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Pente & its variants.

Here are the Pente rules for beginners

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28. март 2003, 12:46:47
Walter Montego 
Относно: Dmitri Rants Raves and other things
<Dmitri, I assume you're beside yourself now. Mr. Fencer added the smaller versions of both games to your great consternation it appears. I do take much joy in the fact, and it does seem fitting in a way. Your close minded and blinders-on way of arguing has probably alienated some of the people that took your side of the debate too. As I said in quite a few of the posts on the tournament page until we moved it over to this area, fun is the reason to play the games. I also think experimenting with different formats is fun. I agreed with you and Gary that tournaments need standards to be played, but that doesn't preclude other forms of a game from being played, tournament or no.
After reading your rebuttal to Blazes' post I'm convinced that you're completely off your rocker.
You accuse her of making blanket statements and then in the very next paragraph you make one yourself!
>> The new versions are detrimental to the game.<
No, "I think" or "I believe" just a flat out declaration of it as a fact. Yep, you really should listen to your own advice from the previous post. Which I've copied and put here next.
>> I am going to try not to make too big of an issue out of this, because previous discussion on the matter was not very productive.
Of all the people that have taken a care about this subject and posted anything related to it, yours is the only one negative and totally against it that I've read. Even Gary, though not much liking the smaller format doesn't rant and rave about them. And if you're going to claim knowledge and experience way aren't you displaying any of them? Just from the way you've been arguing I'd say you're not even coming to close to understanding my view point in this whole debate. I've got a pretty good handle on yours and have stated most of it in this post and some my recent ones that were directed toward you in the tournament board.
By the way, I have lost my respect for you. I also am going to root for your opponents in this Oklahoma tournament you've mentioned. If I had lots of money I'd even sponsor part of it and include some of the 13 X 13 boards because I had the wherewithal to do so. Fortunately for you, I drive truck for a living and don't have money to burn or I'd make it happen(Sounds like an idle threat, what was I thinking when I typed this). You need to learn something about people and games and climb down from that high horse you're sitting on.
Lighten up.
It's just a game.

28. март 2003, 13:13:01
Dmitri King 
Относно: Re: Dmitri Rants Raves and other things
Note-- This message edited by myself at 12:33 PM EST 3/28/03

Wow walter, you are just plain Nasty in that post. That was a sad display of arrogance on your part. Once again, you ignored almost all of the valid points in my post. Root againt me all you want, it will make the fact that I keep on winning all the better. Why don't you actually learn some skills and BEAT me at the game if you want to see me lose so badly?

It is an acknowledged FACT that the game without the restriction is an incorrect version of the game. The Pente federation OFFICIALLY changed the rule back in 1981 (approximately), and there is just no reason to play without it.

You claim that I made a blanket statement when I said "The new variant is detrimental" and you criticize me for not saying "I think." OF COURSE IT IS WHAT I THINK!!!!!!!!! That goes without saying! Who else's THOUGHTS do you think I am posting when I post???? MINE of course! One of the techniques of good writing is NOT to append "I think" to every statement of opinion. It isn't necessary.
So tell me, if I don't like something, I am not allowed to even speak up and say so, because "negative" posts make me a wacko, as I am implying from your post? That is absurd. I presented a bunch of good reasons to back up my case. Saying "no one is forcing you to play them" or "Not everyone is as serious as you are" does not really address the issues. One could use those replies to anything at any time.

Your request for a 9X9 boards just shows how clueless you are and that you know nothing about the game.

Fencer made an excellent point-- that the 13X13 board is neeeded for web TV users. I had not thought about that. Of course, web TV users should be included, and I would not wish otherwise, so a 13X13 game should exist. But why a 9X9 board? Do you understand how the game of pente works? Apparently you do not.

But hey, go ahead and raise some money to spite me at the OKC tournament! I really wish I knew how exactly your raising any money would decrease my chances of winning. THe most likely impediments to my winning the tournament are already going to be there, namely, top players such as Gary Barnes and Tom Braunlich and Mark Mammel. I would LOVE to see you try to bring 13X13 boards to the OKC tournament, I PROMISE YOU YOU WOULD GET LAUGHED AT!!! Go ahead, talk to ANY of the peoplpe who are involved in the tournament, ANY ONE OF THEM, and talk about a 13X13 board, you will get laughed at! I guarantee it!

You say you have lost respect for me? Darn. I cannot say the same about you. I have NEVER respected you, as you have not yet made a logical or coherent argument.

What's this garbage about my "close-minded blinders-on " way of arguing? I presented MANY LOGICAL AND COHERENT POINTS to support my claim. No, close-minded is the blind support given to a new variant without any justiication whatsoever. The only legitimate reason is the one Fencer gave about Web TV users.

Gwetting back to the matter of the recreational or "non-serious" players. Maybe I am missing something here, but what is preventing these users from enjoying the existing variants of pente and Keryo pente, the ones with the correct move restrictions? Where are all the players saying, "Oh, this game is just no fun! I cannot move my second stone 2 spaces away! this has totally destroyed my enjoyment!"

I just don't hear a lot of that.

Also, even "non-serious" players that I have met DO still enjoy improving their game, learning different attacks, etcetera.

28. март 2003, 13:35:17
Dmitri King 
Относно: Re: Dmitri Rants Raves and other things
Walter--- You told me to go away until I have soemthign nice to sya? Are you JOKING??? You wee outright nasty in your last post. You did not agree with what I wrote, so you launched into an all-out personal attack against me! What is that all about? You disagree with a statement so you verbally asube the person who made the statement? Of course I reacted angrily, what would you expect after that uncalled for nasty reply you made?

You seemed to justify your nasty post by pointing out that you thought I made a blanket statement about the game without a restriction being detrimental to the game of pente. That is not even a blanket statement! It is simply a declaration about a SPECIFIC concept that is backed up by knowledge AND personal experience!

WHen people play pente at Dweebo's stone games at www.pente.org, the most popular site for real time pente play (where MANY players play pente), the game from IYT without hte restriction casuses confusion. This is personal experience. Do you have any experience to back up your claims?

You have the audacity to say I am not diaplsying knowledge and experience!?????????????


EVERY point in my post was BACKED up by either knowledge or experience or BOTH! I wish you would read my post before replying to it!

If you remove your nasty and uncalled for post, I will remove my earlier one, but I will point out that I was polite and respectful in my post to blaze, whereas you were asusive and way out of liine in yours. NOthing I wrote warranted the personal attack you unleashed.

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