It has been suggested before (even if it was as a joke...). Why not an achievement for not spending an hour of vacation (with auto-vacation mode on) during the whole year, or if it's easier to "achieve" don't lose a game by timeout during a year
I know this is not exactly a ranking table, but shouldn't the players that have been removed by a certain time period be removed from the achievements list?
Fencer: I know it does not count when a player times-out (I've been through that situation on a massacre chess game where I did not capture any queen in the first eight moves, and it seemed that I was going to win, but my opponent timed-out so no achievement), so probably on a resigned game it's the same, since both games ended up unnaturally As for the "counting" of achievements (although it is not exactly an achievement problem), the system keeps mis-counting the won team tournaments (once a bug has been posted by pauloaguia, because the fellowship Tugas had won a tournament ,but still showed 0 victories, and we have won two tournaments (one of camelot Jan 2009 Coulrophobia (Camelot) - and one of portuguese checkes Hogfather, but only one of them was creditted to us. As a consequence this one does not count for the "won team tournaments achievement"
Fencer: well, by killed I meant found (either by killing or guessing). Or if you prefer it, me having 0 frogs left and my opponent still having frogs to be found
(peida) Kui Sa tahad, et teised kasutajad ei teaks, millega Sa tegeled, siis võid lehel Seaded valida varjatud režiimi (ainult tasulised liikmed). (pauloaguia) (näita kõiki vihjeid)