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Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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9. August 2003, 20:48:04
Emne: Re: KM Backgammon Open
One week away from the Big Bash! 35 have already signed up and this promises to be a Killer of a Backgammon tournament. Get a seat while you can. And remember to Take No Prisoners!

12. August 2003, 01:35:02
Retired on 2700 
HURRY!!!! Have FUN in the SPIDERS WEB TOURNY!!! Starts Tues 12th August..all welcome!! :)

12. August 2003, 01:49:08
Emne: bigbadwolf tournament.
Can someone tell me if bbw deleted his battleboats3 tournament?

12. August 2003, 03:11:42 
It seems that Brainking had to be restored from an old backup, and now the tournament is back in the "tournament list" waiting for people to sign up!

I'm going to wait until Fencer is on to make sure this is how it is going to stay - and I will start the tournament again I guess?????

(So you may want to go and make sure you are still signed up for the tournament - hopefully I'll start it within 24 hours)


12. August 2003, 03:14:36
Emne: Re:
I re-started the KM Battleboat tournament because it was put back too.

12. August 2003, 03:21:59 
Yea, Currently #38 of my "Fast start Backgammon" tournament is up now - and I know I was at least at 40... if not #41 yesterday... :-) Plus all my posts are gone, etc.... :-(

12. August 2003, 05:04:38
Emne: I can't see my games
I'm playing on open bg championship No.5,unfortunately I can't see them on the main page,please let me know,what I must do.

12. August 2003, 05:23:53
Emne: Re:
ok still signed up

12. August 2003, 05:32:45 
babken: As you can read from some of the other messages, tournaments that started yesterday have been "rolled" back.

You are still signed up for the tournament, and once the creator of the tournament is back on-line, the tournament will probable be restarted.

(What do you have to do: just wait!) :-)

12. August 2003, 07:04:58
Please read Server News.

12. August 2003, 20:20:44
Emne: Where is Gary??
The Spring 2003 open Pente-Keryo Pente championship (Pente),its finished in all sections, but Gary Barnes didnt login since 2aug, Fencer can you help to continue teh tournament??

12. August 2003, 20:49:16
I've just started the second round.

12. August 2003, 20:51:22
Thanks again Fencer


13. August 2003, 02:41:41 
Emne: The return of the Tournament for Dummies!
I've created (again) the second tournament for players rated BELOW 1500 and for unrated players (as long as you are not too good at a game.)

Who is this tournament for?

1. Is there a game you would like to learn - and don't want to get "killed" by the expert game players - this tournament is for you!

2. Is there a another game you like, but again do not want to get beat really bad by the great players - this tournament is for you!

If you are interested - SIGN UP HERE!

Tournament will start at the end of the month (August 2003)

16. August 2003, 01:24:07
Emne: Re: KM Backgammon Open
Deadline is August 17, just two days away! We have 38 participants so far which already makes a whopping good tournament but late-comers are welcome so please sign up if you get the urge. TNP

16. August 2003, 05:43:46
The Red Head 
Emne: no sign up
I did not sign up for the #7 battleboat tourny. I tried to sign up for a backgammon tourney and it won't let me..

16. August 2003, 06:42:19 
Emne: re: no sign up
The games from the Battleboats #7 - you have already played all the games from that tournament - and currently there is 1 game left in that section (both players looking for last boat) - and once that last game is done in the section, you are allowed to enter a new tournament.

If you do not want to wait for that last battleboat game to be complete, you can send a nice message to Fencer and ask him to allow you to enter your next tournament since you have finished all the games in the Battleboat #7 tournament.

Hope this helps!

17. August 2003, 01:06:25
Emne: KM Checkers Invitational
Starts in 2 days and we have 2 openings. Strap on your helmets for we have the best checker players on the site ready to go. There is no restriction on who can play but there are 7 players entered rated above 2000. Message me for an invite.

17. August 2003, 03:30:29
The Red Head 
Emne: Re: re: no sign up
Thank you for the information. I'm new here and didn't know you could only enter one tournie at a time..Thanks again..

17. August 2003, 19:22:33
Emne: Re: KM Checkers Invitational
Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for this Super Bowl of checker tournaments. It's your chance to play the finest players on Brain King. Anyone can win but at the very least you stand to learn something about this great game.

19. August 2003, 00:02:03
Emne: My Stupid Mistake
I reported that the KM Backgammon Open would be closed on the 17th (that was yesterday), then went to close it and discovered what I've always suspected: I'd lose my nose if it wasn't attached!!! The tournament is STILL open for seating and closes on Aug 27. So far we have 40 signed up which means it's gonna be exciting. Please join us if Backgammon is your game or if you are impulsive. lol. TNP

19. August 2003, 07:31:41
cya peeps 
Emne: Congratulations to Manicotti Molly
on winning the ArtfulDodger Backgammon tourney!

19. August 2003, 12:19:42
Emne: Madmonkeys 'Gammon' Stakes (2)
All 5 gammon games starting again, Just Click Here

19. August 2003, 12:21:16
I'm getting an 'error' page, MM.

19. August 2003, 12:23:22
Emne: Re:
ROFL sorry bumble left a little thing out lol

19. August 2003, 12:39:46
There's a joke there somewhere....

21. August 2003, 13:15:54
Perhaps your next piece will be posted on General Chat board. This one is not for poems.

21. August 2003, 13:20:21
Emne: Re:
Understood. :o)

22. August 2003, 04:13:28
Emne: KM Second Halma 8X8 Invitational
While waiting for the first to chug along a second Halma Tournament is about to begin. We have 19 players ready and we start in 2 days. We will close at 24 players so if you are interested send a message for an invite. Thanks.

22. August 2003, 10:49:37
Emne: Madmonkeys 'Gammon' Stakes (2)
Come on all you Gammon player :)
All 5 gammon games starting, Just Click Here

22. August 2003, 18:22:58
Emne: RAHVIN'S TOURNEYS- starting soon-
RAHVINS ELITE GAMES (2000+) #1-Linetris

I'll be starting these after the weekend. Good luck to everyone ;O)

23. August 2003, 10:59:26
Emne: Help!!
I have the following limits in a invite only tournament.
Minimum number of players: 4
Maximum number of players: unlimited
Maximum number of players per section: 5

Currently there are 6 people signed.
What happens to the odd number if the minimum of 4 is not met for two sections?
Also how does the tourney-bot sort who plays in what section? Is it by rating or some other form of black magic??? LOL

Here is the tourney addy:

23. August 2003, 11:05:27
Emne: Re: Help!!
unacanta: Minimum numbers of players is how many you need to start the tournament, which you have 6.
You have not got a maximum for the tounament only for each section.
The way is stands as the moment it should create 2 sections of 3 players :)

23. August 2003, 11:29:18
Emne: backgammon prize tourney
Any pawns wanting the chance of a membership, then enter my backgammon prize tourney.
It starts on 20th September, so please come and join up :)

23. August 2003, 13:31:01
Emne: Re: Help!!
Thanks, I wasn't sure how it would set the sections up. I guess you didn't know how the players would be assigned per section?

23. August 2003, 21:58:13
Princess Kammy 
Emne: My first tourney :)
I have a tourney for all that are interested :)

all games listed for all that want to play. minimum of 4 players....the tourney name is We're Off And Running.

Hope to see a big turn out for lots of fun!!

have a great day!! :)

23. August 2003, 22:33:07 
Emne: Under 1500 & unrated players Tournament
There is about a week left to sign up for the second "All games for dummies" - which is for players rated under 1500, and unrated players.... as long as the unrated players are not "too good".

This is the perfect tournament to try new & different games. You can play without too much worry about being "killed" right away by an expert player.

Tournament: SIGN UP HERE


23. August 2003, 23:24:48
Before the Gothic Chess Prize Tournament (the $250 one) it was completely random. Now, i think it does someting like this:

The highest rated player is put into section 1.
The next highest rated player into section 2.
etc, etc (as many sections as there are)

I'm not sure if it keeps going like that to fill all the spots, or if it's random at some point, but if you look at some recent tournaments, you'll notice the highest rated players are generally at the top of the section, and the lower rated players are at the bottom.

24. August 2003, 12:50:48
Emne: Re: KM Backgammon Open
3 days left until the KM Backgammon Open deadline. 46 so far will be participating in this Backgammon super splash and all comers are welcome so I urge you to join the fun. :o)

24. August 2003, 12:55:30
Emne: Madmonkeys 'Gammon' Stakes (2)
Come on all you Gammon player :)
All 5 gammon games starting, Just Click Here

24. August 2003, 17:49:46
SAD Monkey? OMG whats that all about then?!

24. August 2003, 18:35:10
Emne: General rules for all tournaments
1) The tournament creator is the tournament ruler. He/she can apply any additional rules on the particular tournament. Whoever does not like it, can easily sign up for another tournament.
2) The site owner [myself] will never solve any problems or arguments among tournament creators and their players.

24. August 2003, 20:12:05
Emne: Re: General rules for all tournaments
I am curious as to what #1 means??? What are some possible additional rules that could be added? I only ask, because this sounds like it could add some interesting aspects to some tourneys..

Though, it seems in all fairness, these additional rules should be known right up front, from the beginning. It doesn't seem like it would be fair to add additional rules in the middle of a tourney..
Just curious..

24. August 2003, 20:24:31
Emne: Re: General rules for all tournaments
For example, the creator can decide that each chess game must start with accepted king's gambit or the tourmament is open for hungarian residents only :-) Of course, it should be specified at the tournament description section.

24. August 2003, 21:43:24
Grim Reaper 
Emne: New Gothic Chess Tournament
There was a great deal of cleanup that was performed on the DB recently. Any comments that were personal attacks, or items not particular to the spirit of this DB were removed.

To answer some of the speculation that certain players are avoiding others in the Gothic Chess arena, I created an invitational tournament where ALL top 10 players can participate. All players who are undefeated have been invited as well.

So, if you want to fight it out, come to the tournament you were all invited to. Fighting will take place over the board, and not in the discussion board.

24. August 2003, 22:06:23
Emne: but there are yet two prize tourneys waiting to start ...
sponsored by nobody but me without any merchandising ... :D

maybe I was a bit blonde-squared to set the minimum players to 15 for
kinda exclusive variants - it was to avoid the impression it's just for a few ... :/

I shall wait some days yet - else I'd sadly have to close them
and re-orgagnize it as lucky game prize tourney gammon and bb,
to safely attract a higher amount of pawns ... hope to see you :") ... ~*~

24. August 2003, 22:34:55
Emne: And for those who didn't get an invitation...
Bwildman's 1st Gothic Chess Tourny!!
still 6 days to sign up,and ALL are welcome ;)

24. August 2003, 23:47:01
I had 1 loss in a tourney to a guy with 2043 in BKR..the winner of the section had 1 loss to, to a guy with 1720 in rating.
Strange that the winner had more points than loss came against a higher rated player.
Not that i care...but would be fun to know the reason.

24. August 2003, 23:57:05 
Gubbe: Which tournament? A persons rating does not really have anything to do with the points or the S/B in a tournament. (If I know the tournament, I can try to explain it a little better if you want.)

25. August 2003, 00:01:23
BBW...The Sunshine Club/Five in line

I asked "The Big Boss" but she couldnt give an answer LOL

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