I'm just trying to figure out a good strategy for this game. http://brainking.com/game/Pond?g=213 This is the first time I've made it through this many rounds.
Obviously, at 2000 points per round, everyone would be out of points before they completed the # of rounds needed to complete the game. So the question is, when will the points start to drop?
Based on what was said about a different game, I see that as soon as the players with the least points start to drop off, we would have to bid only one more than the lowest player. But that's still a 2-3 rounds away, and I hate to run my points down that far.
(verstecken) Auf der Hauptseite kannst den Rhythmus einstellen, in dem die Seite sich aktuallisieren soll. Die Spiele bei denen du Spielen und Ziehen kannst erscheinen nun schneller auf deinem Bildschirm. (Servant) (zeige alle Tips)