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Mousetrap: ohhhhhhhhh now i understand. do you have "garage sales" in your country? that is were people sell their belongings from there home. anyway that is usually a good place to find books, and our librarys here will have 'book' sales. on ebay and amazon you still have to pay for shipping.
Verändert von Mousetrap (20. August 2006, 19:56:51)
amandalove: They are called car boot sales here and are held in designated places userally a field or a car park. Garage sales at home are not allowed here. It depends where it is from on e-bay. I bought a book publised in the USA cheaper in spite of pp and delivered within a week. Here they wanted 4 to 6 weeks delivery time and their cut for ordering. I enjoy the library sales, there is one tomorrow uptown and I,ll be there lol! I think Amazon is expensive. There is a site called which sells nearly everything including books and pp is free here I donno if it would be free in the USA.
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