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Just been listening to a great new album out. It is by City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (does Fencer play for them ??? lol) and is called The Syphonic Jean Michel Jarre. It is quite something if you consider the computing power that Jarre uses when creating his music, to be done by an Orchestra.
Nirvana: I think he i great and have all his albums and videos. I wish i had gone to see his concert when he was in the UK a few years back and he lit up the whole of London Docklands. Not heard much from him in ages though.
(gem) Lyst til et hurtigt spil der garanteret ikke tager mere end to timer? Start et nyt spil af eget valg, vælg tiden for spillet og sæt Tiden til 0 dage / 1 time, Bonus til 0 dage / 0 timer og grænsen til 0 dage / 1 time. (TeamBundy) (vis alle tips)