Czuch: I believe they hire them straight from the Ministry of Information and Propaganda. You know, that same department that brought us Weapons of Mass Distruction and Bush Jr's war service record. Television takes them skill, but it pays more than the government jobs and is much more entertaining. Yeah they hype games. Kind of like how NASCAR hypes the chase. BY the way, how is it that the guy with the most points isn't the season champion? Yeah, lets have a re-start in the middle of the season to keep the masses interested. NASCAR has become wrestling. At least wrestling is honest about it. Everyone likes a close finish or game, but if someone has a big lead, they deserve it. Taking it away from them to help the laggers is not very fair. Just imagine if the umpires said, "OK, it's 13-2 that's a big enough lead, you guys only get two outs an inning and we're giving them four until they get within 3 runs." Tony Stewart's outburst earlier in the season about "Fake Cautions" might have been swiftly swept under the rug, but I'd been saying it for a couple of years now. I noticed towards the end of this season the cautions were called a little slower if it was just contact with the wall and the car kept moving. I'm glad the rules that Football changes are for the play of the game and not for the outcome of the final score even if the object of the rules changes is to keep things in balance between defense and offense.
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