this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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I'm probably on my fifth (?) shelter animal/pet & every one of them (including my current mentally gifted but very beautiful and loving doggie) has been co-owned by both the shelter and myself, meaning that if for some reason I can't keep them, or something happens to me, they go back to the no-kill shelter that I adopted them from. I think from the PSPCA's (Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) point-of-view it's to ensure that the pet will never be put down unnecessarily or put in an environment that the society doesn't approve of beforehand. I don't know if they do that for every animal they adopt out, as mine were "special" cases, I was interviewed, supplied references, dog is even "chipped" with both our info just in case.....If Ellen was aware from the get-go, I don't see why she was so upset about it, there are literally thousands upon thousands of shelter animals across the country that need homes
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Jim Dandy: I think Ellen went too far. At first I was sympathetic. But she broke the rules. And the shelter owners have the right and responsibility to make sure the animals they adopt out are well cared for. The new owners of the dog refused to comply with the shelter's request and fill out the proper paperwork. Ellen used her celebrity status against the woman at the shelter and also had her lawyers on it. And of course with the media it has now gotten way out of hand. Cute pup though!
Zoe, a domestic shorthair cat, touches the mouse of a computer during a media preview for The Cat Fanciers' Association 5th Annual CFA-Iams Cat Championship in New York October 10, 2007.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Papa: I agree,wielding her audience like a knife in battle was unfortunate.I get the feeling she was only asked to follow proper procedure but felt she was above it all.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Jim Dandy: It's a sad situation all around. But a person with access to the media can paint something anyway they want and the other person (in this case the owner of the shelter) finds herself on defensive. A sad commentary when you consider the fact that both parties are strong advocates for animals rights etc. The dog is likely in a very good home and that's the important thing. And the new "caretakers" of the dog followed all the guidelines of the shelter. That's the way it ought to be. A good outcome for the dog, in my view.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Papa:Fox News had the shelter's attorney on and he stated that the shelter did tell the family that all they had to do was go fill out the paperwork application for the dog, and they refused to do that. I did not hear that from any media outlet.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Eriisa: I saw that too. Last night another woman came forward and told the news that Ellen had given away a puppy she gave her. So this isn't the first time. It's all so strange.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Papa: I agree that Ellen carried the whole situation too far. Granted she is a very popular celeb but that doesn't give anyone the right to break rules. When I adopted my little MinPin, I signed an agreement that said she goes back to the shelter if things didn't work out. Am quiet sure that Ellen signed the same type agreement.
Teema: Re: What is everyones opinion of the Ellen DeGeneres puppygate?
Dolittle: That's what I understand happened in Ellen's case too. She was told and I believe signed an agreement that she wouldn't give the dog away. It makes sense that the shelter wants to screen potential homes for the pets they place. They are being responsible when they do that. And that they followed up and took the dog back when Ellen violated the agreement speaks highly of their commitment to animals.
n this photo and caption provided by Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, Beauregard, an 8-month-old male Grants zebra is greeted by Brandy, an Atlantic bottlenose dolphin while out on a daily walk around the park at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in Vallejo, Calif., Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007. Beauregard was hand-reared at the park and takes daily strolls around the 135-acre park.
Tuesday: Cyotes are canine family and I think alot of people are surprised at the size of them.NO,I could NEVER even have finished sitting through dinner with him....No respect for animals....
Tuesday: doing what he does for a hobby doesnt come under conservation in my book! Im glad youve turned him down, he doesnt sound like your type at all. Yes I know what you mean about finding the right one!!
Tuesday: Yes but thats what I dont get....hes a conservationist for a living & then partakes in trapping as a hobby??? The two just dont gel...hes either just doing his job for the money without any passion or....well I dont know what???
Tuesday: Aww & I bet they are keeping you very busy!! Will you end up keeping her? How do you pronounce her name, its very unusual & beautiful! dont think I know the movie)
A photo provided by the Chicago Zoological Society's Brookfield Zoo shows Hudson, a near 1-year-old polar bear cub, enjoying a Halloween pumpkin at the zoo in Brookfield , Ill., on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007.
THIS is why I love my shelter-doggie.....The look in this one's eyes is how my dog looks normally, except my doggie probably weighs a good forty pounds more than this little one.....but THAT "crazy look" is why I love her
Tuesday: Aww yes, one of my friends dog used to chase the ice cream van & go ballistic barking & growling! I dont think he liked the music the van was playing lol but yes could be fatal, you do good to keep her away from the bus!
Tuesday: An average schoolbus weighs about 24,000 lbs. empty (they have numerous springs, airbrake tanks, etc. to be safe with the weight of 70ish people when full) & don't stop on a dime like your average 1500 lb. car If she gets run-over (God-forbid), she'll be crushed, no matter how big a dog she is, best to keep her indoors - I tell people from the get-go to either leash or keep their dog indoors if their dog is the "chasing" kind (sadly, bus drivers barely know when they've run over an animal, dog or otherwise) - I also have dogs that wait for their "kids" at the corner of the property, but are wise enough to keep clear and wait - I wouldn't risk having my dog killed that way
Tuesday: I havent got the time or the extra energy to look after a dog right now with my kids being so very young, but maybe 3 - 5 years or so time I would definately concider getting another dog. Yes my daughter loves puppies (in pictures) and all animals for that matter lol