'What do I feed it with?' Limtrot was gazing in wonder at this amazing creature. Lorg cut off a piece of jerky. ' Here - give it this!'
Limtrot took the jerky and held it out to the dragon. The hungry creature snatched the food out of his hand, gulped it down then cried piteously. It was starving! Lorg gave Limtrot the rest of the jerky, which was subsequently cut up and fed to the famished animal. When it had finished it sat looking at Limtrot, eyes green now instead of the fiery red that was previously there. Limtrot cautiously stretched out a hand and touched it. He was surprised at the reaction: the dragon leaned against his hand making a chirping noise.
Lorg watched, fascinated. ' You have a friend for Life now,' he said. 'Some of the trolls have them, they train them to run errands apparently. '
Limtrot picked up the little dragon and cradled it in the crook of his arm. Sated by the jerky, it curled up and appeared to sleep.
Limtrot couldn't believe his luck. This tiny creature was his, now.
'I must think of a name,' he said. 'Any suggestions?'
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