made your compost bin Nirvana..I have a corner in my back yard that would be perfect for one. Don't know a thing about starting one.