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Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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24. veebruar 2004, 23:07:30
Teema: Re: sponsorship
Thats fine Harley :o) Thanks

24. veebruar 2004, 23:05:29
Teema: Re: sponsorship
Steve, I can't go as high as a dollar a player, but I can do 50 cents a player, hows that?

24. veebruar 2004, 22:19:48
Teema: sponsorship
Is there anyone who would like to join me in sponsoring this tourny? Stevie's Dollar donation per player Reversi

Maybe match the amount I put in, or even offer a prize for the winner etc.
Anything is better than nothing even 40 cents per player is $12 at the present amount of players. There is a limit of 50 players, so only need 19 more.

Have fun and enjoy your games :o)

24. veebruar 2004, 17:21:50
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
Dakotaspring has timed out of two games.

Only 7 left...Who is it going to be????

24. veebruar 2004, 04:48:59
Teema: Re: Round Robin Backgammom Tournament
I'm first!

24. veebruar 2004, 04:44:30
Teema: Round Robin Backgammom Tournament
* USA * fellowship....first 32 to reply play you win you advance....March Madness comes to BK

23. veebruar 2004, 21:33:57

23. veebruar 2004, 21:29:53
Go to my profile, and to my tournaments, and you can gety there thatw way, I think!

23. veebruar 2004, 21:29:03
Teema: Re:
Sorry, am not too good with links Harley. I am on WEBTV, and it is possible to do, but takes some HTML which I don't really deal with...

23. veebruar 2004, 21:24:36
Any chance of a link for that tourney, IMupChucKing?

23. veebruar 2004, 21:12:56

Pawnchucker is looking good, at a perfect 10-0 record in group #5!!!!

23. veebruar 2004, 21:09:09
Teema: Backgammon prize tournament update...
Who will be tha last person to have a finished game?????
As of right now, there are still 8 players left without at least one finished game.

Who will win the competition to be the last person to have a game finish????

23. veebruar 2004, 19:59:05
lovelysharon: I will fix it.

23. veebruar 2004, 19:25:41
Teema: Fencer
could you please check into this tournament .. Neznalek's tournament in gammon games #3 .. I am listed twice in round 3 section 3 ...

23. veebruar 2004, 17:38:02
Any rook is free to start any tournaments - I know Bry also has "Mini backgammon" tournaments he does - they usually start fast (but have a longer time limit)

Caissus - Feel free to start any tournament you think there needs to be - I will probable not do any "Fast Start" for some of the games you mentioned (antichess, hordechess) basicly because I don't think there is enough people who like it.

But one of the ways I see is try some (Like I have just recently with Reversi, Halma, etc....) - just to see if anyone would be interested.

What I have found (and will keep on doing) is backgammon (which I can sometimes start up to 2-3 a day!) is the most popular. Also Nack, Race, and Crowded gammon is also pretty popular. Spider Line 4, Battleboats & Five in Line also usually fills up within a day or two.


But again, feel free to create any type of tournament you like. I don't sign up for my own currently because I'm tring to get my total game count down - but I know many others like the tournaments, so I try to keep them going for everyone else!

... if they did not like it, they would stop signing up, and then i would stop creating them! :-)

23. veebruar 2004, 17:37:01
Teema: Re:
Harley,normally you create a tournement if you want play yourself.How do you think would the tournement site look like,if every rook would create so many tournements (for others)? And how many players would join in these many tournements?

23. veebruar 2004, 17:21:20
I probably would, Caissus, except I'd feel like I was stepping on BBW's shoes... er.. paws!
And does it really matter if its BBW starting them, or a lot of different rooks?

23. veebruar 2004, 17:18:53
Teema: Re:
Hi folks,you all are rooks and can create your own "fast start tournement",in which you want play.You must not wait on BBW`s endavours. Perhaps I should start too to create a series of tournements, someting like " much faster start,..." for chess, antichess, hordechess, januschess, ...,...,:)

23. veebruar 2004, 17:17:03
i like the fast start games too!! :)

23. veebruar 2004, 15:58:33
Teema: Re:
I like "fast start" a lot! Because i know that i can sign up for "Five in line" anytime and start playing within a day or two.

23. veebruar 2004, 15:43:18
My suggestion for a site "all games" tournament would be so hopefully more people would join it - and then there would not be a need for other "all games" tournaments - since they normally don't get as many users. If there was a "MAIN" Site tournament - lets say once a month, I believe it would get many sign ups, which in turn make the tournament beter.

And like harley said - A lot of people like the "Fast start" tournament - I'll be the first to admit I have a lot up right now - that is because I like to try them with different game types to see what kind of response I get..... so those will disapear soon, and you probable will not see those game types again. :-)

23. veebruar 2004, 15:39:47
Aww, I like BBW's tourneys! It means I can usually find a tourney thats likely to start that day or the day later, and because they're only 5 people I don't have to wait forever for them to finish. They're simple, quick and easy. Huh, go figure why I like them so much!

23. veebruar 2004, 15:36:35
Teema: Re:
BBW,at the moment we have six all-games tournements in the tournement list, most of them have only few players.There is no need that you creates so many tournements especially if you don`t play in your own tournements.
A tournement should be a special event and sometimes less is more.Perhaps makes a limitation sense, for instance two tournements per rook per month?

23. veebruar 2004, 15:25:53
Fencer - because a lot of the games I make are "Fast Start" games, meaning once 5 players sign up, I will start it - if it has many type of games, it would not longer be a fast starting tournament.

I have a lot of tournaments right now because I was just trying a few different games - I will try to keep my tournament's down.

Also, any plans for a regular "all games" tournaments. I would love to see 1 "main" tournament (site created / Fencer created) that started every month or so.

23. veebruar 2004, 10:13:36
The Anti Socials Anti Reversi tournament needs 2 more players, Anti Backgammon tourny needs 3 more players, Anti Line4 needs 3, Anti Checkers needs 2, Atomic Chess needs 2, and Anti Chess needs 3.

23. veebruar 2004, 08:19:39
BBW: Why don't you create just one tournament with more game types? I don't like the way you make Tournaments page too long.

23. veebruar 2004, 03:55:52
ustica tnp 
Teema: Re:
sorry Steve.:( my mistak! .:)

i will buy beer for you and bob.LMAO.:)

23. veebruar 2004, 03:46:34
Jack, you were close, you removed the @ but forgot the a to replace them :o)

23. veebruar 2004, 03:38:42
Anytime bro.

23. veebruar 2004, 03:37:57
ustica tnp 
Teema: Re:
thank you Bob.:))

23. veebruar 2004, 03:36:22

23. veebruar 2004, 03:35:23
ustica tnp 
Teema: CheckMate #1 tournament..
I have a Chess tournament waiting for sign ups by invite.
If you want to join up, request an invite from me.
< href=?/game/Tournaments?trg=2865&trnst=0>Checkmate #1 Tournament</>

Have fun,

23. veebruar 2004, 03:12:16
Linda J 
I hope we do. The chances of everyone winning something are 1 in 5. Can't beat them odds.

23. veebruar 2004, 03:08:07
Its on everyones main page, so all have seen it that visit the site. 9000 players have been here in the past, but not that many use the site now. I would also presume that most pawns who will not pay for membership, will not pay to join a tourny. So I get the feeling you will not get many more join :o(

23. veebruar 2004, 03:07:35
Only about 2,000 active players

See, 2.9% of the active users signed up - better then 0.6% if you use the number of 9,000! :-)

23. veebruar 2004, 03:03:41
Linda J 
Sorry Lythande

I don't know about that Steve over 9000 people here and 58 signed up. Not real good.

23. veebruar 2004, 02:51:00

23. veebruar 2004, 02:50:00
*nods* :)

23. veebruar 2004, 02:48:29
I am sure its on enough boards etc for everyone to know about it LOL
I guess Lythande meant a link direct to the tourny

23. veebruar 2004, 02:42:57
Linda J 
Teema: Re: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
That would be up to Fencer. He is working on puting a link about more prizes on the server though so everyone will know.

It would also help if everyone told someone else about the tourney in your games. Make sure they know.

23. veebruar 2004, 02:35:11
Teema: Re: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
<Hey Linda, in these adverts for the BKFRPT, can you start linkinging somewhere to the sign-up page? Might get more folks there that way. :>

23. veebruar 2004, 00:35:32
Linda J 
Teema: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
In answer to BBW's question.

If you are a paid member and win a tournament section it will go to the pawn of your chose.
Your chances to win in this tournament couldn't be greater please enter. ;•) Here

The more people who enter, the more sections we have. More sections = more winners!!!

22. veebruar 2004, 22:04:45
If you are already a paid member and win a section, can we use the 6 month brain knight membership and give it to a pawn of our choice?

22. veebruar 2004, 22:00:30
Linda J 
Teema: BK Fund Raiser Prize tournament
I have some great news. MORE PRIZES
Each section winner will receive a 6 month brain knight membership. This applies only to pawns.
Your chances to win are great. Please enter.;•)
As we say in my area the pot just got sweeter.

*Note* If you are a pawn or a knight you can still enter this tournament even if you are already in a tournament.

22. veebruar 2004, 15:33:49
Teema: Checkers uner 1600
A tourney for the non expert Checkers players to have a chance to win :o)
Steveie's quick Checkers under 1600 BKR

Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

21. veebruar 2004, 08:25:24
Teema: and....
Congratulations to sarok for winning the Reversi 6x6 competition in the Brotherly Love (Beginners) tournament!

21. veebruar 2004, 07:57:22
Congratulations to alesh for winning Round 1 Section 1 of Backgammon in the Brotherly Love (Beginners) tournament! :)

20. veebruar 2004, 16:18:07
Teema: Stevie's Dollar Donation per player Reversi
Helping Brainking Tourney
Stevie's Dollar Donation per player Reversi

Hi all, for every player who enters this tourney ,I will donate 1 dollar to Brainking. So more pawns and Knights can join in, I have set 1 game each and max 5 slots needed (means 2 games each colour too). If less than 15 players, I will donate 2 Dollars per player. Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

Would be nice if I could find 1 or more players who are willing to donate the same amount, to double or treble the money etc :o)

20. veebruar 2004, 03:45:41
Teema: ► ALL games for dummies #3◄
Back by popular demand

ALL games for dummies (under 1500 & unrated)

This is the best place to try out games which you may not normally play, or play when you know the "experts" are not going to beat you after 4 moves!

NOTE: If anyone has a rating WAY over 1500 by the time the tournament starts, I will remove them. PLEASE DO NOT join if you are really good at a game, there are plenty of other tournaments set up just for you!

Good Luck to all!

20. veebruar 2004, 00:06:20
Linda J 
Teema: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
If you are a knight or a pawn and do not have room to enter this tournament and would like to pm me with your nic & Id # We will get you in. Thanks ;•)

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