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Sorry mr loupcity... I didnt mean to be so vague. My post was not written to you or about you..... it was meant for BBW, who claims that he plays only for fun, but really seems obsessed with tooting his own horn about having made the most moves per day, or won the most tournaments, or having the highest bkr in the most games etc....
It just made me laugh when I read his post bragging about his tournament win total.
I agree Bumble that those 5 person tournaments are "legitimate" but they do not always attract the top players, as they are fast start with no bkr or other restrictions, therefore it depends who is online when they are created, and since BBW signs up when he creates them, there are only 4 other slots open, and it is simply the first 4 people who see them who get in.
Anywho, that is his right, and if thats what is fun to him, so be it. gain, I just think it is funny that on the one hand he says he plays tournaments for fun only, then on the other hand comes on bragging about his win total... is it all about winning or fun BBW? LMAO :)~
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