Boring.......? Well i can agree that in the last 7-8 years, defense is the system all teams play, but has not yet, become boring.......... Actually it will never be.
FOOTBALL forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you support any known (European or S.American) teams...........?
Thanks but i prefer my number of games to be decreased a little....I have 370 right now and they soon will increase about 100-150. I will invite you sometime in the future.....
I thought since you can use the throne to capture the King, then you can use it to capture Pawns also. But this isn't correct. Right.........?
I want to start playing this game and i have some questions:
In the rules it says: "The king cannot capture enemies, this feature is available for guards and mercenaries only."
That means:
A)If i make a King move and surround, with the help of a Pawn of course, an enemy Pawn, then this Pawn will NOT be captured. Right......?
B)If i make a Pawn move and surround, with the help of a King, an enemy Pawn, then this Pawn will NOT be captured. Right.......?
C)If i make a King move and surround, with the help of the throne, an enemy Pawn, then this Pawn will NOT be captured. Right......?
Now about the throne (as the rule section is not complete):
D)Both white and black sides can use the throne to surround a Pawn or the King to capture it. Right.......?
(peida) Kui oled huvitatud selle turniiri edukusest, millel mängid, siis võid oma vastastega arutleda selle turniiri vestlusgrupis. (HelenaTanein) (näita kõiki vihjeid)