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 Checkers variants (8x8)

Checkers variants (8x8).

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11. 一月 2006, 02:42:06
Official Rules of Turkish Checkers

Moving: A single man may move one square forward on the column, or sideward on the row..
A king moves any distance on an open line in 4 directions (back, forward, left or right).

Capturing: A single man captures in any of the same 3 directions.
A king captures by jumping to a vacant square beyond an adverse piece, any distance away.
A single man or a king must continue jumping as long as possible.
With choice of captures, the player must take the maximum number of adverse pieces.
Within a multicapture turning 180 degrees between two captures is illegal.
Each captured piece is removed from the board before the captor continues jumping; its removal may therefore open up additional captures previously impossible.

Piece Promotion: A piece reaching the far row of the board gets promoted to a king (=dam in Turkish), and the move terminates.

Object: The object is to capture all your opponent's pieces, or to reduce your opponent to not being able to make any move with the pieces he has remaining on the board.

Czech 8x8 checkers are mainly played in Czech Republic and in Slovac Republic.

The rules are very similar to Spanish checkers, but priority for captures are lightly different : the king must always take first, even if a man can capture more men than it.

The rules

This game is played on a 8x8 board (64 squares), with 8 men for each player.

Double corner is on the right of each player.

Moves of the men

The men can move on each square forward left and forward right if it is empty. When they arrive on the last line, and stop on it, they become kings.

Move of the kings

The kings can move on all the squares which are on the 2 diagonals that cross where they are, if there is no piece between them and the arrival square.


Captures are compulsory. If you have choice between capturing with a king and capturing with a man, you must capture with the king. When you respect this rule, you can choose the way of capture you want (it is not necessary to capture the most pieces), but you cannot stop capturing if there is any other piece to capture.

Capture by the men

The men can capture forward only, by jumping over 1 opponent piece (man or king), if the piece is near it, and the following square is empty. If they can jump again from the arrival square, they must continue the capture.

Capture by a king

The king can capture a piece if it is on the same diagonal than it, if there are only empty squares between them, and if the following square is empty. You stop where you want on the empty following squares. If a new capture is possible from one of these squares, it must continue the capture.

Who wins, who loses ?

The loser is the one who cannot move any more (no piece or all pieces blocked). The winner is his opponent, of course.

There may be draw if :

- opponents agree for a draw

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