For posting: - invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or go straight to the Chess Invitation) - information about upcoming tournaments - discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted) - links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)
computeropponen: I tried Chinese Chess once. I did not like the experience and am unwilling to subject myself to it again.. I dislike all the move restrictions and other things about the game. I can see that the game can be a very challenging game to play, but that doesn't mean that I like playing it.
Since you turned down all four of the invitations I sent, you will have to find someone else to play. The two games I sent are very good games, but if you don't like to play them, or don't want to learn to play them, that's how it is. But I did offer to play you, an unrated player, so don't say all people in the top ten of every game won't play unrated players. I have noticed this very thing about a few players, but that's their choice. Play and win and move up in the ranking, then maybe they'll play you. Complaining about it here isn't going to get you much, or maybe as far as it got you in whatever discussion board that has Chinese Chess in it.
I would play Chu Shogi if this site ever adds it. I occasionally play Japaneses Chess or Shogi, but I don't really like that game very much either.
All of these games are mostly off topic on this discussion board, so I imagine if you keep up the antics and complaining you'll find yourself banned here too.
(skrýt) Pokud Vás zajímá průběh turnaje, který právě hrajete, můžete ho se svými spoluhráči komentovat přímo v "Diskusi" u tohoto turnaje. (HelenaTanein) (zobrazit všechny tipy)