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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
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10. Feburar 2006, 17:19:48
When I get back I will send a e-mail to where we can go and play... I will teach you... OK...

10. Feburar 2006, 17:26:45
Blackadder Mr K 
Thema: Re:
Daniel Snyder:
Great !
I will wait for you,,,,

11. Feburar 2006, 01:04:50
Thema: chess PGN download
It would be nice to have an option by which you can download all your chess games (present and past) in PGN format instead of one by one, as it works now.

11. Feburar 2006, 01:50:00
Thema: Re: chess PGN download
Matarilevich: I secound that. Now if only I knew how to use PGN format.

11. Feburar 2006, 02:17:05
Peón Libre 
Thema: Re: chess PGN download
mctrivia: PGN is human-readable, so one way to use it is simply to open the file in any text editor: you'll find some information identifying the game and a list of the moves in Standard Algebraic Notation. Also, most chess programs (e.g. XBoard/WinBoard) will let you view and save games as PGN.

I'm also in favor of Matarilevich's suggestion, especially since the PGN format allows one to store many games in a single file. Perhaps it would also be nice to be able to download all the games from a particular tournament at once.

While we're on the topic of PGN, I'd like to repeat my request that the PGN files for chess variants identify the variant being played by using the "Variant" tag (and in the case of games with different starting positions, the "SetUp" and "FEN" tags).

12. Feburar 2006, 01:57:44
Thema: hey mr fencer
have you ever seen these games?:
mille bourne
painted yatzee
capture the flag

12. Feburar 2006, 02:16:15
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
nobleheart: Actually... why has NO other site implemented Yahtzee yet??? Come on, Fencer, it's your chance to pioneer once again :)

12. Feburar 2006, 02:23:25
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
WhiteTower: You can't call it Yahtzee because that is a registered trademark . . . but you can call it yacht, etc.

12. Feburar 2006, 02:32:23
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
Verändert von mctrivia (12. Feburar 2006, 02:32:45)
alanback: I would like to see "GO" on here. I want to learn it but don't want to go to any other site then Brain King.

Is there any chance that users could make there own emoticons and submit them for aprovel?

12. Feburar 2006, 07:33:28
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
mctrivia: IIRC, Fencer is in the process of implementing go, but to make the software to do the point/territory counting is basically one step away from making an AI to play go, so it's a non-trivial task to implement the finer points of the game.

12. Feburar 2006, 09:08:41
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
jurek: cool. Fencer is the best.

12. Feburar 2006, 10:35:47
Thema: Brain prize tournaments
In the tournaments where brains are the prize, it tells you what each position will win when you are signing up. However, once the tournament starts, this information seems to disappear. (Unless I'm not looking in the right place! lol) Could this information please be on that tournaments page? (Where you see the chart of players) It is certainly not hard to figure out, but it would be nice to be able to see it at a glance..

12. Feburar 2006, 12:25:55
Thema: Re: The game GO
Blackadder Mr K:
When I learned to play Go, this interactive tutorial was very useful for learning the rules and first basics.

12. Feburar 2006, 17:22:50
yahtzee, would be great, obviously lots of luck is involved but it's fun all the same!

12. Feburar 2006, 20:58:38
Thema: Re: Brain prize tournaments
rod03801: brain tournaments. IT should show the payout at the minimum start amount until the minimum number of people sign up.

I.E. if atleast 4 people have to sign up before it will start at 100 brains each and 50% for the 1st place winer the first 4 people should see 200 brains as the payot for the first place winer.

12. Feburar 2006, 21:31:10
Thema: Re: Brain prize tournaments
mctrivia: HUH??? All I am saying is that I am in a brain tournament that is already running, and it would be nice to be able to click on the link to the tourney and be reminded what the pay out is for 1st 2nd and 3rd place.. The information was there before the tourney started, now I don't see it anywhere. Again, it is easy enough for me to multiply the entry fee by the number of people in it and figure out the percentage, but it would be nice to be able to see it at a glance..

12. Feburar 2006, 21:36:25
Thema: Re: Brain prize tournaments
rod03801: I am talking about before the tournament starts. The tournament will not start without a minimum number of people so I think that Brain King should show the payout calculated on whichever is hier the number of people signed up or the minimum number of people for the tournament to start.

I agrea once it has started that it should still show the prize payout.

13. Feburar 2006, 05:14:53
Walter Montego 
Thema: Re: Dice games
furbster: Kismet is a Yahtzee type game played with fived colored dice as in Yahtzee that used play years ago. It had flushed in addition to the usual Yahtzee hands. Multiple bonuses too. I haven't played that in over twenty years.

Another dice game I know by the name of "Dice" is a pretty good game. Aces are 100 points, 5's are 50, a three of a kind rolled at once is 100 times the number with aces being 1000. You play until 5,000 or 10,000. The first time you score has to be 500. After that you can score any amount and keep it or continue to roll. Keeping your turn as long as at least one die scores points. If all five score points you get an extra turn to roll all of them and keep adding the points. Always at risk if you fail to score. Knowing when to stop and collect your points scored so far is the key to winning. It's mostly a lucky game too.

And there's the dice game of "Poker" that I've seen played in taverns from time to time.

13. Feburar 2006, 13:08:20
Thema: Re: Dice games
Walter Montego: Cool, they both sound fun!

13. Feburar 2006, 17:02:10
Thema: Re: Dice games
Walter Montego: The second dice game you mentioned is basically, Farkel. Everyone has their own version, but the basic version uses 6 dice. It is a very fun game and would work well on this site. Instructions can be found on the internet. Just search for "Farkel Rules". Here is what I found: Basic Rules. I, personally, have my own "house" rules that I would be happy to share (ask for them in a PM) with Fencer.

13. Feburar 2006, 17:22:37
Walter Montego 
Thema: Re: Dice games Farkel & Keepers
Summertop: I went to your link. This Farkel is very similiar to Dice. I clicked the next link a couple times and it had an Australian 5 dice game called "Keepers" This game is exactly the game I described except that it counts a straight as points. Both Farkel and Keepers count the straight or run. Farkel might be the better game. I haven't played Dice in a long time. I might just add an extra die to my five and give it a go the next time we all want to play something that even drunks can play and have fun. Though I still think Chess and Beer is a good game. :)

13. Feburar 2006, 21:11:22
you had asked if i thought an asterick on the drop down box would be good to show the players that are on line, i think that a dot or star would be better, cause the tourns. show the astericks in the drop down box. it is just my thoughts.
thx. ellie

13. Feburar 2006, 21:28:22 
Thema: Re: FENCER
ellieoop: You can't have "pictures" in the drop down box - so maybe something like a " - " or a " + " or something like that for different types of games would work.

13. Feburar 2006, 22:40:10
sure, anything other then the asterick, then we could see the difference. have to wait and see what fencer thinks.

14. Feburar 2006, 00:02:44
Thema: Re:
ellieoop: There are other ascii characters that arn't considered graphics: ♠♡♣♤♥♦♧

14. Feburar 2006, 00:25:16
Peón Libre 
Thema: Re:
Summertop: Those aren't ASCII characters. It's possible to use Unicode characters in a menu, but it might cause problems for users with older browsers.

14. Feburar 2006, 04:18:47
Thema: Re:
Verändert von ellieoop (14. Feburar 2006, 04:19:38)
i like the X, and the black star, they would show up real good. i'm sure fencer will come up with something that will be easy to see. i think it would be a good addition to the drop down box.

14. Feburar 2006, 13:55:01
i can see neither the x or the black star on teh list below?

14. Feburar 2006, 17:08:17
Thema: Froglet Option
Using Numbers or colored frogs?

17. Feburar 2006, 17:54:13
Thema: Possible or not?
Verändert von furbster (17. Feburar 2006, 17:54:40)
Just as a matter of interest on the paid membership page, would it be possible underneath the knight, rook, maharajah to show how many of the 'forever' kind there are!

17. Feburar 2006, 18:04:31
Thema: Re: Possible or not?
furbster: Possible.

17. Feburar 2006, 22:27:56
Thema: Re: hey mr fencer
alanback: we could call it brainzee

20. Feburar 2006, 16:00:40
eagle eye 
Thema: Statistics
On 'Statistics' page in addition of all listed running games, I'd like to see a list of players involved in each type of game.

Also number of players per country for each game would be nice. It will give an indication of how popular each given game in given country.

20. Feburar 2006, 17:24:24
Thema: Re: Statistics
eagle eye: actually the number in a specific country is unimportant unless you compare it with the countries population, the % of population with internet access, and the number of population old enough to move a mouse . . . I don't see a real reason to know how many players from a specific country there are playing a specific game. (half the time players forget to input their country anyway)

20. Feburar 2006, 17:33:35
Thema: Re: Statistics
ColonelCrockett: Also, the country I put up is my country of origin, not the country I presently live.

20. Feburar 2006, 17:35:29
Thema: Re: Statistics
grenv: I never thought of that . . . that makes the whole thing more complicated.

21. Feburar 2006, 01:31:17
Thema: Re: Statistics
eagle eye: If you click on the games on that statistics page, it shows you all the games currently running.

22. Feburar 2006, 17:19:39
Thema: New froglet
Let the players put the frogs on... An idea...

22. Feburar 2006, 20:56:15
Thema: Re: New froglet
Daniel Snyder: With my dial up connection it'll take me, saaaaaay, a week?

22. Feburar 2006, 21:12:13
Thema: Re: New froglet
رضا: Just a thought... What about having an option of using color numbers besides frogs...

22. Feburar 2006, 21:18:52
Thema: Re: New froglet
رضا: Even better, combine the Battle boats theme and take turns placing one froggie at the time!

no, I am NOT serious.

22. Feburar 2006, 21:35:23
Thema: Re: New froglet
Verändert von playBunny (22. Feburar 2006, 21:35:37)
Eriisa: . That could be a new variant, Froglet Patience.

23. Feburar 2006, 00:44:52
Thema: Re: New froglet
playBunny: You could have a reverse froglet/solitaire, where you put them back on and it could be called tadpole. LOL

23. Feburar 2006, 05:50:37
Thema: Re: New froglet
playBunny: Or maybe you put them on, then your opponent ha steh option to remove them one by one ...... Then you put them back again :-)

23. Feburar 2006, 16:31:55
Thema: Fellowship teams
In the fellowships, where it shows the team members...

1. It would be nice to have a link by each team member's name to allow an easy way to send them a PM.

2. It would be nice to have another link that will send a PM to ALL team members.

That way the captain could ask the team questions about challenging another fellowship's team to a tournamnent. Individual players could announce to the team the status of their games.

23. Feburar 2006, 16:33:42 
Thema: Re: Fellowship teams
Summertop: I second that..... (As I get ready to go through and send each team player a PM)

23. Feburar 2006, 16:52:15 
Thema: Re: Fellowship teams
Summertop: Plus in addition to that:

3. It would also be nice to know when someone new joins the team. I'm currently tryint to figure out what all my team players like so I do not end up picking someone who really does not want to play in a certain type of game - and if someone new joins after this point, I might miss them completly when choosing teams.

23. Feburar 2006, 16:54:14
Thema: Re: Fellowship teams
BIG BAD WOLF: OOh, yeah...Plus:

4: Nice to see the last time they access brainkink. don't want someone on your team that hasn't been on BK for months.

23. Feburar 2006, 16:56:00
5) Nice to have a new server to cover this additional load.

23. Feburar 2006, 17:01:39 
Thema: Re: Fellowship teams
Summertop: At least that is a good thing that I have to go through each person individually to send a message to - it also allows me to look at "last login date"

On a very positive note, it looks like that any pawns who are members of your fellowship no longer show up in the teams. That is good because I did not really want to through pawns out in case they renew their membership.

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