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450 Eriisa, so you are hanging in there, making King Michael feel good. Maybe you should play the "giveway" variants, but just play normal. You would be champion! :)
I think real time games are a good idea, but I'd rather see them on a separate site, maybe a BK Real Time with cross membership, or something like that. I know the atmosphere on a real-time site is very different from that of a turn-based site.
I used to set aside a weekend afternoon every now and then and play in tourneys on the Gaming Zone, but I do prefer the leisurely pace of turn-based tournaments. Guess it's my bbs roots... :-)
Maybe it could be set up as a poll - Real-time play, or not. If enough people want it, go for it. If not enough vote for it to make it worth the time and effort, it might not be such a good idea. (Although this whole topic about real-time games really isn't relevant to the topic of the board ;-) )
Well Kevin, an earliest post was linking slow play of some players as a function of their game volume, and the site stability was listed as a possible limit to the upper bound of the number of games that could be played concurrently.
I just suggested that the new hardware would not only cure the perfomance problems in general and those that are game laden specificially, but it would also support real-time play seemlessly.
Actually, it is very easy to add because BK code is already flexible enough to make such improvements.
Of course that it will not be released immediately after the hardware upgrade, it must be deeply tested [and discussed] first.
I have a proposal for another form of game which could be used in friendly games as well as for tournament games: instead of fixing the timeout as a certain number of days per move, fix a total timeout per game. this copies the usual system used for real-time games in chess, but if a sufficiently large time is chosen, is as good as correspondance games.
for example, a one-day game must finish within 24 hours. the first player to overstep the limit loses on time. this is as good as a realtime game.
a 60 days game is probably more than enough for an ordinary chess game. in a lot of positions you can answer fairly quickly, in others you like to take your time. it's up to the player then to manage the allowed time. you want to take a week to think about the first move? fine, but the rest of the game still has to fit into the allowed time.
some care must be taken to allow for time zones.
I think this form is particularly well adapted for tournaments. take, for example, the coming gothic tournaments. the proposed timeout is 7 days. it is dead certain that with the number of players which are going to participate in this, there'll be the professional snails who like to take their time up to deadline-1 minute. as I remember, Ed showed us recently a game of his that lasted
80 moves; such a game would take 560 days, more than a year and a half...
you might get games that when a player is loosing that he waits untill the last possible minute to move his piece , unless the other player was online at the exact time he would loose the game
no. if you have a 1 day game, you have an allocated 12 hours; the opponent too. if you wait until your last minute, you have one minute, the other guy 12 hours.
This is an invitational checker tournament for people who are just learning the game or do not yet have a very high skill level. It is a good opportunity to play the game and not get beat up. Please message me for an invite.
Very funny Ed. You are one of the games Masters and this is for beginners. Anyone rated over 1600 will be considered a ringer here. LOL. But we have some Super Bowl type checker tournaments ahead and you will sure be welcome there.
Can anyone explain this? I was removed from a tournament (All Games-Mini Tourney\'s-5 Players Only-No 12 Snadné keryo pente) by a message saying I did not have enough game slots for all the tmts. that would be created by me, or something like that!? My game page shows 24+24, which is wrong. I do have 24 games in progress but the only tmts. I'm signed up for are:
--goodfoods atomic chess 9/13, 8 games;
--BBW's Corner chess, which will probably be cancelled since only two players have entered.
So I have just eight games pending, combined with 24 going; that is 32, which would still leave 18 open, but my page says I have just 2 open. What became of the other 16???
sometimes the "+XX" games gets stuck. (I had a +7 for about 2 weeks)
Once fencer reads the message, hopefully he will be able to fix that part up. (The +XX games actually count the tournaments which have "closed for signup" and waiting for the creator to start) .... and not the number of games you actually are signed up for.
Anyway, Fencer is on now - hopefully he will read this and fix it for you - or possible send Fencer a nice message and ask him to fix it.
Thema: Just a quick note regarding the World Championship
As I reread the board here to review the individuals who voiced opinions that ultimately lead to the change in format for the tournament, I see that some of these same people have not yet joined the new event.
Now I would have thought those who were potentially excluded under the old setup would have been the first to join the new one!
From: NoMeansNo
Date and time: 2003/09/14, 01:05:13
Subject: your description is
"I'll play anything, send me all your invites."
You have way more games going than you can handle! (see my posting on the message board).
You're holding back dozens of tourneys, at least 100 people! Think! DON'T sign up, DON'T start new games, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead, DO play the ones you already have going, I'm begging you!
You P$ss me off, (wo)man...
Now just to let you know, NoMeansNo, in the only tournament we have together, I have no moves, it's the other persons move in EVERY game.
Thema: I thought this was the Tournaments message board
...not the BK off-topic whiners convention.
NoMeansNo...If you want to limit your exposure to uncompetitive tournament schills, just enter tourneys which require a BKR of 1600 or above. That should filter out most of the problem players.
I disagree with peacepickle, NoMeansNo. That would limit you from meeting new players who could learn from your expertise. I enjoy playing higher rated players so I can learn from them.
Hi all, I had just started a tourny as part of the KM November sponsor a pawn campaign just before the crash. So here we go again, it would be nice to see the same players sign up. There were 20 before, so if we get more this time, the more the merrier :o)
Stevies Anti Reversi Prize Tourny 2nd try Have fun :o)
I am not sure of who was lost from QuizMasters Asylum . However, I have re-created the QMA Postcard Tourneys. So if you would like to join, come on over!
Also, I will be starting new Super Fast Tourneys in a few days.
This site is going to be very busy for the next couple of weeks I would imagine. Fencer is working hard to restore games that have been lost. The ratings are skewed now, and this has the chance to permanently effect all subsequent games being rated.
Given this is the case, I think we should have a moritorium on the creation of new tournaments for a while. New tournaments means new games which means activity which means the website would be taxed.
How about we let Fencer just work on getting things as close to normal as possible without putting the extra load on the server?
Let 's take a 2 week break from creating new tournaments to let things stabilize a bit.
Thema: New Battleboats Prize Tournament - *Swimmers On Your Marks !* ~*~
Framed by the KillingMachine's 'Adopt A Pawn Program' you now
have got the chance to win half a year Knight Level Membership ...
Only stipulation for a signup: today, you must have been on brainking
one full month already - to minimize creation of redundant accounts yano ... 8)
please make sure you have four game-slots free - YAY !! only four
- that's like so consumerfriendly - great !! my modest and humble
consideration is worldfamous indeed ... 0:) ~*~
PS sign here for a frolic splish-splash,
in warm waters - that is if the heat-backup works ... :D
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