Suddenly - 'STOP - go no further!' a voice boomed .
Lorg looked around and saw no-one.
'I said STOP go no further!' boomed the voice.
Limtrot glanced around, but saw no-one.
Cautiously Lorg and Limtrot crept forward. Jerky hissed a warning, but too late to stop them tripping over an invisble line stretched across the pathway. As he struggled to his feet, Lorg felt something sharp in hs back, his arms were forced back and something tied his hnds so he could not move them. As he struggled against his captor he saw Limtrot similarly engaged. The dragon's jaws spat flames at the warriors who tried unsuccessfully to catch it. Then it vanished.
'walk' said one of the warriors, shoving him forwards.
Both men walked forwards towards the village.
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