Hi Gary, sorry, I dont often read this board which is why I've only just got around to replying!!
My choice of playing 6x6 by the 'wrong' opening moves (side by side pieces rather than diagonal) is precisely because of the advantage white has. As ChessTiger pointed out, white will win evey time in optimal play.
I find that to play with the opening stones slightly different unbalances this advantage white has.
I will play either way, I never demand the opening stones go in this way, and its certainly no guarantee that I will win! But I do find its slightly more fair to the black player.
I've played quite a few more reversi games than pente, so I can say a bit more about this! I dont study 'perfect play' or even my past games! I kind of 'wing it' when it comes to reversi.
But I like the choice, sometimes I go for the diagonal start just for the change. And half the time it obviously depends on where my opponent places their second stone. In other words I have no absolute preference really! How often do you get two 'optimal players' in one game? I'm certainly not a top player, but I do have a chance of winning against a top player if the stones are 'upset' at the start of the game by being side by side. What would be the point of playing a top player, with the diagonal opening, if you knew you were going to lose?!
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