You might remember the announcement I made eight years ago about the end of official support for BrainKing. With this post, I’d like to remind everyone that nothing has changed, and all restrictions are still in place. The following still applies:
1) BrainKing runs without any guarantees. For example, the server might crash for an extended period, some important functionality could break due to an unexpected error, games might time out without a logical reason, etc. On the other hand, BrainKing is a fairly mature product and can resolve many common issues on its own, but it’s still important for players to be aware of this.
2) No refunds will be given for any type of membership. This information is also stated on the paid membership page, so everyone should be informed in advance that making a purchase could be risky and is not recommended for those expecting flawless and uninterrupted service.
3) Brains cannot be used to pay for memberships or anything else. This was permanently discontinued.
Lastly, I’d like to add that BrainKing is still here, and I’ve decided to retain ownership of it for as long as possible under these conditions - no guarantees and no refunds for any future payments. Please keep this in mind. Thank you.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Monday 28th June 2021, 15:00 GMT+02:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Monday 14th September 2020, 07:30 GMT+02:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 25th April 2019, 07:30 GMT+02:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
One more scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 18th October 2018, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Monday 24th September 2018, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding. is fully compliant with GDPR regulation and rules. In fact, it had been fully compliant since 2003 but it cannot hurt to mention it now. I have just added 2 paragraphs to the end of the Privacy Policy page, related to the possibility to request an account deletion and the description of temporary storing of system logs.
As a follow-up to the GDPR compliant announcement, I am in the middle of a small BrainKing upgrade to address these changes. Since it's quite difficult to test some of them locally, you might experience an occasional strange behaviour of BrainKing pages. This is normal, just be patient, please.
There is one more thing I would like to mention. As you know, several BrainKing features must be still handled manually (for security reasons). For instance:
Prize tournament activation
Purchasing a membership for Brains
Payment processing - although it is fully automatic, PayPal sometimes fails to send proper validation codes and I must step it to fix it
My point is that I don't have much time to do this, so be prepared for some delays (up to several working days).
Hi everyone! Since the GDPR regulation is going to be enforced in less than 2 months, I would like to announce several changes that will appear at BrainKing within this time period. Some of them probably won't be noticed at all but still, it's better to have a TODO list:
Privacy Policy: Our Privacy Policy page already covers all important details of the only private data we must keep - your email address that was required to register your BrainKing account. We will probably add a short GDPR-compliant notice that would include other things introduced in this change (see below).
https: Since the http protocol is not secure and also not recommended to use any longer, BrainKing will be fully switched to https with all previously saved links automatically redirected to the secure version. In fact, the site has been working for some time (although images are still taken from http, which is why browsers mark it as "not fully secure"), so anybody can already use it.
Account deletion: BrainKing never supported a real account deletion (due to database restrictions, etc.), so it will be added as a new feature. Deleted users will be displayed in games, discussion boards etc. as "[deleted player]" or a similar placeholder.
If you never heard of GDPR, please refer to this page.
Happy New Year 2018. Yes, I know, I am a little late this time. I would like to use this opportunity to say again what I had posted a year ago and add a few more lines.
As you probably know, BrainKing will be 16 years old this year and its official support ended recently. Many things changed since October 2002 when the site had been launched and I think it's only fair to our members if they know what they can or cannot expect.
1) BrainKing is guaranteed to be running at least to the end of 2017. After that, nothing will be guaranteed. For instance, the site could become offline for a longer time, an unexpected error could break some important features, games could timeout for no logical reason, etc. Since BrainKing is quite a mature product and was programmed to self-repair many usual issues, it is not unlikely that none of these scenarios would happen - but still, it's good if people are aware of that.
2) There will be also no refunds for any kind of membership subscription. I will link this post from the Paid Membership section, so everybody would be informed that purchasing a membership is risky and not recommended to people who expect a service that continuously operates at a peak effeciency without any downtime.
3) It is also possible that, starting January 2018, BrainKing could be suddenly taken down without any warning. If it happens, memberships that would be still active will not be cancelled and their counter of remaining days will be stopped during the whole time of inactivity.
4) It has come to my attention that several users tried to exploit the BrainKing system of entry fee tournaments and got too many Brains for nothing, with an intention to get their membership for free. Some of them probably noticed that their requests to receive memberships had been denied, their Brains deleted and accounts suspended. I know that the majority of BrainKing users don't feel the need to cheat, and I hope the ones who got caught already learned their lesson.
So, BrainKing is still here and I have decided to keep it as long as possible but under the circumstances mentioned before - no guarantees and no refunds. Please keep it in mind, especially when you consider to pay for a membership. Thank you.
There will be one more scheduled downtime of BrainKing on Wednesday 17th January 2018, 0:00 - 6:00 GMT+01:00. This one will probably take more time (up to several hours) because it won't be caused by us - our serverhousing company plans to move its servers (including the one running BrainKing) to a new data centre. Since the machines will be actually (physically) moved, they must be turned off, unplugged, transferred, plugged back and turned on. Such operation is never 100% risk-free, so the actual downtime cannot be estimated. Just be patient please.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Wednesday 3rd January 2018, 06:30 GMT+01:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Friday 7th July 2017, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Tuesday 7th March 2017, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to a system upgrade. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
As you probably know, BrainKing will be 15 years old this year and it is also the last year when it would have an official support. Many things changed since October 2002 when the site had been launched and I think it's only fair to our members if they know (in advance) what they can or cannot expect.
1) BrainKing is guaranteed to be running at least to the end of 2017. After that, nothing will be guaranteed. For instance, the site could become offline for a longer time, an unexpected error could break some important features, games could timeout for no logical reason, etc. Since BrainKing is quite a mature product and was programmed to self-repair many usual issues, it is not unlikely that none of these scenarios would happen - but still, it's good if people are aware of that.
2) There will be also no refunds for any kind of membership subscription. I will link this post from the Paid Membership section, so everybody would be informed that purchasing a membership is risky and not recommended to people who expect a service that continuously operates at a peak effeciency without any downtime.
3) It is also possible that, starting January 2018, BrainKing could be suddenly taken down without any warning. If it happens, memberships that would be still active will not be cancelled and their counter of remaining days will be stopped during the whole time of inactivity.
However, there is still a chance that a real game enthusiast would buy BrainKing and restart the development of new games and features. So, if you are interested or know someone, feel free to contact me. Serious offers only, please.
BrainKing has been successfully moved to a new server and everything seems to be up and running. It is still possible that minor defects could occur until we test and optimize various parts of the site, but I don't expect any significant problems. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 21th April 2016, 06:00 GMT+01:00 due to site migration to a new server. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
It is possible that small problems will occur after the migration is done because the new system has a little different internal structure and not everything could have been tested until under a full load. Please be patient and give us time to pinpoint and finetune all possible issues. Thank you.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Tuesday 6rd November 2015, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to system upgrade and maintentance. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
Very well guys, you want it, you will have it. I admit that, due to lack of my free time and other things, BrainKing didn’t have a membership action for a long time, so let’s do something a little different.
I know that, although it is called Christmas Action, it’s been announced just a couple of days before Christmas, so the promotion will be active for a little longer. Here are the details:
1) Every purchase of 1 year membership will be awarded with a bonus of 3 vouchers of 6 months of the same level that can be given to your friends or anybody else on this site. For instance, if you buy a 1 year Brain Rook, you will receive 3 vouchers of 6 months Brain Rook. If you order 2 years of Brain Knight, you will be given 6 vouchers of 6 months Brain Knight.
2) The action will be active from today to 31st January 2015. The vouchers expire on 1st March 2015.
3) Vouchers can be used as tournament prizes as well.
4) Please keep in mind that the main purpose of this action is to give memberships to people who would not buy them themselves for any reason. You cannot use a voucher for yourself and all transactions are final (no refunds). It is also not allowed to make secret agreements "let's give vouchers each other and have a nice 150% bonus". Suspicious transactions that try to exploit the system may cause the particular vouchers to be suspended or even cancelled. Please do not participate in the promotion if this is not acceptable for you.
5) Since I don’t have time to develop an automatic system for this action, all bonuses will be handled manually. So, after your order is completed, simply send me a message with IDs of BrainKing users you want to give your vouchers to, and I will do the rest. Due to holidays, it might take a couple of days to process them, but I’ll try to handle it as fast as possible.
That’s it. No colour codes this time, sorry. Maybe next year, we’ll see.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 6th February 2014, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to system upgrade and maintentance. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
I have just realized that domain has expired (I must have missed the renewal), so many people will probably have troubles getting to the site today. It should be solved tomorrow. In meantime, can be used instead. I have also suspended time control until the domain is back. I apologize for the inconvenience. EDIT: The domain seems to be restored now, but I better keep the time suspended at least for 24 hours.
Nagu olen juba maininud BrainKing`i blogis (või teen seda varsti ), on sel aastal (nagu tavaliseltki) üsna palju soovitud Jõulutegevust. Siin see nüüd on. Igaühel on võimalus saada Ajuvankri liikmelisuse tellimisel kuni 125% preemiat - see põhineb populaarsel värvikoodide süsteemil. Tuletame meelde selle tegevuse reegleid:
Kui näed väikest vilkuvat lampi pealehel või vasakus veerus lingi Tasuline liikmelisus kõrval, siis on preemia aktiivne ja seda saab kasutada. Aga ära kõhkle kaua - mõni preemia (eriti see, mis annab 125% lisaaega) võib olla aktiivne ainult mõne minuti. Preemiat saab kasutada ainult siis, kui ostetud liikmelisus on Ajuvanker 1 aastaks või kauemaks ja see pole Ajudega tasumine.
Tegevus on aktiivne kuni aasta lõpuni, seega on piisavalt aega selle võimaluse kasutamiseks ka jõulukingitustena.
Peale selle tahaksin meenutada võimalust saada Must Vanker - eluaegne liikmelisus, kui õnnestub Preemiavallutaja (Bonus conqueror) saavutus. Ära kõhkle oma võimaluse kasutamisel.
Androidi kasutajatele: Sul on võimalus saada tasuta Ajusid, kui aitad testida meie Androidi rakendusi. Ka seda, mida olen BrainKing´i saidile arendanud. Üksikasjade selgituseks palun seda lehte külastada.
I have recently added a small improvement to our current Brains promotion which is valid to the middle of July 2012 for testing purposes. It was mostly inspired by an increased interest in Brains tournaments and can be taken as another way to obtain Brains that cannot be purchased directly. The participation is absolutely free, so if you want to get a couple of Brains with a minimum effort, just try it out.
Easter Egg! Since the number of requests to create the Easter Action this year is quite high again, it is here and this is it. Everybody has a chance to get up to 125% bonus to a Brain Rook membership level order, based on the popular system of color codes. Let me remind the rules of this action:
When you see a small flashing light bulb on the Main Page or next to Paid Membership link at the left column, you know a bonus is active and can be used. But don't hesitate for a long time - some bonuses (especially the one which adds 125% to the subscribed period) can be active only for several minutes. The bonuses can be used only if a purchased membership is for Brain Rook level and 1 year or longer period and it is not a Brains payment.
This action will be active until cancelled. The day when the action ends is not specified but, regarding the Easter nature of the promotion, it should happen in April 2012. Furthermore, I would like to remind an opportunity to obtain a Black Rook lifetime membership for a fraction of its list price, if you succeed to get the Bonus conqueror achievement. Do not hesitate to take your chance.
Since the number of requests to create one more membership action is quite high, I have finally decided to do so. In fact I was trying to make it a little different this time but I was not able to think out anything new and original. So, like in the past, everybody has a chance to get up to 100% bonus to a Brain Rook membership level order, based on the popular system of colour codes. Let me remind the rules:
When you see a small flashing light bulb on the Main Page or next to Paid Membership link at the left column, you know a bonus is active and can be used. But don't hesitate for a long time - some bonuses (especially the one which adds 100% to the subscribed period) can be active only for several minutes.
The bonuses can be used only if a purchased membership is for Brain Rook level and 1 year or longer period and it is not a Brains payment.
The payment must be received in 5 days (120 hours) after placing the order. That should be enough time for all types of payment ways.
Well, there is actually one new feature. Instead of a fixed day of action end, BrainKing will offer colour codes until 100 bonuses of the same type or 500 bonuses of all types are awarded. The counter will start when the action is launched.
BrainKing has been successfully moved to a new server and everything seems to be up and running. It is still possible that minor defects could occur until we test and optimize various parts of the site, but I don't expect any significant problems. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Saturday 14th May 2011, 07:00 GMT+01:00 due to site migration to a new server. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is not likely but also not impossible), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
It is possible that small problems will occur after the migration is done because the new system has a little different internal structure and not everything could have been tested until under a full load. Please be patient and give us time to pinpoint and finetune all possible sources of bugs. Thank you.
I would like to announce that BrainKing will be moved to a new server soon and it is possible that the site would become unavailable for some time, mostly due to a safe migration of all databases and other important files.
A new server is already installed and it is temporarily running on address. Please note that it is linked to a database snapshot which is more than a week old, so it does not contain the most recent game data and it is mostly used for testing purposes at the moment. When the migration is complete, domain location will be redirected there as well.
I will try to inform about any updates on site or here.
I would like to announce that we are currently implementing certain changes to BrainKing code, in order to improve the overall performance of the site and avoid complicated situations in the future. This process should not affect anyone and all important features are supposed to work as usual.
The reason I am posting this is that you might notice minor changes to some BrainKing pages and it is possible that certain functions (that are rarely used) won't work exactly as they are supposed to. Please do not report it to the Bug Tracker. When everything is done, the complete list of changes will be posted either here or to our blog.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Tuesday 28th December 2010, 01:00 - 02:00 GMT+01:00 due to upgrade of our hosting centre power lines. If the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes (which is very unlikely), BrainKing would automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours. Thank you for understanding.
Tahaksin teatada uuest vaheaegade ja puhkepäevade süsteemist partiides. Käesoleva muudatuse eesmärgiks on see, et praegune süsteem tundub olevat liiga keeruline. Paljud kasutajad on segaduses, mis viib ootamatu ajaületuseni.
See uus funktsioon on juba valmis ja programmeeritud BrainKing´is aktiveerida automaatselt 1. jaanuaril 2011, 00:00:01 GMT +01:00 (Eestis kell 01:00:01). Sel aastal kasutatame veel vana süsteemi.
Vaheajapäevad on muutunud vaheajatundideks. Põhjus on selles, et BrainKing`i kasutajad elavad erinevates ajavööndites ja alati pole selge, millal päev serveri aja järgi algab. Vaheajatunde on aastas kokku vastavalt praegustele päevade arvule - näiteks Ajuvanker liige saab 840 tundi (35 x 24).
Kõik vaheajad on automaatsed, mis tähendab ka seda, et kalender eemaldatakse Seaded lehelt (see peaks blokeerima kõik katsed petta plaaniliste vaheajapäevade perioodilise sisse- ja väljalülitamisega, mida nägime minevikus). Igasuguse liikmelisuse tasemega kasutajad saavad automaatseid vaheaegu igal ajal aktiveerida / deaktiveerida.
See toimib nii: Kõiki partiisid kontrollitakse ajaületuse suhtes 10 minuti tagant. Kui ajaületus partiis on avastatud (ja partiis saab kasutada vaheaega), siis lisatakse 1 tund kõikidele selle mängija partiidele (kui ta on käigul) ja see arvatakse maha tema vaheajatundide varust. See süsteem tagab, et sa ei kuluta vaheaega rohkem kui vaja - näiteks, kui sa mängid partiid 7 tundi pärast ajaületuse hetke, siis kasutad ainult 7 tundi oma vaheajatundidest, mitte terve päev (24 tundi) nagu varem.
Puhkepäevad nädalas ei muutu. Vaikimisi on nendeks laupäev ja pühapäev. Te saate neid muuta üks kord 30 päeva jooksul. Päeva algus on määratud serveri ajaga - GMT +01:00 (Eestis kell üks öösel).
Liikmelisuse uuendamisel toimub vaheaja juurdeost sellele vastavalt - 10 ja 5 päeva asemel esimese ja teise aasta puhul saate 240 ja 120 tundi.
Et uus süsteem töötaks korralikult, selleks aktiveeritakse automaatpuhkus kõikidele kasutajatele alates 1. jaanuarist 2011. Igaüks saab selle vajadusel välja lülitada.
If you ever thought of getting a lifetime membership but never had enough money to pay for it, this could be your chance to purchase Black Rook with a great discount. The rules are very easy:
The discount is individual for every user and makes 10% for every year of normal Rook membership purchased in the past, up to 60%. BrainKing uses the shopping cart system history of orders to calculate your discount, which means that only orders placed since September 2005 are counted. Find your discount on the Paid membership page!
Other registered payments can, when added up, qualify for an additional discount if the total amount is equivalent to the current Brain Rook year subscription price. For instance, if you already paid for a year Brain Knight level (24 Euro) and a 6 months Brain Knight membership (14 Euro), it makes 38 Euro in total - greater or equal to 36 Euro - so BrainKing will increase your discount by another 10%.
The payment must be received in 72 hours after the order is placed.
The action will be active for a week (7 days), starting from 1st September 2010, 9:00 a.m. GMT+2. The Paid membership page will inform you about it.
Don't hesitate to reuse money you already spent here and never be bothered with "please renew your membership" message again!
By the way, do you want to receive 10 years of Brain Rook instead of the lifetime one (the price is the same) and use them for your friends or prize tournaments? Just send me a message.
The opinion poll is over and although the "normal" Black Rook action is planned for September, we have decided to make a little test run now, in order to check proper functionality of the automated payment process.
If you ever thought of getting a lifetime membership but never had enough money to pay for it, this could be your chance to purchase Black Rook with a great discount. The rules are very easy:
The discount is individual for every user and makes 10% for every year of normal Rook membership purchased in the past, up to 60%. BrainKing uses the shopping cart system history of orders to calculate your discount, which means that only orders placed since September 2005 are counted. Find your discount on the Paid membership page!
The payment must be received in 72 hours after the order is placed.
The action will be active for a week (7 days), starting from 12th August 2010, 8:00 a.m. GMT+2. The Paid membership page will inform you about it.
Furthermore, if you don't wait for September and take advantage of this test week, you will get even more discount - another 10% (the total discount still cannot exceed 60%). For instance, if you paid for 3 years of Brain Rook in the past, your total discount would be 40%, so the Black Rook would cost you only 216 Euro (instead of 360).
Don't hesitate to reuse money you already spent here and never be bothered with "please renew your membership" message again!
Please remember this is a test run and it is not guaranteed to be bug free. If you think BrainKing calculates your own discount wrong, please contact me.
By the way, do you want to receive 10 years of Brain Rook instead of the lifetime one (the price is the same) and use them for your friends or prize tournaments? Just send me a message.
Lihavõttemuna! Nagu olen juba maininud BrainKing`i blogis, on ka sel aastal paljud soovinud uut lihavõttetegevust, siin see on. Igaühel on võimalus saada Ajuvankri liikmelisuse tellimisel kuni 125% preemiat - see põhineb populaarsel värvikoodide süsteemil. Tuletame meelde selle tegevuse reegleid: Kui näed väikest vilkuvat lampi pealehel või vasakus veerus lingi Tasuline liikmelisus kõrval, siis on preemia aktiivne ja seda saab kasutada. Aga ära kõhkle kaua - mõni preemia (eriti see, mis annab 125% lisaaega) võib olla aktiivne ainult mõne minuti. Preemiat saab kasutada ainult siis, kui ostetud liikmelisus on Ajuvanker 1 aastaks või kauemaks ja see pole Ajudega tasumine. Tegevus on aktiivne kuni tühistamiseni. Lõpupäeva pole täpsustatud, kuid seoses ülestõusmispühadega peaks see toimuma aprillis 2010. Lisaks märkad meie ostukorvisüsteemi kena täiustust - pole enam vaja täpsustada makseviisi enne tellimust. Kõik võimalikud makseviisid kuvatakse tellimuse juures. Kui valid ühe neist ja see mingil põhjusel ei toimi, saad valida mõne muu makseviisi uut tellimust loomata. Peale selle tahaksin meenutada võimalust saada Must Vanker - eluaegne liikmelisus, kui õnnestub Preemiavallutaja (Bonus conqueror) saavutus. Ära kõhkle oma võimaluse kasutamisel.
Varemteatatud probleemide tõttu on PayPal kui BrainKing´i liikmelisuse tasumisviis meie saidist eemaldatud ja me ei kavatse seda tagasi tuua, kuni PayPal pole oluliselt muutunud.
Vastavalt sellele tahaksime soodustada AlertPay kui väga hea PayPali alternatiivi proovimist meie kasutajate poolt. Kuna meil on vaja testida, kuidas BrainKing'i automaatsüsteem töötleb AlertPay tehinguid, on algatatud järgmine tegevus:
Iga BrainKing´i kasutaja, kes ostab 1 aasta (või kauema) AjuVankri liikmelisuse ja kasutab selle tasumiseks AlertPayd, saab 125% preemiat tellitavale ajale. Selline edendamine on aktiivne kuni pühapäevani 7. juunini 2009, 23:59:59 GMT+01:00 ja tellimus peab olema tasutud 15. juunil 2009.
Kena kõrvalnähtusena liigitub see tegevus Lihavõttemuna preemiakoodi alla, seega on see hea võimalus neile, kes vajavad seda preemiat Preemiavallutaja (Bonus conqueror) saavutuseks tasuta Musta Vankri liikmelisuse saamiseks. Ära kõhkle, sel aastal rohkem lihavõttepreemiat ei tule.
Due to PayPal's ridiculous policy "you are guilty until proven innocent", I have decided not to fight with these ignorants and their automated email responses any longer. As of 1st June 2009, BrainKing will stop accepting PayPal payments, so if you want to make a membership order with your PayPal account, you still have more than 2 weeks to do it. It is a good time anyway, according to the bonus code action.
Shortly said, nothing important should be changed - there are still other payment options, like AlertPay, MoneyBookers or a wire transfer, and all of them work fine, so everybody can continue to order higher membership levels, Brains or tournament prizes, just like before.
I will write more details about this issue tomorrow ( blog).
As I have already suggested at discussion boards, a small bug has been found in the generator of achievement points. Since this bug caused that every user received much more points than he/she actually should have, the points will be calculated again to reflect the real status. I apologize for this inconvenience. The recalculation will be done later today.
Although the recent Easter Egg action was active long enough, there are still many BrainKing users who were not able to catch the deadline, so we have decided to start a similar action and associate it with new achievements of the membership category. The action, which gives everyone a chance to get up to 100% bonus to an ordered subscription, will be activated later today and should be active until it is cancelled. Please read this short description if you are not familiar with the rules. There are two important modifications - the bonus can be used only if a Brain Rook or higher level is purchased and the order must be paid to the end of May 2009.
Kõigepealt pean kuulutama BrainKing´i mängusaidi plaanilisest ajaseisakust. sel nädalal, mis ei tohiks olla pikem kui 30 minutit. Põhjuseks on see, et meie andmebaasi varukoopiasüsteem vajab taastamist hiljutiste väikeste probleemide tõttu (mis on juba fikseeritud).
Teine info on olulisem. Lihavõttemuna aktsioon on käivitunud ja on aktiivne kuni esmaspäevani 13. aprillini 2009, 23:59:59 GMT+01:00 (Eestis 14.04 kell 0:59:59). Täiendavaks infoks klõpsa lihavõttemuna kujutisel Tasulise liikmelisuse lingi all vasakus servas. Pärast eelmist preemiategevust on ilmunud palju uusi BrainKing´i kasutajaid. Neile on hea võimalus saada 125% preemiat tasulise liikmelisuse ostmisel. Loomulikult võib sellest tegevusest igaüks kasu saada.
Preemiat saab kasutada ka Musta AjuVankri liikmelisuse tellimisel. 125% preemia asemel võid valida teise BrainKing´i kasutaja, kes saab sellesama eluaegse liikmelisuse tasuta.
I would like to thank everyone who helped us with testing our implementation of online poker game (Texas Hold'em). It makes an important milestone in BrainKing's history because it is our first game which belongs to 2 new categories - card games and multiplayer games.
Since all reported bugs are already fixed and no further serious problems were reported, the Online Poker will be officially released on Monday 9th March 2009, 9:00 a.m. GMT+01:00. As of this date and time, the following actions will be performed:
Chips of all players will be reset to the initial value of 1000. The reason is that the system gave some players more chips than they actually had won (due to a bug which is already fixed now), so a fresh start would be only fair to all users.
The Get more chips rule has been improved and the description can be found at the FAQ section.
All tables will be recreated with new parameters, based on the feedback of players. All limit types (limit, pot limit and no limit) are supported, as well as different table sizes (2-10 players).
Along with the release preparation, new features and game variants (poker tournaments, Omaha Hold'em, 7 Card Stud etc.) are being developed. Most of them will be probably completed after the mentioned release date, but the work will be definitely finished as soon as possible.
Kuna paljud BrainKing'i kasutajad on pärinud tasulise liikmelisuse tellimist puutuva preemiategevuse (boonusaktsiooni) järele, siis otsustasin selle veel kord luua. Tegevus, mis pakub igaühe tellimusele kuni 100% preemiat, läheb käiku 9. novembril 2008 kell 00:00:01 kuni 23:59:59 GMT+01:00 (Eesti aja järgi 1 tund varem) – jah, see on minu sünnipäev. Kui reeglid pole tuttavad, siis palun loe seda lühikirjeldust. On 2 väikest täiustust:
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 25th September 2008, 07:00 - 09:00 GMT+01:00 because of moving all BrainKing servers to a new location. When it is done and if the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes, BrainKing will automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours, in order to avoid timeouts in games with low time control (1 hour and similar). Thank you for understanding. Important! If you experience "server not found" problems after the downtime is over, please read site for further instructions.
Me pole mitu kuud spetsiaalset aktsiooni välja lasknud, sestap on aeg midagi teha. Kasutame jälle populaarset värvikoodide süsteemi, aga meil ei pruugi vana ideed kopeerida. Niisiis on siin mõned muudatused - palun loe: Seekord anname kenakese koguse tasuta Ajusid igale sellest aktsioonist osavõtjale. Kui sa näed pealehel väikest vilkuvat lambikest, siis on boonus aktiivne ja kasutatav. Aga ära viivita kaua - mõni boonus (eriti just see, mis lisab 1000 tasuta Aju) on aktiivne ainult mõne minuti. Boonuseid saab kasutada ainult siis, kui on ostetud liikmelisus 1 aastaks või pikemaks ajaks ja see on makstud tõelises rahas. Tasuta Ajudel on võrreldes tasuta kuudega vähemalt 2 eelist:
Sa saad pisut rohkem kui enne. Näiteks on punane Värvikood 1000 Aju (kui ostad AjuVankri), aga 1 aasta AjuVankri ostmiseks on vaja ainult 960 Aju - ülejäänut (40 Aju) saad kasutada hiljem. Kui sa pole varem Ajudest midagi kuulnud, palun loe seda lehte.
Ajusid ei pea tingimata ise kasutama - tasuta Ajud saab ka teise kasutaja liikmelisuse jaoks käiku lasta
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Sunday 2nd March 2008, 6:00 - 8:00 a.m. GMT+01:00 because of restoring the continuous data backup process which has been damaged by an unexpected power outage, caused by current strong storms in Czech Republic. When it is done and if the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes, BrainKing will automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours, in order to avoid timeouts in games with low time control (1 hour and similar). Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Monday 18th February 2008, 12:00 - 13:00 GMT+01:00 because of applying a new security system to all BrainKing servers. When it is done and if the downtime duration exceeds 60 minutes, BrainKing will automatically suspend the game time for 24 hours, in order to avoid timeouts in games with low time control (1 hour and similar). Thank you for understanding.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Friday 25th January 2008, 6:30 a.m. GMT+01:00 because of the database server upgrade. The estimated duration of this process is about 5 minutes only. Thank you for understanding.
Nagu me oleme lubanud, on viimane boonuskoodi aktsioon valla päästetud ja see on hea võimalus igaühele, kes ei kasutanud viimase jõuluaktsiooni eeliseid. Lubage mul kokku võtta reeglid:
Tegevus kehtib 24 tundi. Palun vii oma hiirekursor vilkuvale lambikesele Tasuline liikmelisus lingi all vasakus servas, et näha nõuannet täpse ajaga.
Tellimisaja boonus on 100-200%, olenevalt tellitavate aastate arvust. Palun klõpsa lambikesel või külasta seda lehte.
Kui tellimus on esitatud, siis tasumine peab laekuma 2008 jaanuari lõpuks.
Alates 1. veebruarist 2008 lisatakse 19% käibemaksu kõikidele liikmelisuse auhindadele, mis teeb nad pisut kallimaks. Jaanuari lõpuni 2008 on liikmelisus veel praegu kehtiva vääringuga.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Thursday 3rd January 2008, 21:00 - 24:00 GMT+01:00 because of moving data to the archive database. When it is done, BrainKing will automatically suspended the game time for 24 hours, in order to avoid timeouts in games with low time control (1 hour and similar). Thank you for understanding.
Christmas Special! It is almost December and, like every year, we are launching our Christmas action. This time it is not just about an extra month to the subscribed membership, everybody has a chance to get up to 100% bonus, based on the popular system of color codes. Let me remind the rules of this action:
When you see a small flashing light bulb on the Main Page, you know a bonus is active and can be used. But don't hesitate for a long time - some bonuses (especially the one which adds 100% to the subscribed period) can be active only for several minutes. The bonuses can be used only if a purchased membership is for 1 year or longer period and it is not a Brains payment.
This action will be active to the end of this year. Furthermore, we have added a nice improvement - you don't have to send a payment in 72 hours to validate the bonus (like before), it must be received to the end of this year - 31st December 2007, 23:59:59 GMT+01:00. The reason is that we would like to make this opportunity available to all users, including those who use a wire transfer or other slower methods to pay.
A scheduled downtime of BrainKing is planned on Wednesday 28th November 2007, 17:00 - 19:00 GMT+01:00 because of installing and configuring a secondary backup system. When it is done, BrainKing will automatically suspended the game time for 24 hours, in order to avoid timeouts in games with low time control (1 hour and similar). Thank you for understanding.
(peida) Oled väsinud mängu algul laevade või Spionaaži nuppude pealepanemisest? Sa võid "Mängude kujundamine" kaudu oma lemmikseisud salvestada. (pauloaguia) (näita kõiki vihjeid)