Относно: i couldnt remember so just checked myself
To show your most recently used documents on the Start menu
Right-click the Start button, and then click Properties.
On the Start Menu tab, click Start menu, and then click Customize.
On the Advanced tab, select the List my most recently opened documents check box.
The next time you click Start, the My Recent Documents folder is on the Start menu. This folder contains the documents and files you opened recently.
On the Advanced tab, click Clear List to empty the My Recent Documents folder. This does not delete the documents from the computer.
(скрий) Играйте в реално време с противник, който е на линия! За да е възможно това, трябва Вие и Вашия противник да изберете "Премести и стой тук" за постоянно и после презареждайте страницата с клавиша F5! (TeamBundy) (покажи всички подсказки)