I've played pente (small board) and keryo (small board) at IYT for three years. I didn't know that pente even had move restrictions til they implemented pro-pente (which is really regular pente) at IYT.
Now that i'm giving up IYT and playing mostly over here, that i have to relearn pente all over, along with keryo.. because i wish to play the proper versions.
As i told Dmitri, it's like teaching somebody raquetball, and telling them it's tennis. Then when they go to play real tennis, they realize they're dealing with a much larger court with very different rules. Just because they're both played with raquets and balls, doesn't make them both tennis. And having learned raquetball first, it will take you some time to realize that the two games requires you to learn and adapt different skills.
Now with that being said, i don't take any game/game site too seriously. If you find yourself so frustrated that you have to pick on somebody's typing skills, it's probably best to take a break from it.
Thanks Erika! Indeed, when people have been backed into a corner and have NO coutner to an argument whatsoever, they will usually find a typo and point it out as if that invalidates everything that a person wrote.
If Einstein showed these people his theory of relativity but one of the words had two capital LEtters, they would call his theory invalid. It is really sad. WHat is even more sad is that oftne those who criticize the typing of others fail to realize that their post, while possibly typed properly, is devoid of coherent or cogent arguments.
Criticizing someone's typing after he has made a solid argument si akin to lsitening to someone's argument and then saying "well, you're nose is ugly so you are wrong."
Obviously some posts are so error-ridden that meaning is lost.
But, in the post Walter referred to, there are manby a hald dozen insignificant errors, usually with an extra cap because I hold the shift key too long.