I think there may just be a mistake in the rules, when describing the limitations. It says, "A tank cannot move to black squares (mines)" and, "Only the commander tank can move to red squares at the center of the board (contamined area)".
I think the word "to" should be replace for "through" in each of those constraints! Is that right?
This is a really cool game. It kind of reminds me of something but I cant figure out what it is ... kinda like chinese checkers, kinda like chess, Always enjoy a good statedgy game. Got game ? bring it on ... lol
my tanks are ready...
and my name is eddie..
so if you think you can...
come and try to kick my can...
so if you do it right...
you just might....
have fun playin a game...
with a fool that goes by the name...
of eddie spaghetti...
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