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"GERRY": Use Firefox for BK... it is faster. IE is not as good as it could be... And at the moment I can't use it. I've gotta Go into my registry and remove some entries that combofix threw up after I tried to use a prog for file conversion (to put vids on my phone) that came bundled with alot of junk... More then I thought, or was stated clearly in the terms of use.
Now today is not to bad.It's not as fast as i have been playing here.Yesterday BK server was taking to long to respone & finally i could not even do anything on this site
(V): Ok thanks so eveyone has that now,My connection to the internet today is 5 lights on my portable wireless connection.that is the highest i can get.But BK sever is timing me out.I have come to BK login with different search 's rogers yahoo & google. they are about the same speed & both are fast.But when i login that where it become's very slow.& that is when BK server will pop up timing me out saying due to heavy load they are having problems etc etc etc All the dice games are fast until you try to move.As some players can play poker other can't. that go"s for games also. I am no computer wiz LOL:)))
(V): Thanks I am no computer wiz i was just on phone where i got this system.I told him what was happening he said bring iit in & they would fix it.My other 2 system's crashed 3 r/d partyed.I noticed when i came back on my profile there was a new a access code BOX Reset also mentioning third products to enter brainking. could this mean a hacker has taken over my ID's here & on the internet?
"GERRY": Usually a complete reinstall of your system. Not just installing a new windows. But I'd use a registry cleaner and window washer first, then if that doesn't improve, try a program called combofix which will do a deep scan of your system, but make sure you back up your registry as per the programs instructions first. It'll eventually give you a text document showing everything it's done and what possible probmatic items maybe sitting in your registry. Then you can use reg edit to fix anything that looks dodgy.
If that fails... you'll need to format your hard disk and do a complete re-install.
I crashed yesterday by being sold a invalid window's I got another system & came back on line with a valid window's So i was told.& it has a sticker right on it showing Lic number.I came here & it is the slowest that i have every been on this site.I called my internet connection.They said my connection was good & the only thing he could see was that the old window's was not unstalled & the new windows was installed over it.Can some one help me out on this be fore i have to go back to where i purchased this system
sell them " as is" on ebay, maybe, if you have the drivers for them, so much the better, if not they can usually be downloaded from the mfg site, or a driver download site
...I came to own two wireless PCI cards. My question is, how do I dispose of them in the correct way (as to my knowledge they cannot be reused)? I understand wireless PCI cards are recyclable?
Czuch: it's not that I wanted a "cheap" laptop...I want a mid-line one...I don't need all the bells and whistles as I have my desktop,however I don't want something that the only thing I can do is send and recieve e-mails...just a nice inexpensive mid-line laptop :)
Basically the people in the park or wherever are connecting through a router... maybe in a hotel or other nearby place, I think there is also some ways to get internet through satellites, so you can insert a card into your lap top and it will get the internet that way?
You can probably find an adequate lap top to do what you want fairly cheap, you can even use your card from a digital camera in any computer at an internet cafe or wherever, and down load them to him from there, if thats all you really need?
I personally use a lap top for my primary computer, it has a pretty big 17 inch screen and has more capabilities than most any computers had only a few years ago... so you might want to consider getting a nice one, instead of going the "cheap" route too?
ok,sorry this is going to make me sound totally ignorant,but when it comes to this,I am!! I am going to get getting a laptop in a few does that whole wireless thing work?? like how can people be in parks and stuff and have internet? I know in the house you have a router..or something like that?? any help would be great..also,any recommendations on laptops that are not TO pricey,but dependable.I will be taking it to Germany with me,I want to be able to download the pics I am taking and send them over to my hubby.
MadMonkey: maybe, I havent looked thoroughly, but I did glance at the file size for outlook contacts etc, and it seemed pretty small, but i guess if I never uised it at all, it would be almost empty, so maybe I shall take a closer look. The Mozy support sent me back a prety standardized reply about how to retrieve files, but nothing specific to my issue!
MadMonkey: They have all the saved files stored neatly into seperate categories IE Pictures, documents etc.... there is a category for thunderbird email and contacts. There is also one for outlook express email and contacts (which I never used)
I thinnk contacting mozy support might be a good next step...
Czuch: Well, i am going through the Thunderbird: FAQs now for you, but i do not think anyone has had this problem by the looks of it. Most just export the file to Desktop (or wherever) then upload it to an on-line storage site or save it do disk.
My only other suggestion is to write to Mozy and see what they say, after all they must know where it would of been up loaded to and stored under. My only concern is did they bother with the address book ?
MadMonkey: Thats correct.... I used a web site called Mozy that backs up and stores files, they did it all automatically.
Somethings, like my firefox book marks, I was able to find and upload back no problems, all my pictures and other documents were all in order and replaced easily, I just cant seem to find the thunderbird addresses?
well now I have found and ldif file called address book, you would think I had finally got what I need, but then I tried to import it to thunderbird, and it says it cannot import an empty address book?!?!?!?!
Well, I looked into the web site that backed up my files and they have them categorized, I found a category for thunderbird mail and contacts, I downloaded those specific files to my desktop and then searched those files for anything that has to do with an address book... I tried all the file type names, i tried the words address book, and the search always comes back that no files were found?
Where the heck does thunderbird keep the address book files anyway?
They have to be somewhere in this back up stuff, I just cant seem to find it???!!!
maybe I'm not understanding what you need to find ? if it is an address contact list from an e-mail account it will be saved by them when you sign in...if it is a personal address list saved on your pc then you'd have to search on your pc...for instance: when I use someone elses computer and check my e-mail ,the address book/contact list is stored by the gmail,hotmail,yahoo server for that e-mail account ...
MadMonkey: Thanks I will give that a try.... I used another web site to export all my files and they did everything automatically for me... anyway, I will run your help and see what comes up! Thanks.
Don't know if this has been asked before. Is there a way to get rich text editor and the smiley drop down to work or be visible in Google Chrome. FF is too much of a memory pig these days so switched to chrome but no rich text capabilities or able to add smilies.
Czuch: Can you not remember the file name you gave it when you exported it (i am guessing you did Export it lol).
If not then, click Start -----> Find -----> all files and folders ----->(now in box that says 'All or part of filename' enter) .LDIF ------> click Search
Hope fully that will find it. It should be a .LDIF as that is the default Thunderbird saves it as, and should be the only one you have
Hopefully when you know where it is open Thunderbird-----> Address Book -----> Tools -----> Import (then navigate to where you hopefully found the file)
MadMonkey: its somewhere in a file on my desk top supposedly, I think it is an lpid file but not even sure about that, I cant figure out how to get it to search all the files on my desk top for it though
I backed up all my files/folders to a web site that does that kind of thing, then installed my new hard drive... I thought I could just import the files back to their normal places... silly me! Now I have imported back to my desk top the files again and have to sort through them and put them back where I want them individually.
So far my biggest problem is importing my address book back into Thunderbird? I just cant seem to find the correct folder that contains these files?
Most of the tech support I get isnt familiar with thuinderbird, but i have had some dell techs trying without any luck!
Thunderbird doesnt offer phone support (that i know of) and I have scoured their online help, but nothing yet.
Can someone help me with smilies, all I get is a blank square when I try to use them at home, but they work fine on my other computer, is there a setting in IE that could have changed which has stopped them it cannot be brainking issue as it works on my other computer
(V): Dude, i am so bad.. I have files scattered all over who knows where! This is now a hope and a prayer kind of operation... I have already finished downloading pretty much all of my files to this web site, and soon i will clear my laptop back to factory new, then hope to get these files back and then hope to get them back with no type of virus then hope my machine works better than ever before!
Czuch: As I said, delete the ones you don't want and if they are all in one folder you can just back up the folder. I had to re-install our PC recently and I just copied whole folders to disk and let the PC do the work.
But it means to do this easily that you've kept ya stuff together and not willy nilly. How big is all the data, etc?
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