EdTrice: Yeah, right. Stop the hot air, enter a few games and put theory to test.
I'm willing to bet he loses more than half the games he enters. That's assuming he enters more than ten of them. Any takers?
As they say of system players at the roulette table. "System players go broke systematically."
It fails on the logic of it. Suppose we all used this "Strategy". Someone has to lose. So play the game and make us believers.
(gem) Lyst til et hurtigt spil der garanteret ikke tager mere end to timer? Start et nyt spil af eget valg, vælg tiden for spillet og sæt Tiden til 0 dage / 1 time, Bonus til 0 dage / 0 timer og grænsen til 0 dage / 1 time. (TeamBundy) (vis alle tips)