I've posted my favorite on the pente discussion board as well as a puzzle problem which illustrates how different it is from current pente while still having only a slight change in the rules- Gary and other top players, I'd love to see this game explored at your level of play; it seems to me to be almost pente+ when I have played it(a deeper and richer game) but I haven't had the chance to explore its depths with players of your calibre.
(gem) Lyst til et hurtigt spil der garanteret ikke tager mere end to timer? Start et nyt spil af eget valg, vælg tiden for spillet og sæt Tiden til 0 dage / 1 time, Bonus til 0 dage / 0 timer og grænsen til 0 dage / 1 time. (TeamBundy) (vis alle tips)