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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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24. oktoober 2006, 19:36:21
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: Our dog's name is "Baby Cujo" (ha-ha, but not really). She was downright scary to be around for the first few months we had her (I used to wonder if she'd take me out in my sleep, she was truly certifiable, somebody did something horrendously bad to her) BUT she's turned out to be a real love, very smart, very sweet, and still cautious, but that's okey, I guess she has a right to be. Other things that calm her, case they help you, are low country music, nightlights in a couple rooms (doesn't relax in the dark) and I put a blanket over her when I leave for work in the morn, maybe it's hiding in her mind? She's pretty much stopped barking at every little noise, but she seems to need to growl everytime still. I'll have to rent the Dog Whisperer and see if it'll give me some more ideas

24. oktoober 2006, 19:44:57
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: Is it based on a true story? And, since it's one I've seen, anything along the lines of the Horse Whisperer?

24. oktoober 2006, 19:52:20
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: Thanks Much for the link - and give Ozzy a hug for me

24. oktoober 2006, 19:59:04
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: LMAO - I think that means he's smart (or cunning, or something) - I've never had a dog that watched TV, I'm envious

25. oktoober 2006, 16:38:21
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: Yea, we do, but we just give her simple things like meat, chicken, fish, rice, and eggs, nothing with sugar, but she has a thing for popcorn

26. oktoober 2006, 02:10:28
Teema: Re:Ozzy
Tuesday: ROFL - he's hungry - or he really, really doesn't like kibble - mine will eat anything, she's got an ongoing skin condition, is always, on/off steroids (but it helps), and I tell her all the time she's lucky she's not human, she could top 300 easy with her appetite The puppy I watch on the weekends just plants himself in the middle of the kitchen floor and won't budge, I just step over him and keep cooking

26. oktoober 2006, 14:57:47
Adaptable Ali 
my dad has just sent me a wav file which is sooo funny about a cat, i want to post it in here so you can all click on it and play it, does anybody know how i can do it

26. oktoober 2006, 18:54:50
Teema: WARNING..sensitive material!!!!!!!! Peta update on butterball
On April 13, one worker showed how he could paralyze birds by repeatedly punching their necks. No animal should be subjected to such cruel treatment. That is why PETA's unique undercover investigations are so important: They help us expose—and hopefully stop—animals from suffering such horrible pain and abuse. PETA investigations take months or even years to arrange. They are expensive and dangerous, placing the safety and even the lives of our undercover workers at risk. Yet our investigators have succeeded in bravely securing video footage from factory farms and slaughterhouses in order to amass irrefutable evidence of the atrocities that take place there. There's nothing comparable to having someone inside a slaughterhouse witnessing this abuse firsthand and exposing what animal abusers try so desperately to hide. If you are disgusted by this senseless animal abuse, please take these three important steps today:

Send a letter to your member of Congress. Ask your representative why birds aren't covered by the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. Ask him or her to initiate a federal investigation of the Butterball plant and other cases of animal abuse.

On May 3, another worker swung a live turkey like a baseball bat against a metal bar, smashing the bird's head and spraying blood everywhere. On May 8, one worker laughed out loud as he crushed a turkey's skull with the heel of his boot.

On July 13, two workers attempted to decapitate a live turkey by twisting her neck and pulling her head through a hole in her enclosure.

26. oktoober 2006, 19:27:08
Teema: Re: WARNING..sensitive material!!!!!!!! Peta update on butterball
anastasia: Humankind

29. oktoober 2006, 08:21:23
Teema: What goes around comes around
Tuesday:it is called in australia "pissing into the wind" you will get your own back LOL

sorry about the language......K A R M A

29. oktoober 2006, 08:34:42
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Tuesday: rofl....taint no cold medicine....just plain old "caring" tablets :)

29. oktoober 2006, 13:36:33
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Tuesday: I hope his head was kicked in and he was stomped on too before his demise. This is whyI love animals over people most of the time. Animals show unconditional love. Some people dont even know love.

29. oktoober 2006, 14:56:33
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Rose: I think it shows a sick,weak person...anyone that would abuse an animal like that....If you want to hurt something,try a person your own size that would probably whop the snot right out of you.Hurting or killing a kitten doesn't make a man...someone that would take the time and get that kitten from a tree,or give it some love,THAT is a man.

29. oktoober 2006, 15:12:18
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
anastasia: I'm not sure if I told you about 'Shivers'. She is a tiny kitten at the local vet emerg hanging on to dear life. She was not quite 3 months old when her owners boyfriend whacked her with a 2by4. She has so much neurological damage that she just shakes now as if she has bad parkinsons. It is so sad. They took the cat away from the owner but no charges were laid. I asked why not and the reply I got was that by the time the SPCA investigates it the guy wouldnt be around to be tried in court. OUR laws need to change and these animals that hurt inocent creatures need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!!!

29. oktoober 2006, 15:28:19
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Rose: wow!! really surprised that they didn't just put the kitten down!!
A few years back,oh probaby more like 10 or so now (how the time flys!) A woman was getting into her car and noticed that there was a guy tying a collie to the back of his car,to the bumper...the guy got in the car and started to drive off! The woman jumped in her car,called the police while following him..I guess some others had seen what was going on and also chased the guy down.When they finally got him to stop,she ran,untied the dog,got the dog into her car and strait to the animal ER.It was the one I use to work at.By the grace of God the dog survived..I truely have no idea how though.Most of her fur and skin had been ripped from her body,broken bones.She had said the dog tried running as much as she could to keep up with the car but finally her legs just gave out.The woman ended up adopting the dog...I would like to know how the rest of her life was.I'm sure the woman made sure she had as happy and loving life as she could.The dog would,just from age,be dead by now.The guy that did this,got a fine and told he was never permitted to own another dog.My thought..HE should have been tied to a bumper and see how long HE could run to keep up with the car before finally colapsing and being drug behind it! Laws DO need to be changed...animals have feeling and thoughts,and hurt when in pain,and it pises me off that anyone could do such things to animals!!!!

29. oktoober 2006, 22:02:48
Teema: Re: Gracie
Tuesday: Awwwww, I'm getting choked up here

30. oktoober 2006, 13:01:53
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Rose: The little calico (her name is Munch now) who could barely breathe, was severly anemic, and didn't weigh as much as a can of Coke now weighs 5 1/4 pounds and is doing just great!

30. oktoober 2006, 14:37:33
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
wetware: That's so kool! Aren't calico's such neat cats? I have one in my herd.

BTW, love your icon!

30. oktoober 2006, 15:17:50
Teema: Re: What goes around comes around
Rose: Thanks, Rose. She's a bold one, and she's in that phase where everything is a potential toy--including electric cables and rolls of toilet paper... arghhh! Oh, these adolescents.

30. oktoober 2006, 15:37:31
Teema: Damien's second week in the club
Well,yesterday I learned how to lay a track and to show D how to run that track,I think I will do that 3 or 4 times a day with him.He flubbed all but one of his obidiance commands when I was showing the trainer.He has never worked around other dogs or peole,so when he TRIES to do it,he wants to play instead of work,so he is not allowed to play with the other dogs in the park from now on.He HAS to learn to ignore them.I am to go back to the reward after EVERY good command.He was sent home with a toy made from the smae stuff bite sleeves are made with.THAT part he loves,lol.I know he will do good with the bite work,lol.He is doing good at holding the dumbell,he is up to about 4 seconds of hold while sitting.He has a long road ahead with this training..I hope I am up for it!!

30. oktoober 2006, 17:47:43
Teema: Re: Damien's second week in the club
anastasia: Wow, that sounds like quite an undertaking. Seems like by the time your through, you can probably teach others. I had a neighbor who was a narcotics cop partnered with a K-9 and it was absolutely incredible how his dog behaved, like his mind was zeroed in only on his work, I don't think he ever took his eyes off his master, ever, no matter who or what was around, very impressive what certain breeds/types of dogs will do

31. oktoober 2006, 05:44:52
Teema: got this in email.....sad :*(
A trail of blood led police to two suspects who allegedly beat a family dog and dragged the animal behind a vehicle in Didsbury. The dog's injuries were so severe, a veterinarian called to the scene had to euthanize the animal on the spot.
"This was definitely, in my 10 years of policing, the most horrendous act I've seen against an animal," said Cpl. Kevin Fischer of the RCMP in Didsbury, 90 kilometers north of Calgary. A couple found the female collie-Lab cross lying in The street near Ross Ford Elementary School in the northwest corner of town early Sunday. Their frantic phone call woke Dr. Andy Mencarelli, a veterinarian at the Krebs clinic in Didsbury, who went to the scene. The dog's legs were bound
together with duct tape and there was a tow rope around its neck. Its head was wrapped in a bag. "There was blood everywhere," said Mencarelli. The dog was able to lift its head, but in too much shock to make any sound, he said.
When Mencarelli lifted the dog to the back of his truck to euthanize it, the true extent of the animal's injuries became apparent. "This dog was just broken," he said, adding its neck, pelvis, back and skull were fractured. Investigators believe the six- or seven-year-old dog endured a beating
prior to being tied up and hitched to a vehicle. "Indications are the dog was dragged behind a vehicle," Fischer said. The
dog had no tags, tattoos or obvious identification, but police officers followed a trail of blood to a local home.
Police have laid charges against two teenagers, but Fischer said Wednesday they are no closer to learning a motive for the crime. "There is nothing, at this point," he said.
Daniel Charles Haskett, 19, of Didsbury has been charged under the Criminal Code with injuring/endangering an animal and causing unnecessary suffering to an animal. He is also charged with obstructing police. A 17-year-old male, whose identity is protected by the Youth Criminal Justice Act, is charged with injuring/endangering an animal and causing
unnecessary suffering to an animal. For adult offenders, each of the animal cruelty charges has a maximum penalty of a $2,000 fine or six months in jail -- or both. The case is also being investigated by the Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A conviction under the province's Animal Protection Act can carry a maximum penalty of a $20,000 fine and a lifetime ban from Owning animals, but an official said no further charges are being contemplated. "We have been notified of it and are having some follow up involvement," said Morris Airey, the Alberta SPCA's director of enforcement. The two suspects are scheduled to appear in Didsbury provincial court on Nov. 6 I would like to start a petition to show politicians' and mayor
etc.. In Calgary ,that others have heard this story and would like to see something done to these two offenders,more than just a fine or 6 months in jail.The two boys should tolerated.Lets speak for those who can't speak for themselves,and lets speak for this poor dog who was absolutely defenseless

31. oktoober 2006, 13:01:50
Andre Faria 
Teema: Tell Iceland to Stop Hunting Whales
Despite an international ban on whaling adopted in 1986, Iceland has announced plans to hunt whales commercially for the first time in twenty years. Permits have been granted by Iceland’s Ministry of Fisheries for the hunting of 30 minke whales and nine endangered fin whales. Commercial whaling is an out-dated and unnecessary industry that should have ended a century ago with the use of whale oil lamps. The government of Iceland should be supporting its nation’s thriving and growing whale watching industry rather than sinking money and its political reputation into promoting the cruel hunting of whales.

Write a letter to Iceland’s Embassy urging Iceland to call off this hunt before it’s too late.


31. oktoober 2006, 19:32:31
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
BerniceC: oh that makes me sick..here's a good punishment...bounding their legs,beating them,dragging them behind a car,and putting a bag over their heads..anyone else agree?

31. oktoober 2006, 19:33:15
Teema: Re: Tell Iceland to Stop Hunting Whales
Andre Faria:I just don't understand that.WHY? Thats's all I can say...why?

31. oktoober 2006, 19:43:01
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
anastasia: 2 wrongs don't make 1 right.

31. oktoober 2006, 20:22:21
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
boop2004: in MY book,in THIS case,I would be fine with it.A fine...THAT would be ok?

2. november 2006, 01:16:18
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
BerniceC: I am just speechless. Why would someone do this? and what kinds of person does this. I think they need more then a fine and 6 months.

2. november 2006, 11:23:48
Andre Faria 
Teema: Re: Tell Iceland to Stop Hunting Whales
anastasia: unfortunately money talks first. As always... :(

2. november 2006, 11:28:17
Andre Faria 
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
Andre Faria toimetatud (2. november 2006, 11:31:05)
anastasia: If I would see a scene like the one Bernice posted, I would make justice with my own hands. And I will say no more, because this is a public board...

2. november 2006, 19:55:51
Teema: Re: got this in email.....sad :*(
Andre Faria: I agree with you

8. november 2006, 14:39:24
Teema: Damien's new triaining
Well,I can't say is is doing REALLY,REALLY well,but I cna say that he is having a BALL being there,lol.He seems to be getting the hang of tracking...he seems to be settleing down a bit when I am running him through his obidiance training around the othe dogs and people..He started his bite work training last Sunday..THAT was fun!! He would latch on to the sleeve toy that they have to train the younger dogs...the trainer drags it along the ground,the dog chases it and then bites onto it.Damien would bite on to it,start shaking it..then,out of the corner of his eye,he would see the leaves blowing,let go of the toy and POUNCE on the leaves,LMAO!!!! The trainer was laughing telling me to remember..he may be 90 pounds but he is STILL just a pup!!! If for some reason Damien is not cut out for compition in this sport,we will still take him to the club for training,he loves it! We will still be getting him into the agility this Feb.He has to be at least a year old for that.

13. november 2006, 03:34:00
Teema: FYI
my new pic is of my shih tzu BEAR.

He is such a wee honey :)

13. november 2006, 19:02:59
Teema: Re: FYI
BerniceC: AWWWW!!! give him all kinds of hugs and mush for me!!!!

13. november 2006, 19:05:47
Teema: Gemina.....
My dear friend lost her german shepard this past weekend.I just wanted to tell you again how very sorry I am for that.You rescued her and gave her a WONDERFUL life,one she never would have had if it hadn't been for you.She was loved and she knows it.She is happy,in a place she will forever be young and able to play.

14. november 2006, 22:50:49
Teema: Re: Gemina.....
anastasia: Thank you so much, I am taking it day by day. I will forever miss her. She was a beautiful being. and will forever be in my heart and thoughts.

22. november 2006, 18:27:12
Teema: Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

8. detsember 2006, 05:45:58
Teema: Blue Persians
Does anyone know if Blue Persian cats have similar dander to other types of cats? My girlfriends Mom is allergic to most types of cats, but she had no problem with her cat that was a Blue Persian. I would like to get one someday and would hope that she can pet it and be around it. Can you help?

8. detsember 2006, 18:55:19
Teema: Re: Blue Persians
rednaz23: I don't know much about cats,BUT the first thing that I would do is hit google.com and read as much as you can about the breed,then hit the library,THEN call a local vet..I have had my german shepard since March and I STILL read and learn all that I can about the breed.Hope this helps a bit

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