Verändert von toedder (23. Feburar 2009, 23:26:31)
puupia: Flooding the market is no problem at all. Every player can chose what stakes to play. If you have 1 million chips, playing 5/10 doesn't seem to be the most fun. If you have 1000 chips, playing 300/600 doesn't seem to be fun at all.
New players with their puny stack of 1000 chips have no chance whatsover playing agains someone with for example 1 million chips.
Wrong. If I have 1000 chips and sit down at a table and play against a guy with 1000000 chips - we are both playing for 1000 chips effectively in every hand. Him having 999000 more doesn't change anything, it doesn't give him better chances to win any hand. If you play a ring game, you can leave the table whenever you want, so play does not continue until one player has all the chips (in which case the rich would obviously be favored). Of course you can't catch up with the rich guy in just a couple of hands, but he had to play a lot to get these chips, so that's OK.
You chose the maximum you play for in any given hand by selecting your buy in. So the maximum is already under your control. Now you can chose the minimum by entering a table that suits your wishes. Removing minimum buy ins is a bad idea.
EDIT: for limit tables this is obviously a non-issue overall
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