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监管者: Antje ,  beach 

Welcome to the Diet Board. This is the place for anyone wanting advice, support or just to meet other people trying to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight too!

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1. 八月 2004, 04:27:47
Antje you are right about the tea and coffee. The only things that I know of that can count as water intake is crystal light and flavored waters. But I still try to make at lease the 60oz of nothing but water. that way my crystal light is iceing on the cake! YUM YUM LOL.
Hope everyone has had a great day and on track!

1. 八月 2004, 04:25:04
Ok everyone it is the end of day one!! How did you do? I did it! I just finnished my last bottle! So can you guess who will be up and good friends with the ladies room tonight? LOL

31. 七月 2004, 20:53:09
notice the new moderator!! welcome to the job sissie44. if there is anyone else who wants to assist in moderating this board, we are planning to become more proactive here and would like 24 hour coverage if possible!

31. 七月 2004, 20:49:11
LOL Dolittle. i ate the last one, and im not buying anymore!!

31. 七月 2004, 20:04:13
LOL! I can do it if I can have a nice cinnamon bun along with it!!!

31. 七月 2004, 16:59:51
i dont think tea is counted, or coffee, first of all because of the caffeine, and tea isnt allowed in the count because it has a diuretic effect.
i dont know if i can take you up on that sissie, but ill try... staring today? ok.. 60 oz's of water.. and those who have taken up the challenge, must report if they didnt uphold it.. sort of a way of helping to stick with it!! ok?

31. 七月 2004, 08:35:50
I have heard that the crystal light can be drank in place for part! of your water intake. so I am not sure and other drinks.

31. 七月 2004, 08:26:06
Oh, and how would tea or mint tea be for a substitute? We have awful water here where I live, and I can stand to drink it when I make tea or coffee with it. No moola for crystal light or bottled water, either.

31. 七月 2004, 08:23:32
I have overcome the 2 weeks strict phase on southbeach, but I am still not allowing sugar, or whites of any kind in my mouth. I am still basically doing the strict phase. I have sort of made it a habit, lol As soon as I see a pound or two fall off, I'll ease up on myself a little. :)

31. 七月 2004, 08:19:18
Great Scooby you are in! I have never heard that about calcium!! But I am also still in the early weeks of Aktins so milk is a nono:)

31. 七月 2004, 08:08:35
题目: dairy products
I also hear that if you incorporate milk and/or dairy products, all low-fat or fat-free, of course, the calcium helps you lose weight too. I can't really stomach mil, but I have been eating low-fat cheeses like, mozzerella, string cheese, provolone, and 2% cottage cheese alot. And I have also replaced cheese slices with fat-free cheese slices. Just something to chew on. No pun intended. lol

31. 七月 2004, 08:04:14
题目: re: 30 day challenge!
Where do I sign up? lol Count me in! That's what we all need to be doing in here, lifting each other up, and supporting one another. Which everyone has been doing a pretty good job of, so far. lol

31. 七月 2004, 07:44:51
题目: 30 Day Ultimate Weight Loss Challenge
sissie44修改(31. 七月 2004, 07:46:20)
Hi everyone, I have a question for everyone:)
How would you feel about a weight loss challage here? I am thinking about something small to begain with:) They say (I don't know who LOL)that if you can do one thing for 30 days that it will become a habit. and I don't know about everyone else but I can use some GOOD habits!So I would like to challenge each of you to Drink at lease 60 oz's of water (or a mix of water & crystal light)for the next 30 days!!
Are you up to this challenge? Come on and join me in this new habit!! Today is Aug 1st we will go till Sept 1st. Lets help each other to keep on track and motivated. together we can conquer this weight!!!

31. 七月 2004, 03:55:16
题目: Splenda
I am with sissie, too. I have used it off and on for 2 years, and just recently started using it full force, and I haven't had any side effects from it, either. Antje, it does seem like there is a report of everything and anything nowadays. Everything we put in our mouths is gonna be the death of us! lol

30. 七月 2004, 23:53:55
i agree too.. there is enough bad written about the other artificial sweeteners.

30. 七月 2004, 23:47:39
题目: Re: Splenda
I have been using splenda and have not had any side affacts. sometimes I think that no matter what you use you will find something written about how bad it is:(

30. 七月 2004, 23:46:35
thanks Foxy.. i found it now, read it, and it sure is interesting isnt it??

30. 七月 2004, 18:48:54
Foxy Lady 
题目: Re: Splenda
Try Mercola.com or Dr Mercola.com

30. 七月 2004, 16:40:29
hmm, i couldnt find that link.
i didnt think Splenda had side effects.. thats too bad that it does :o(
the other artificial sweeteners arent good either, so what to do???

scooby--im not doing well at all, im finding any and every excuse not to get back to my good eating plan!!

30. 七月 2004, 08:41:24
Foxy Lady 
题目: Splenda
Foxy Lady修改(30. 七月 2004, 08:42:27)
I found this article very interesting,so i now get the newsletter.This is a Dr.who has this site.

30. 七月 2004, 08:26:27
Foxy Lady 
题目: Re: Scoobydoo2
I'm just trying to keep my weight down for now.A comment on Splenda it has alot of side effects,one is headaches.I'll have to post the site where i got the info from.Did find a sugar-free wheat bread that i like,but the price almost knocked me over $2.99 for a small loaf.It's the white flour and sugar that i need to keep away from.
Pasta is my biggest problem i just got to have it,anyway i can get it.lol.....

30. 七月 2004, 07:46:48
Thanks, Antje. How is everything going for you?

30. 七月 2004, 02:55:58
sounds like great advice scoobydoo!! glad everything is back on keel for you!!

29. 七月 2004, 23:36:37
Well, guys, I haven't been doing so great on my diet. I have cut out all sugar, where I can, and replaced it with Splenda. That is a wonderful invention, let me tell ya. I still don't eat white carbs, but I haven't been eating breakfast like I should. I have been under alot of stress lately, and instead of stuffing everything and everything in my mouth, I have avioded food all together. So, I guess I went from one extreme to the other. I am feeling better, and am trying to get back in the swing of things, though. I really want to lose this weight, so I need to just hang in there. I know it will pay off. Oh, and I am back to my cokes, but they are diet, and I limit one a day, not 6 or 7, like I used to. Just thought I'd let everyone know what has been going on. Foxy Lady, don't be too hard on yourself, or you will fail. I started out beating myself up, but it was stressing me out, and now, I am just making small changes, and doing alot better. I am planning on making this a lifestyle change, too, and not just a diet. So, just hang in there, and make small changes, and the weight will eventually come off. I have faith!!

26. 七月 2004, 05:30:18
Foxy Lady 
题目: Re: Low carb diets
Well i blew it not only did i have my pasta but the Canolli to.I hate scales and never use them.Now of course i get weighed in at the Drs.
I'd be worried about the Atkins alot of ppl gain the weight back.As in any diet you'll lose fast first than hit a slow rate.It's your body adjusting.

25. 七月 2004, 19:52:35
题目: Low carb diets
musiclover修改(25. 七月 2004, 19:57:30)
Foxy Lady and sissie44; I have medical problems that prevent me from using any certain type diet. I am following a limited calorie intake of 1200 to 1500 calories and cutting out white flour products, sugar, too many white potatoes, white rice and fats except for olive oil which I cook with, add to salads and fry with. I am eating most foods in moderation and thru experience know what works for me and what does not. Consequently, I cannot give the type as it varies so much. Foxy, I too was raised with foods that were very Italian; like white flour breads and pastas. Both sets of my grandparents came from Compabello in Sicily. I think I spelled it right. Most members of my family are big boned and on the heavy side. Not much to be said about inheriting genes. My boyfriend and I made an agreement to "weigh in" on Sunday mornings and so far he has lost 6 lbs and I lost 4 lbs. It is a known factor that most men lose faster than women. Not so when we started but last Sunday, we were the same weight so it should be very interesting from this point on we are neck and neck so far. I am enjoying the games I play here and enjoy the discussion boards and chatting but find it hard to keep up as there are so many of them and if I miss reading only one day, cannot catch up because there are too many to read. I am sure you are finding the same problem. Well, time to get back to my games. I prefer to only play Five in line. I like the games to be relaxing, requiring the least amount of brain power. LOL Not that I have an abundance of brain power anymore in my golden years. I just turned 64 May 24th. See you again/chat with you soon, I am sure.

24. 七月 2004, 08:50:47
Foxy Lady 
题目: Re: Low carb
musiclover no thats pic is me eating ice cream.lol
but is before i got pregnant,i'm pretty lucky with my weight and i'm trying to keep it under control.
i heard of wheat and etc pasta i'll have to try them.:( being italian and raised on white flour it's going to be hard.i can just picture my granmothers face now lol.

23. 七月 2004, 16:19:03
hello music I agree with you:) I just restarted my diet and I would NOT put my pic up here LOL I did find a face shop but have not figured out yet how to load it!
what diet are you following? I am working with atkins but have though about going over to south beach, have not had a chance to read up on it yet.

23. 七月 2004, 15:47:43
题目: Re: Low carb
musiclover修改(23. 七月 2004, 16:09:11)
Foxy Lady - Eat whole grain breads and not any with white flour. Eat pasta made from spinach, tomato etc. These are available at most supermarkets or go to a health food store; the kind that has fresh produce. Happy Eating. BTW, you look very thin if the pic posted is you so you do not have to worry about carbs that much anyhow. What would you do if you weighed what I started with last week before I went on my diet. There is a reason I only show my head in most photos. LOL

23. 七月 2004, 11:20:38
Foxy Lady 
题目: Re: Low carb
I'm a big carb eater i crave the carbs.Just got to have the pasta and bread.Any suggestions anyone?

21. 七月 2004, 16:14:50
Sara Lee has come out with bread that is only 9 carbs per slice so I do indulge in that. As long as I stay away from regular white bread, I do ok.
I agree with you sissie, the South Beath Diet is a bit more lenient than Atkins and I believe a healthier plan as well. My doctor approves that one 100% and is very pleased with counts on my blood work. I will stay with it because I sure feel good as well!

21. 七月 2004, 13:04:36
题目: Re:
thanks that helps I will look into the book and see what I think about it.
I have been doing it this way with the lettuce and it is differnt:) but it works

21. 七月 2004, 06:31:21
Foxy Lady 
题目: Low carb
I can't really diet at the moment but watching a food program i found this very interesting.
Use lettuce as your bread for a tuna sanwhich just use the big leaves.Same for a BLT or a Cheeseburger.Works for me and fills me up.lol Not for long tho.

21. 七月 2004, 05:38:21
sissie, to answer your question about the difference in diets. On the South Beach diet, you only cut carbs and sugar the first two weeks of the diet. Then you slowly start adding friuts, yogurt, and carbs back in the diet and still lose weight. Your body needs carbs, but not the bad ones, ie the "white foods", so being on the Atkins, you are actually damaging your health. With the South Beach diet, you level out your blood sugar and improve your cardiovascular system. The diet was founded by a cardiologist in South Beach, FL(hence the name). My husband's nutritionist told him that out of all the diets, that the South Beach diet was actually the healthiest one to be on. I'm not trying to sway anyone to go from one diet or another, I'm just sharing the info i have gathered from reading the book. I hope this helped answer your quwestion, sissie!

20. 七月 2004, 19:37:07
Hi Antje, I know it is very hard to restart atkins after being off! I have restarted this last week and am still in the rundown and headache mood! good luck getting back on the wagon:-)

20. 七月 2004, 17:17:27
thats great Scooby!! I did the Atkins fr 6 months, lost 42 pounds, felt really good, then i went off the diet in April, and cant seem to get back on again. i tried twice and didnt make it through the first day!! im definately a carb-addict!!

Thanks about my cute baby :o)

20. 七月 2004, 07:21:36
hello scooby, how is the south beach different from akins? i have heard some about it,

20. 七月 2004, 07:15:27
Thanks, Antje! Yes, I am still doing the south beach diet. Surprisingly, i am not missing the carbs like i thought I would. If i can hang in there, i might do the first phase a little longer. I can have sugar free stuff, but Splenda is a great alternative to sugar, so it hasn't been all that bad. I have never been on a diet before in my life, and I can truly say, that this isn't as painful as I thought it was gonna be. I can't tell if I have lost any weight, yet, but I definitely can tell a diiference. I don't feel as bloated, as I used to. lol Oh, by the way, Antje, that picture of you two is so adorable. I love seeing posts by you, so I can see that cute little baby!

19. 七月 2004, 17:16:49
and Scooby--(besides wishing you a Happy B-day!) how is the diet going? are you still doing the South Beahc?

19. 七月 2004, 17:16:03
glad you found it!! this board is here for everyone, pawns included!!

19. 七月 2004, 15:54:37
Hello everyone, I did not know this board was here! I though only the fellowship teams had a weight lost board LOL. guess this is what I get for not looking about a site that i come to every day!

2. 七月 2004, 07:11:10
题目: Re: South Beach Diet
Scoobydoo, I stayed strictly on the phase 1 for the 2 weeks. Have continued to leave anything white out of my diet. You can have wheat bread and things like that. SaraLee makes a very good bread now that only has 9 grams per slice..even came out with a white bread recently that is the same. When I want a glass of iced tea, I use Splenda to sweeten...NO SUGAR! After the phase 1, as you know, you can add different things to your diet. I indulge myself to a good meal out with my husband now and then..that don't hurt a thing. I haven't gained back any of the weight by doing that!! Good luck to you and let me know anytime I can help!!

2. 七月 2004, 01:21:38
题目: South Beach Diet
Dolittle, how long did you stay on the phase 1 part of the diet? It says 2 weeks, but you can do it longer, if you want to lose more weight. If I can, I'm gonna try to do phase 1 for a month, if I can get used to it after two weeks. I was just wondering if anyone else has done it longer than the two weeks it gives you. I am really excited about doing this diet!! I am already drinking water like it's goin out of style! lol

1. 七月 2004, 06:48:08
thats great cole and Dolittle!! thats good inspiration. Im trying very hard to be good, but i cant get there just yet, still giving in to cravings and junk food :(

Ive heard lots of good things about the South Beach Diet. its a modified version of the Atkins, allowing for some good carbs like yogurt and fruit!

1. 七月 2004, 05:02:12
Yes scoobydoo2, I have been on the South Beach diet since Jan.1 and think it's a great diet. Even my doctor is on it. Have lost about 25 lbs, and 5 in. around the waistline. I walk a mile a day weather permitting and that helps a lot also.
Am losing slowly but more importantly I feel great. I also agree with everything that Cole said. It's a matter of changing your way of eating for a healthier and hopefully slimmer you!

1. 七月 2004, 02:21:25
题目: Reporting on my way of eating...
On 5/10/04, I made a few changes in the way I eat...

1) I gave up eating anything made with flour...from bread to noodles..if it had flour...I gave it up...ps...there are some really good noodles made with veges)

2) I stoped eating at 7 PM...and would break fast after 7 AM..giveing me 12 hours of zero food consumed...

I refuse to weigh my self (can sometimes lead to depression) and I can still tell I have made progress..

A) Either someone is NOW sneaking into my home and exchanging my pants and shorts for bigger ones....or the inches are starting to melt away.

B) I can now wear rings that had become too tight.

C) My daughter thinks I need to buy some clothes that fit....this part was very satisfying....

I doooooo miss bread and cakes....but I have started to crave different things..
apples....grapes...any kind of fresh fruit really.

These decissions are not cut into stone, I did have cake at my granddaughters birthday party, 1 slice, I didn't go back for seconds or even thirds.

Tomorrow is July 1st...and my next thing to give up will be anything that has been fried....so fried chicken will now be baked or grilled....no more potato chips...but these are little things...I can still have potatos...but cooked differently...So I don't feel deprived.

Yikes.... 7 PM will be here soon and I stil want to have some fresh watermellon with grapes for dessert.

30. 六月 2004, 21:22:09
题目: South Bach Diet
Has anyone tried the South Beach diet? I have read the book, and it seems to be a fairly easy diet to follow. Not only will I be losing weight, but I will get all of my cardiovascular system healthy, again! I haven't started it yet, though. Have to go frocery shopping, before I can start. lol Any tips or advice/success stories would be a welcome response! Thanks.

2. 六月 2004, 21:13:28
You can get more info @ Curves website

2. 六月 2004, 17:33:05
Glad to know that info about Curves. They have them near me and I have considered going there instead of the gym that I went to. I would be more comfortable with only women there. I will check them out!

2. 六月 2004, 13:38:56
Thanks Dolittle. I started Last Nov, mid month on the diet. But I joined Curves last May (which I gotta say is THE best place in the world for women to go - no men allowed and women of all shapes an sizes go to get in shape so you dont feel self conscious about your self at all) I didnt take the weight loss thing serious enough until I had been at curves for 6 months, working out alone wont lose all the weight, you still have to change your eating habits! I sound like an Ad for them but 30 minutes a day really works! gets you in shape and wow you feel so good with in only a month! Their staff are super helpful, they have a few books on weight management that are amazing.

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