Pawns can make linear moves and all pieces can jump only orthogonally.
(*) Bir hamlede (birden çok atlayışla) en çok taş alma zorunluluğu vardır
(**) Bir hamlede, mümkün olan en çok taşı alma zorunluluğu vardır.
(***) Eğer mümkünse, verilen taşı almak zorunludur
Thai Checkers
This checkers variant is played on 8x8 board with only 8 pieces of each player (see the picture).
The rules are similar to Czech Checkers with these differences:
A queen can make long jumps (over more empty squares) but must land just on the next square after the captured piece.
A queen does not have a jumping preference (if a jump can be done with a queen and a pawn at the same time, any of these pieces can be chosen).
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