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Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

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25. veebruar 2004, 17:02:05
upchuck maybe..maybe not, only he knows

Jason also numbers look better in Dollars than pounds LOL

25. veebruar 2004, 17:02:23
It's because the site has stayed up while I have faster internet connection. I have always had 1-4 days a week that I have moved many moves... that is if I can stay away from the white screens and such. (for example, today is a bad day - I will not get as many moves in today - but if the site stays healty tomorrow, it may be a good day for me to make many moves.)

(*edit: when I say bad day - I mean not able to make many moves, not that the site is bad today)

25. veebruar 2004, 17:05:52
Teema: Re:
Sorry BBW... You owe no 'explaination' to me or anyone else.... I am just talking to myself out of boredom, I guess...

25. veebruar 2004, 17:11:56
(and my last comment on the subject before I start to talk about tournaments again)

... if anything, it has made me move slower because people would get me mad and I would go and play Civ III for awhile just to cool down - which took me away from playing on here.

OK - My next post will be about tournaments - I promise! :-)

25. veebruar 2004, 17:16:57
In an effort to please Fencer, I have made an ALL GAMES - First 5 to sign up tournament.

► BBW's First 5 to sign up - ALL GAMES #1

I'm still playing with how I'm going to do this - maybe 1 tournament a week, or possible every 3 days or so - I'll take a look how people are signing up and how quick the games fill up to determin when I start the tournament. Maybe I'll make a "popular games" tournament which starts every few days, and an "unpopular games" tournament which starts every week or so - I'll see how it goes.
► BBW's First 5 to sign up - ALL GAMES #1
But I will also keep regular backgammon, nackgammon, 5-in-line, and Spider Line 4 since those are 4 of the most popular, and at time I can start 2-3 tournaments a day.... which would be imposible to do with the "all games" tournament.
Any other comments or suggestion about these, please feel free to share them here or in my Message Box! Good Luck to all!

26. veebruar 2004, 02:11:40
Teema: Reversi 6x6 Tournament
Nothing special nor fancy, no prizes nor donations, just plain old reversi 6x6.
Stevie's Reversi 6x6
Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

Steve R

26. veebruar 2004, 07:40:44
Teema: More winners:
There's a three-way tie in the Backgammon section 2 of the Brotherly Love (Beginners) tournament. Congrats to Knightmare, rhiannon and gasper!

26. veebruar 2004, 13:24:00
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
We are down to four now folks.....
Who is it gonna be?

26. veebruar 2004, 15:32:25
Does anyone know what 'hlya n vgl' means?
It was a posted message to me, in a game, and I haven't had a chance to ask the person, as they are not moving very much.
Thanks for any help :)

26. veebruar 2004, 15:34:33
hiya is hello and vgl is very good luck

26. veebruar 2004, 15:37:54
Teema: Re:
Thanks chat...

27. veebruar 2004, 15:57:03
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
Its a three man race...

Go fellas, go!!!

27. veebruar 2004, 17:20:26
BBW`s new "All-games-tournement" is nearly full :).Even so we need one more player for the section "Extinction chess"!

27. veebruar 2004, 21:17:39
I will probable be starting the First 5 - ALL games tournament on Monday (since this weekend is going to be busy for me.

So there is plenty of time to join. Each section needs at least 4 players to start, with a max of 5 players per section. Good luck to all!

27. veebruar 2004, 22:27:54
Teema: Re: ughaibu

28. veebruar 2004, 02:33:15
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
Yes folks.... WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!

Looks like my sentimental favorite, Mr. IOU. Is the winner by a long shot!

I had the inside scoop, since I was palying him, and... well, you know the rest of that story :)
Congrats mrioupcity!!!!!

28. veebruar 2004, 16:41:18
Teema: Joust at the Realm #2
More Jousting for 1800 and under...starts March 8th!! Look for it in the "Tournaments" Section.

28. veebruar 2004, 16:45:47
Fencer: Can you check this game for me. For some reason I only see 5 white pieces on the board.
Same for my opponent. thanks

28. veebruar 2004, 20:31:28
Rogue Lion 
Teema: 1900-2100 Chess Tournament
The 1900-2100 Chess Tournament is limited to 12 players (3 sections of 4). 5 days per move. Begins immediately after sections are filled (sign-up deadline March 15). Invitation only (request via message). Must keep 5 game slots open until play begins. All qualified welcome. First come, first serve. R*L

29. veebruar 2004, 00:34:53
I see 20 black pieces, but only 5 white pieces...I think it was a problem before when one point had more than 15 pieces on it (or something like that) but i thought it was fixed...
This game

29. veebruar 2004, 03:49:46
Yup, you are right Kevin - I remember that problem from when Crowded Backgammon was first introduced.

What it looks like a problem is in the programming - where if you are removing peices from the bar, you can not if the space has between 2 and 15 checkers.

Space #24 had 16 checkers, and the program let the other person take that position (and place one checker on the bar) (move 45)

Normal backgammon only has 15 checkers, crowded has 20 checkers..... and it is probable just a small problem that was missed while making the program - Fencer should be able to fix pretty easly. (You might want to send him a message - he does not alway have time to read the message boards.)

1. märts 2004, 04:56:18
Teema: All Games for dummies
Sign up HERE

This tournament is to start on March 15th. It is all game types, for players that are rated under 1500, or unrated.

This tournament is perfect for:

► People who are not as good in a certain game, so you won't get killed by "master players"
► People who would like to try out a new game - What a better time to try something new against people who you might have a chance with.

Currently, almost every games has someone signed up for it. Each game needs at least 4 players signed up for it to start, so go sign up now!

1. märts 2004, 07:18:37
Teema: On line tournament
Internet Chess Club presents Dos Hermanas V
March 6th through the 14th

THE Internet Chess Tournament of 2004!

* Free International Online Chess Tournament
* Thousands of dollars in prizes
* Over 150 Grand Masters and International Masters
* Over 1000 players competing

For more information check out:
http://www.doshermanas.net, http://www.chessclub.com/help/DosHermanas, and

For the fifth time, the Internet Chess Club (ICC) is hosting the annual
Internet Chess Tournament "Ciudad de Dos Hermanas". This year's cash prize
fund has been increased to EUR 6,100 (about $7,750), plus ICC membership

Entry is completely FREE. You don't even need to be a paying member of ICC
to compete. Just follow the instructions at the bottom of this message to
sign up for an free trial of ICC. During your trial you can play in any or
all of the twelve Dos Hermanas qualifying tournaments and enjoy ICC's other
features and activities.

From March 6 through the 11th, there will be two Swiss-system qualifying
tournaments each day, beginning at 1:00 PM and 8:00 PM EST. You can take
part in any or all of the tournaments. Winners of the qualifying
tournaments and the 20 best-scoring other players advance to the knockout
finals beginning March 13th. The games will be blitz chess with each player
getting 8 minutes to make their moves and with 2 seconds added to each
player's time after each move.

This tournament gives everyone the chance to compete in a field of world
class players! Last year, the tournament had record participation. 67 Grand
Masters and 103 International Masters took part in a field of 1,117 players
from 75 countries! Every Dos Hermanas tournament has been bigger than the
last and Dos Hermanas V will be THE internet chess tournament of 2004.

If you wish to play, rules and entry forms are at
http://www.doshermanas.net (click the poster graphic on the far right). You
will also find information on previous tournaments there.

Make sure to register early. Your registration is valid for all qualifying
tournaments, but does not obligate you to play. Log on to ICC 15 minutes
before the beginning of any qualifying tournament and you will
automatically be paired with an opponent.

This event is sponsored by the Dos Hermanas City Council, the Municipal
Foundation for Sport of Dos Hermanas, EDAMI (Miguel Illescas Chess School),
and the Internet Chess Club at www.chessclub.com.


Instructions For Participating in Dos Hermanas V

1. Visit http://www.doshermanas.net, click the poster graphic on the
far right, then click on a link to choose your language.

2. Click on the link that says "Click here to register". Follow the
onscreen instructions until you get to the "ICC: Dos Hermanas Internet
Tournament 2004 Registration Form"

3. If you don't have an account on ICC, click on the link that says
"Register an ICC name". The "Chessclub.com Registration" page opens in a
separate window. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your ICC
registration. Be sure and download and install the BlitzIn interface
software as instructed.

4. Once you have registered an ICC name, return to the window with the
"ICC: Dos Hermanas Internet Tournament 2004 Registration Form". Follow the
onscreen instructions to complete your Dos Hermanas registration.

5. You may begin using your ICC free trial immediately. Log onto ICC using
the BlitzIn interface software and enjoy ICC's many features and activities.

6. To participate in any of the twice daily Dos Hermanas qualifying
tournaments from March 6th through the 14th, log on to ICC 15 minutes
before the tournaments begin at 1:00 PM or 8:00 PM Eastern Time. You will
be automatically assigned an opponent for your first match. It may take a
few minutes for your opponent to log on. Once both you and your opponent
have logged on, your first game of the tournament will begin. If your
opponent does not log on you will receive a forfeit win for that round.

7. When the first round is over you need only remain online and wait. You
will automatically be assigned an opponent for your next match. While you
wait you may explore and enjoy ICC's many other features and activities.

If you have any questions, select the "Ask a question" option from
BlitzIn's Help drop down menu. Look for your question and your answer in
the console window.

We look forward to seeing you at the Dos Hermanas V Internet Chess
Tournament, March 6th through the 14th on the Internet Chess Club!

For more information check out:
http://www.doshermanas.net, http://www.chessclub.com/help/DosHermanas, and

This mailing list is used sporadically by the Internet Chess Club at
www.chessclub.com to announce special offers. To remove yourself from the
list go to
Please do not respond to this email. If you have questions contact

1. märts 2004, 08:01:05
Teema: Re: All Games for dummies
So why didn't you call it 'The Ides of March for Dummies' ? <g> It's also Mom's birthday. :>

1. märts 2004, 13:16:58
Rogue Lion 
Teema: 1900-2100 Chess Tournament
The tournament slots have been filled, including 4 additional players due to demand (4 sections of 4). The sign-up has been closed and the games will begin immediately. Good "Luck" to all! R*L

1. märts 2004, 17:14:36

1. märts 2004, 19:36:25
Linda J 
Teema: BK Fund Raiser Prize Tournament
We have 89 people signed up for this tournament. 11 to go to reach 100.
It would be so nice to surpass that number. ;•)
Over all Winner will receive $50
Each section will also have a Winner of 6 months brain knight membership
More sections more winners. If you are a knight or a pawn and want to play, please let us know.
Thanks to everyone who has entered so far. Lots of luck.
You can enter this tournament HERE

4. märts 2004, 05:15:42
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
what are you talking about?

4. märts 2004, 19:05:49
DeaD man WalkiN 
Teema: Re:
ITS hiya n vgl I did not think this 1 was that head to find out. well the first part is a hi and the n stands for and. vgl = very good luck. but i see the first 1 i guess i hit the l instead of the i SRY... And now WHAT tourney did I win? guess being lost in space like I have be latly, makes me out of touch of things in here...

4. märts 2004, 19:09:03
DeaD man WalkiN 
Teema: Re: Backgammon prize tournament update...
HEY IMupChucKing my question to u is. this my name with some typos in them. myioupcity is what u put down hehehe

4. märts 2004, 19:17:32
Teema: Re:
Sorry about the name thing, iou...
You didn't win a tournament, LOL, I was just having some fun with a contest to see who would be the last person to finish a game in the Backgammon prize tournament.

You won that contest, and to this minute, you still have not finished a game, and are not even close. You won by a long shot. LOL...
Many sections of the tournament have already been completed too...
At least you still are still undefeated ;)

6. märts 2004, 04:16:21
*sits back and waits for Fencer to make public post about goodfoods tournaments!* :-)

6. märts 2004, 05:03:31
it is a lot isnt it :) I actually have goodfoods playing a game of Battleboats with Whikki, that has been running since last july-august...:(
when they go on like this i wish i had never started them :(

6. märts 2004, 10:18:53
BBW: I'm missing something here. Why should Fencer make a public post about goodfood's tournaments? What's wrong with them?

6. märts 2004, 10:29:09
Walter Montego 
Teema: Dark Chess and Extinction Chess tournaments
Open tournaments in both games starting at the end of the month (March 2004). Hope to see you all there.

6. märts 2004, 10:42:59
bumble: I think that BBW refers to my previous post about his tournaments :-) I've just said that I prefer one tournament group with more game types than many tournament groups with just one game type [because it occupies bigger space on Tournaments page]. However, many people like it in this way, so I don't object anymore. Non-official tournaments will be moved to another page anyway, in the next version of BK.

6. märts 2004, 10:46:17
What to you class as official, or non official Fencer?

Does that mean you will be doing your own BK ones?

6. märts 2004, 10:51:51
Steve: Yes, there was only one "official" tournament [the very first one], I would like to bring this idea back. Winners of official tournaments will become something like BrainKing champions etc. Maybe a small golden cup will appear next to their names :-D

6. märts 2004, 10:54:16
Sounds good to me :o)

6. märts 2004, 11:04:47
Walter Montego 
I think you should have regularly scheduled tournaments. I just joined and that's what I've decided to do. I'm going to try Quarterly Open Tournaments. Perhaps I'll try Invitationals or Rated tournaments too. If the site does it though, it will be easy to follow them and they should have a good turn out if they're not scheduled to close together. On It's Your Turn, all they have are the site's scheduled tournaments. I think they're kind of deluted in certain ways as they never seem to have an end, nor do they do much to recognize the winners of them, aside from list their handles in a chart if one goes looking for it. Perhaps a prize for certain tournaments would also induce more people for them. I doubt if prizes matter much though and it might bring out the cheaters and dishonest people. A gold cup next to one's handle sound like a good thing.
I would like to add a prize to a tournament sometime. How do I do it?

6. märts 2004, 11:05:52
Teema: Its started
Well it got filled up so started early
Stevie's" Dollar donation per player Reversi
Unfortunately, one player was removed due to lack of space. Incase this was due to me starting it early I will still pay the dollar for that player and sorry to vlckova25

Have fun and enjoy the games :o)

6. märts 2004, 11:08:59
Walter: Describe your prize at the tournament description and mark it as "prize tournament" [by a checkbox at the Define Tournament page].

6. märts 2004, 11:13:43
Walter Montego 
Teema: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
That doesn't make much sense to me. I just add that it's a prize tournament? Who pays for the prize? You? Me? I don't see any mechanism for it to happen in either case. Please explain. I have sent you an e-mail a few hours ago, so you can reply there if you'd rather. This forum seems like a good place too. Maybe others have my questions too.

6. märts 2004, 11:18:43
Teema: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
If you start a prize Tourny Walter, its up to you to supply the prize and explain what it is :o)
Have fun running your tournies :o)

6. märts 2004, 11:22:40
Walter Montego 
Teema: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
How do I supply the prize? Can I win it back, or modify the prize depending if I or someone else wins?
I've listed two tournaments. I shall see how it goes before trying more. Is there more to starting them than just creating them? Do I have to control things or players or make rulings during the play?

6. märts 2004, 11:26:11
Teema: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
You can remove players before it starts, you have to start new rounds when first ones complete (you are informed when this happens). no rulings except the ones you state for entrance to tourny and about the prize in the tourny description.
normally prize is a membership, and the way it is done can be discussed with Fencer.

6. märts 2004, 11:29:04
Walter Montego 
Teema: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
Steve, I went to one of the tournaments I created. I saw the little box you mentioned about the prize offer. What happens when you check the box?

6. märts 2004, 11:37:19
Teema: Re: Re: Prizes Fencer reply
It will highlight the tourny title in the tourny list to show it offers a prize.
You should then say in the description for the tourny what the prize you offer will be.
(You can also offer money as a prize, it could be paid direct to the winner, as long as both you and the winner has a paypal account etc.)

6. märts 2004, 14:31:13
Rogue Lion 
Teema: while we're on the subject...
I created a tournament and set the maximum number of players to 12. The program allowed more than 12 players to sign up anyway. None were automatically removed when the tournament started, which is good because then I'd have had some explaining to do.

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