Havuz Oyunu türü: Havuzun etrafında koş Pond ID: 56 Minimum oyuncu sayısı: 16 Maksimum oyuncu sayısı: 16 Hamle başına zaman: 1 gün Başla: 10. Ocak 2005, 21:00:00 Bitir: 25. Ocak 2005, 21:05:10
(23. Ocak 2005, 22:54:33) tak tohle kolo je masakr :]
Git: 12
(21. Ocak 2005, 21:13:05) Whew! wipes forhead!
(21. Ocak 2005, 21:07:15) well... what a crap bet from Fencer...
Git: 9
(18. Ocak 2005, 22:15:55) :D
Git: 6
(15. Ocak 2005, 21:08:34) Higher and Higher.. whoo hoo!
Awwww Bernice got alllllll wet!
Git: 5
(14. Ocak 2005, 21:22:15) wow.. that was close! Whew.. sorry to see ya go Arctic
Git: 3
(13. Ocak 2005, 06:45:57) My name is Bond.... James Bond..
Git: 2
(11. Ocak 2005, 22:00:06)
Baked Alaskan:
(11. Ocak 2005, 21:38:18)
Git: 1
(10. Ocak 2005, 21:44:21) *peeks around building, hurridly runs behind car.. glances around shoulder.. spots pond and looks at group cautiously. Spots envelope tucked into embankment and sneaks over to retrieve it.. Opens up and pulls out paper.. searching for a clue*..
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