heh. Malatan was setting up the trap when his gaunlets made him fall into it himself. He died clumbisly and stupidly. Lorg picked up the charred gauntlets and was transported into another dimension. His story will be told in the future, the long non-drawn out future. Pipen and sebasian went home through a demensional rift when Malatan's body, sacrificed in a large explosion, created a small vortex in space and time due to proximity to the warding spells under the castle. Limtrot used the amulet to seal the book, banish the monsters and free the castle/monastary. he then fed-exed the book to an undisclosed place and invited both Yaroslave and Herecula to take it. Long story short they killed each other, They fought so hard against each other that they were powerless when the book sucked them into its pages after the fools broke its seal AGAAIN. This time though the book fell into a magic portable brazier of Yaroslavs after foolishly sucking the mage into it. THe magic brazier was so powerful (originally belonging to some forgotten diety) that the book was burned to a crisp taking Yaroslav, an ice demon, Herecula, and all the rest to an unknown plane where bad stories go. Limtrot took over the castle with Jerky and began to tax everyone who had called him a fool. Quite a lot of people. He lived fairly happily ever after, until he got married. But that is another tale. Suffice it to say his marrige to a poor, water sodden Gark may not have been the best idea he ever had, but anytime anyone said how ugly his wife was....well...they got devoured....not pretty mind you, but this reminded Limtrot to remain faithful to his wife...and honorable to their marrige...their children....welllll.... that too is another story. The end. Finae. that's it. That's all. finished at last.....oooohhh...the trap that Malatan set? It was a giant perfume bomb that emptied into a small pond in which he hoped to drown the heros...what a nimrod huh? SOmehow it caught fire....well...it coulda happened...the end....really.
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