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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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21. september 2006, 22:47:47
Teema: Re: Noah's ark
anastasia: we are a little whacked LOL and if you can go to that park and not cry when you have read what was done to those poor animals you have no heart. and you didn't see goatie following the rest of us around did you? lol

22. september 2006, 14:02:26

22. september 2006, 14:11:22
Adaptable Ali 
Teema: Re:
Jules: aw they are adorable

22. september 2006, 19:54:41
Teema: Re:
Jules: AWWWWW!!!! They remind me of Brutus!! We had a little kitten,the mother rejected him so we had to feed him,up every few hours with him,that's very sweet! Are you keeping them?

23. september 2006, 15:08:30
Teema: Re:
anastasia: Yet to be decided.. But no way all. 5 cats is too much.

2. oktoober 2006, 17:19:59
Teema: Damien
well,only 2 more weeks of basic advanced training and then into his shutzhund he goes..I am so phyced!!!

3. oktoober 2006, 02:40:02
Teema: Re: Damien
Tuesday: He is my first shepard..he is so awesome,smart doesn't even begin to describe him either! You know something so funny,he loves to watch TV..his favorite shows are Meerkat Manor and football,LOL!!! Meerkats are on for 30 minutes,he watched 25 of 30 minutes,I mean sat there and WATCHED the tv,LMAO!!!! (even the advertisments!!)

3. oktoober 2006, 05:24:35
Teema: Re: Damien
anastasia: My two older cats don't care about television, but the new kitten loves baseball and stock car racing. I think she also likes to watch what I'm doing on BrainKing :)

4. oktoober 2006, 19:06:21
Teema: Re: Damien
Tuesday: I use to clean house for a woman that had a dog that would smile...it was the funniest thing in the world!The more you would rub her tummy,the bigger her smile would get! I haven't seen one since that will smile.German shepards are suppose to be known to smile but Damien has yet to to it,lol.You'll have to send me a pic of her!!

7. oktoober 2006, 16:12:27
Teema: Re: Damien
Tuesday: I read the shepards are known to do it,but like I said,not Little D,lol.He does some big old butt wiggles though when he gets excited,so that's cool,LOL!!!

8. oktoober 2006, 19:32:46
Teema: Brag time!!!!
ok,sorry,well,not really,LMAO!!!! I am so proud of Damien!! He s just such a totally awesome dog! I take him to the park almost everyday and he does so well,I think my head will explode if I become anymore prouder of him!!!! He pretty much is non-reactive to walking past people anymore,Dogs,well,he still gets excited but will sit and let them walk up to him before he stands to greet them.He stands though before I give the release,but hey,practice makes perfect,right!!??!! People comment ALL THE TIME how well behaved he is and how good his manners are.I feel like my kids just scored the winning touch down!!! I don't even have kids,LOL!!!!! He walks well,comes to side when I stop walking,waits till I tell him ok,let's go.Well,I could talk untill you PM me to shut up about him,LOL!!! Just wanted you to know how well he is doing and how proud I am of him!

9. oktoober 2006, 16:31:37
Teema: Re: Brag time!!!!
anastasia: Pets are kids, they're the ones that never grow up, rarely argue with you, don't complain much, are always happy to see you, and never have a problem with being hugged in public And GO Damien, sounds like a really good doggie, give em a hug for me

9. oktoober 2006, 19:13:54
Teema: Re: Brag time!!!!
The wonderful thing about our pets is the unconditional love. Doesnt matter what we look like, act like or dess like they dont judge us like people do. They love us for how we treat them.
I love each an every one of my kitties, can't imagine life with out em really. I never meant or dreamed we would have 13 but it just happened that they needed a home and loving.
Loki and Punkin our latest newbies are settling in nicely with the rest of the clan. It doesnt take very long, a few weeks usually for the hissing to calm down. We get help from a rescue group that donates food to us which enables us to be able to take in a few more if need be. If I had my way and tons of money I sure would have a ton of dogs, cats and what ever else needed a home.

16. oktoober 2006, 05:19:33
Teema: kittens
My kids and Jules... ok and me have given names to the kittens.

Spike, BlueBlue and Angel and we still haven't made up our minds whether to keep one or not.

They are running all around now they are so cute and fun to be with, I would love to keep them all but can't, not until I get a bigger place to live

Hmmmm maybe a farm lol

18. oktoober 2006, 18:55:06
Teema: Re: kittens
heavenlyemma: I was wondering about your kitties!! You will have to give us some updated photos!!

18. oktoober 2006, 18:56:16
Teema: Damien goes off to collage!
My little boy graduated from advanced class Monday! This Sunday we are taking him to the club and seeing what goes on there,and then Monday bright and early down to Akron!!!!

19. oktoober 2006, 01:35:03
Teema: Re: Damien goes off to collage!
anastasia: How did the Akron trip go? I know he is gonna be great :)

19. oktoober 2006, 01:35:33
Teema: Re: Damien goes off to collage!
anastasia: ignore that last post LOL

19. oktoober 2006, 14:01:54
Teema: Re: kittens
anastasia: I'll take a pic for you today and show you.

19. oktoober 2006, 19:43:49
Teema: Re: Damien goes off to collage!
Gemina: did you need some sleep when you posted that one,lol...love ya!

19. oktoober 2006, 19:44:18
Teema: Re: kittens

19. oktoober 2006, 21:22:26
Teema: Re: kittens
anastasia: Sorry my fault, won't get done tonight. I had to dash out will sort the computer out tommorrow for Emma.

20. oktoober 2006, 01:57:34
Teema: Re: kittens
anastasia: I'm sorry about that oooops him Men eh LOL

21. oktoober 2006, 20:17:07
Teema: help me out here,please.
So,this morning,I take Damien down to the park.There is a HUGH sign before you even go onto the main trail of the park saying by the ordinance (gives the ordinance number) of the township,dogs MUST be kept under control at all times.Damien is one of only 3 that I know of that is always on a leash.First off,it's the LAW,second,he is still a pup,he is not fixed,he is a very expensive dog...you get the point,he is NEVER off leash.Most dogs down there ARE off leash..this is what happened today..I was walking Damien down the trail and around the corner comes a dog that I know well,an older overweight lab that jumps on EVERYONE! The dog came RUNNING up to me,anticipating the jump,I turned sideways and yelled,OFF! to her.She jumped,pushed me backwards,Damien was to my side,not doing anything but standing there..wasn't jumping at her or trying to play with her.The dog KEPT jumping on me,I yelled at her agian..I hear her Mom say,why are you jumping? I am thinking,SHE ALWAYS JUMPS!She ripped the cord of my ipod off of me, Her Dad yells for her to get her fat ass down...mind you,she is still jumping on me!Her Dad came over to get her down and he says..do you have treats on you? I said,well yeah,for my dog..he says well that the reason she is jumping on you.I said Jesus Christ (sorry,lol) you know I love dogs BUT that is ridiculious,the dog jumps on everyone all the time!(I am saying this as she is STILL trying to jump on me!) He says well,she was trained and then untrained.So,my thing is...I don't care if you were holding a steak in front of my dog's face...he has had enough training and learned manners to NOT jump on people! And if he did jump on people,he would be on lead! I think the guy was TOTALLY out of line to blame ME for HIS dog jumping! I am right or wrong here??

21. oktoober 2006, 20:42:45
Teema: Re: help me out here,please.
anastasia: Your right, of course, but, if you don't want to be around dogs that are off-leash, then why don't you simply just go elsewhere? I share my life with one fixed female doggie who's barely ever on a leash, and she goes to a park where there are upwards of twelve or so other dogs off-leash and they just play, play, play, till they all drop.....I puppy-sit on the weekends for a friends NOT-fixed male (he's about 10 months & probably sixty pounds) and I can't take him there, due to his not being fixed, he isn't easily accepted into the pack due to his constant sniffing, humping, etc.....so, long story short, we go elsewhere when he's around, somewhere not so dog-oriented (tho I do keep him off-leash as long as he behaves and listens to me when necessary) as he LOVES to chase every chipmunk, squirrel, and deer (lol) that he can scare up.....I think there's room for both types of dogs, sometimes you just gotta search out the right type of park, woods, forest, etc.

22. oktoober 2006, 04:12:14
Teema: Re: help me out here,please.
srnity: Damien gets along well with all the dogs...my thing was the dog jumping on ME,lol...and the guy blaming ME for his dog jumping...Even if it was a different situation though,and it was my dog havig problems with the others...WHY should I have to take him somewhere else? He is on a leash (under the township ordinance,they HAVE to be) the others are not..so agian,why should I have to leave?

22. oktoober 2006, 06:29:09
Teema: Re: help me out here,please.
anastasia: . You shouldn't have to leave or find another place to go. The other dog should be kept on a leash I know around here that is a big fine if not on a leash.

22. oktoober 2006, 14:23:14
Teema: Re: help me out here,please.
gogul: His dog,besides the jumping is friendly,but yes,when it is a known jumper,you should keep it on a leash.There are alot of elderly that walk down there,what is she jumps on one of them and knocks them down...would that be the elderly person fault then? No,it wouldn't.How much does it take to just put the lead on her.All the other dogs that are off lead are all well behaved.It's not them being off lead I have the problem with,it is the BEHAVIOR of the dog.And you're right...they WOULDN'T admit it was a problem with her.

22. oktoober 2006, 14:25:04
Teema: Re: help me out here,please.
srnity: you should think twice about ever letting an unfixed male off lead...they are way more prone to running away...they have been known to run for MILES when they have the scent of a female in heat.

22. oktoober 2006, 22:48:32
Teema: Star and kittens

anastasia: I've done 3 pages of photos.

This is the first, this is the second, and here is the third.


22. oktoober 2006, 23:08:06
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
heavenlyemma: awwww they are adorable

22. oktoober 2006, 23:13:15
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
Fiona: Yeah i'd love to keep them all but no can do i'm afraid, maybe one but choosing which one is hard.

22. oktoober 2006, 23:16:41
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
heavenlyemma: i can imagine its very hard to do - have you got homes for any of them yet?

22. oktoober 2006, 23:19:42
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
Fiona: No, I was trying to get me mum to have one but she said "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO more cats thankyou" lol

22. oktoober 2006, 23:21:26
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
heavenlyemma: awwwwwww you will just have to keep them all then lol

22. oktoober 2006, 23:25:05
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
Fiona: If my place was bigger yes lol me mum always said and still does say, that I should have a farm lol

22. oktoober 2006, 23:52:07
Teema: Re: Star and kittens
heavenlyemma: Oh heck no, no farm. We'd be having to have the animal food delivered by a 7 1/2 tonner

23. oktoober 2006, 14:37:34
Teema: Re:
Tuesday: sounds like he needs to be decenitized (sp) put him on his leash and make him site about 6 feet away from the door...have someone walk through it...if he starts acting up,you IMIDIATLY say NO! or AHH-AHH and walk him away from the situation.Down the hall,whatever s he can't see what is going on anymore.Walk him back a few feet at a time and make him sit after each time you stop.This will help get him out of this frame of mind..You will have to keep doingthis with your dog...don't overwhelm him though.Only do it about 5 or so times at first,while teaching him.EVERYTIME though when someone just comes to the door,say to visit you.REPITITION is the key.

23. oktoober 2006, 19:25:03
Teema: Re:
Tuesday: yes,actually,dogs CAN suffer from a tramatic incident.He still must work through this issue though.Our Dalmatain was fine when we went and got him,walked right up to him no trouble at all.After we had him,nobody else could come up to him that easily,if at all,really.Vet said he may have association that we came and took him...maybe someone else will come and take him.Like I said though,you NEED to get him through this issue :)

23. oktoober 2006, 19:56:57
Teema: Re:
srnity toimetatud (23. oktoober 2006, 20:03:40)
Tuesday: When we first took our present doggie from a shelter, she was an abuse case and we were the sixth family to take her in the course of a few months, people kept bringing her back over and over.....She had (and still does in some ways) major issues with a whole lot of things. She used to bark and growl at everyone and everything. A whole lotta love, attention, and giving her other outlets to occupy her mind (toys, rawhide, a blanket to snuggle with) has done wonders. She still growls for no apparent reason sometimes, but when we call her, hug her, etc. she's ok now... just takes time for them to know things are alright, she still doesn't trust us to protect her fully, but it'll come in time...it took her a full year to stop showing her teeth when scared too And if he loves to be outside, why not? I had a dog for twenty-odd years who practically had to be dragged in kicking and screaming every night, the only reason I didn't let him live outdoors in the yard was the cats, raccoons, etc...he was part-lab and loved to hunt

24. oktoober 2006, 19:19:27
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: He sounds soooo adorable, I'm sure if you really can't keep him that there's someone out there who would love to give him a home, and I'm sure he loves you for being there for him when he needed someone to care. Either way, I wish you both well. The only pets we've ever had are those that were in need for whatever reason (dogs, rabbits, ferrets, frogs, we even took in someone's pet squirrel once) and I think they mean more to you when they've had such a rough go of it. There are people everywhere who take on animals with issues, I have a friend who takes in feral(sp?) cats every year at this time when it starts to get too cold, even though it causes her own cats to go bonkers, they calm down after she finds the strays homes. I also LOVE animals, I'm the type of person who calls the SPCA to help save wild baby birds that have fallen from a nest that I can't find to put them back

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