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Whether fact or fiction ALL stories are welcome in here. Please come join in the fun!

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23. 十一月 2004, 20:27:24
The penguin that hated the cold
Once there was a penguin called pablo.
He lived on a block of ice far away from the south pole.
The weather there was very cold.
penguins hate the cold MOST Penguins that is.
But not pablo.
penguins like to dive and swim and catch fish in the icy water.
But not pablo.
pablo was the only penguin on his block who hated the cold.
All the other penguins went skiing and ice skating or they played all day in the snow at the beach.
But not pablo.
pablo stayed inside close to the hot stove he kept his slippers warm and his feathers warm.
"Cold wether" said pablo "is for the birds." "the other birds not me."
One day pablo said "Its silly to be chilly."
I will go where I canbe warm ALL the time.
He put on his skis and packed his stove on his back.
"so long you birds!" he said to the other penguins."Wish me luck!"
Oh-Oh! something waswrong.
The stove was pulling him backward.
Pablo was going the wrong way.
Down the hill he went...faster and faster.
He was sliding straght towards a cliff!
Sudenly pablo was hanging upside down.
Hes skis had caght on the icy cliffs.
"now that was not such a good idia," said the other penguins.
Poor pablo was frozen stiff.
They had to carry him home to his igloo.
There they held him under a hot shower till he could walk again.
The next day pablo had another idia.
He put hot water bags on hes feet, around his coat and around hes neck.
"so long you birds" said pablo.
"This time nothing can go WRONG"
But something did.
When pablo stopped t oread the map the hot water bags melted the snow and ice.
pablo sank..
and sank...
and sank...
down into the ice-cold water.
"poor pablo said the other penguins. "he will never get anywhere."
When they pulled him out he was frozen in a block of ice.
and that was the way they carried him home.
But pablos hot stove soon melted the ice.
The next day pablo said "I have an idia that will really work!"
"I will go by boat."
He got a saw and cut a boat out of ice under his igloo.
Inside the igloo evrything was set for the big trip.
His stove was in place, his tub was in place he was all set to go.
on penguins in the block came to say good bye.
Then pablo pulled out hes sail and off he went.
Hes boat sailed on and on... through snow and fog and pass mountings of ice.
day after day.. night after night... pablo sailed on.
Then 1 morning he woke up 2 find the sun was shining!
Hot weather at last!
"I made it!" cried pablo.
He took off his warm cloths he lay down in the sunshine "oh boy" Pablo said "this is the life."
But pablo spoke to soon the sun sterted to melt his house. then it began to melt his boat.
Soon pablo was floating on a little peise of ice he jumped into the tub.
But there was a hole at the bottem of the tub.
Water began to run in.
Pablo had to poor it out as quick as he could.
quickly he put the shower pipe into the hole. the water began to splash out of the shower.
Sudenly the tub went full speed ahead far away he saw land and trees.
hes boat sailed up onto the sandy beach. poulo got out.
He walked over to the bannana tree and picked a yellow bananna.
"This looks like a good place to build my house" he said.
He collected lots of branches and started building it.
At iast pablo had found the land to hes dreams
No more cold for him!

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