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IMHO it's a silly thing to be concerned about, but if most people want it, it should be implemented. ...... Just more evidence of our inability to postpone gratification :-)
You introduced the ideas of gratification and postponement of gratification. It was your given!
Verändert von alanback (17. Oktober 2007, 00:38:11)
playBunny: Hardly a word game; the unfortunate thing is that I am trying to express in words that which is only knowable by direct experience. Certainly the need for gratification exists in the universe we experience on an everyday level, but it does not exist in Spirit. My point was that gratification and the need for it are experienced only because of the illusion of separation from All That Is. Off topic, I suppose.
My original crack about postponing gratification was meant just to call people's attention to what was going on in their own heads.
alanback: Yes, it's a word game. You made a statement about postponement of gratification, ie. that it was applicable to this dice situation, and I asked a question about why it is applicable. You've done everything except answer that question, talking instead about ego and Spirit. That strikes me as playing word games.
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