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To the Most Rev. Usurper KM: I've heard of guys like you around the prisons, but I always thought they were inmates. Seems last Minister I saw on tv said there were no U.S. troops in Baghdad, so you could be one of those kind of ministers, I suppose. I've no doubt that your working your way through the cell blocks will take a long while. But it is certainly heart warming to know there are people like you ready to devote hours and hours to make other people happy. Oh, lastly, I urge you to be alert. Occasionally, the men's and women's prison are not that far apart, so choose carefully which one you go to.
(verstecken) Spiele in Echtzeit mit einem Online-Gegner. Wähle vor dem Ziehen "Hier bleiben", setzte diese Aktion als Standard und aktualisiere die Seite mit F5 (TeamBundy) (zeige alle Tips)