题目: Re: Sabotage Leauge - Open Fast Espionage - # 1
The loss to nickchanger was interesting. I played the game with no notes and little thought, which is pretty much how I play anyone that hasn't won a game against me (or that I otherwise have reason to think might be a challenge), but that game had an extra twist.
I had given up a couple of pieces just to get to that position, but my intent was to clear around that back corner, bring in the Recon and determine the pieces even though I was 98% sure the base was in the corner. On the preceding move he sent the message 'good game' which I took as a concession that the base was in the corner, so I simply moved to capture it and save a few moves. That worked out poorly for me. :)
I'll go on record here as saying nickchanger will not win another game against me. :)