Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
the thing i didnt agree with is that AFTER i had signed up the rules got changed , which shouldnt be alowed to happen , i dont play in 30 day tornaments as a rule and would have given it a miss .
LongJohn I think you need to take your own advice. You whined enough about those 50 brains you claim to now not want.
Your tournaments were a cheap way of getting people to sign up for something you never had any intentions of giving away. Sad. Kind of like the little boy his mother had to tie pork chops around his neck to get the dogs to play with him. LOL
Try simply a change of attitude instead of a lie.
A. You changed the rules and description of the tournament, and also changed the amount of time for the tournament. You did all this when there was alreayd many many people signed up, and never had a chance to see the new rules or new time frame. You basicly had them sign up for one tournament, and did a switch and had them play in a complete other tournament!
You mentioned GI's (GothicInventor) tournament - I have not heard from him, but here is what I think happened with the tournament he created. He created a tournament with a prize offered by him - the entry "fee" was a $5 donation directly to Fencer. It was then pointed out that if each person send the donation strait to Fencer, he would only get between $2-$3 of each $5 because of fee's. At this time, the tournament was REMOVED - with no one signed up, and no one forced to play in a tournament with false rules.
LJ - What should have happened is if you were going to change the rules after many many people signed up, you should have AT LEAST (1) give enough of the players enough time to see the new rules and remove themselfs or (2) just delete the tournament so people are not playing games they do not want.
I do agree that it is the tournament creators right to remove anyone they don't want to play in the tournament. It probable would have been polite to send the person a message to let them know they were removed (and reason).
It is not me that complaining about them but you. Another one of your lies.
I do hope this does change the way prize tournaments are done in the future with prizes being paid for up front. ;•)
Teema: The tournament that "Bernice" is alluding to.
I was just getting ready to type this reply and copy and paste a posting by LongJohn when I discovered that all of his recent posts are missing! I hope he's the one that deleted them, because if our moderator had done so I'm really upset. Censoring certain comments is bad enough, but to delete everything just because you have a problem with the person is not right as far as I believe. I've stayed silent in the ongoing chats about the prize tournaments and other discussion, but I did join his along with Linda's tournament. I'm not much of a fan of backgammon, though the game can be a lot of fun from time to time.
Since his posts are missing. (Regardless of why they're missing) I can no longer directly reply to them. I do recall that he said something about having to have 200 or players in them and also him saying that he would extend the starting time until he reached that goal. I can only assunme that he's liar! The tournament has started with just 64 of us. What gives? IS the prize still happening? What happened to your waiting, LongJohn?
In anycase, I would like to be removed from the tournament. I would like this done without penalizing me or anyone else. Since forfeiting all my games is an option, that's what I will do if that's what it takes. This isn't fair to the other sections though, and I'd like to just leave the tournament as if I'd never even signed up for it. Could this be arranged or made to happen? IF so, please make it happen, and thank you. If not, man that's stupid! But hey, I hope they enjoy their easy victory points off me as I will just let the games expire and that'll be the end of it.
I'm still curious about LongJong's missing posts in this section. Are they his doing, or the moderator do it?
I typed that last night and fell asleep at the key board. Since then there's been a few replies to what this tournament of LongJOhn is all about.
Our moderator says he didn't delete the posts. That leaves the creator of them (LongJohn)
Also, a few people have suggested to just forfeit the games involved and that'll take care of the games. I will do this if it's the only option. I really believe that this tournament and the way it's being conducted are bogus. As it has been pointed out, the creator is entitled to do as he pleases with the organizing of the tournament. All the same, had I'd known these changes in the tournament parameters and the ongoing debate about the tournament itself were going to happen, I would not have joined the tournament.
It seems very unfair to me that one is counted as a member of an ongoing tournament when one has been eliminated from the tournament. I wrote to Fencer about this a few months back and he didn't see much problem with it. This tournament should show the problem with it quite clearly. If I still had Pawn membership status and then forfeited or lost all my games, I'd not be ever to enter another tournament until the end off this one. This is a different problem than the one I wrote to Fencer about, and it's worse.
The problem I wrote him about concerned the fact that I had played all of my games and had the tournament won no matter the outcome of the remaining players games and I wasn't allowed to join another tournament because of the one tournament per Pawn rule. So I was stuck until the slowest two players finished their game. A week later they did. That doesn't seem fair to me, but that's how it is. That complaint is nothing compared to what this LongJohn's tournament will do to any nonpaying member. Fencer, I really believe the tournament rules should be changed to take this into consideration. As I suggested to you, limit a member's games to whatever level you like, not how many off them happen to be tournament games. Simular to IYT's handling of it. I'm sure there's other things that might be done too.
Now that I'm a paying member and have created a couple of tournaments myself, I would like anyone to enter if they'd like to. Unfortunately the "One Tournament per Pawn" rule prevents most Pawns from playing even if they have the game spaces available and they've lost a tournament. Winning a tournament or advancing to a second round shouldn't count against your total and could be considered a prize for playing well.
Just a little of my 2¢. Thank you.
I was just looking at the running tournaments, and noticed that LJ has changed the names of all his tournaments to " . " - all his tournaments with the same " . ".
You know LJ you keep having excusing on why you do things, but something like that you know is just going to mess people up and upset them. Up until now I was unsure if he was making trouble on purpose or not, but I believe I have my answer now.
So if any user has " . " for the tournament, then it is one of LJ's tournaments.
Leave him alone BW.... You recently had a beef with someone 'spying' on you in here and reporting your actions and movements on discussion boards etc... Why do you do the same thing you recently complained about someone else doing? It does not matter 'why' people do what they do here. It is their right to play and have fun anyway they choose. If it 'messes them up' or 'upsets' them, is no concern of yours, or anyone elses, just stay away from him, and leave him alone, and stop spying on him and harrassing him and trying to make his life miserable on these discussion boards.
Don't know how you see me looking at the running tournament list and noticing 10+ tournaments with the same name (or no name) as spying on him... but whatever.
... and what messes up many people on this site is a concern to me. I'm not part of the "Customer Service" on this site, but I do often help pawn and new players with questions and such - and when they come to me asking why some of the tournaments have no names anymore, well there you go!
But you are right - My point of the post should have been about rules about naming tournaments and not pointing out certain people. (And changing names & descriptions before/during/after tournaments have started/ended)
Steve, '+1' on your main page is normally a final round in a tourney, not a new tournament starting. If you go through your running tourneys you should find one that the second round is waiting to start.
Its not that difficult BBW...If someone askes you why the tournament has no name.... you PM them that it is because the tournament creator has wanted it that way, period!
What do I say when they ask me why they are now stuck in a 30 day move backgammon tournament which when they signed up says that it was a prize tournament that WAS NOT going to start until 200 people signed up - but is now not a prize tournament, no idication it every was (since name & description is gone), and now they are not allowed to enter any other tournaments.
Yes, the tournament creator can do this.... but should they be allowed to? That is the real question.
That question has been asked and answered by Fencer. Just because you do not like the answer, or agree with it, doesn't matter.
If the rules, and the creator say it is okay, then it is okay, period. Leave it alone. This is a game site, go play some games, like you said already, you are not on customer service anyway ;)
When has Fencer answered that? I'll admit there are a lot of post and I might have missed something, but I don't ever remember hearing an answer.
(Unless you are confusing where Fencer said that the tournament creator can exclude anyone that they want from the tournament - which is different then the question I'm asking.)
Scrabble - I meant to start it last night. (I'm at work right now & I dont' have my scrabble sign-in information here right now) :-)
Fencer said that a tournament creator can do whatever they want with tournaments....That covers all your questions, with one answer.
I'm certain that leaving it alone, will have a much better effect, than continuing to fight it. Don't play in his tournaments, I'm sure most will follow suit, and no one will have to worry about what he does anymore. He can play in his own tournaments by himself, and change the rules all day long.
Well I know that I will not enter any of his tournaments, and I'm sure that the people burnt by him this time and others reading this board will do the same.
What I'm worried about are the new users - the ones who are new to this site, not reading these message boards but entering a cool prize tournament. Then without any notice, it's gone.
I do not think this is the image that this site and us fellow gamers want to be sent to these new users - these new users who if they find things they like on this site, might then in turn support this site with $$ by buying a membership. These are the people that I'm worried about - these are the people that I want to see the best that this site has to offer.
Well...I too am concerned that a new player wqill come to this site,and join a four day tournament, and then find out, because of one idiot, who purposly plays all his turns at the last possible minute, the tournament takes over a year to complete. I am concerned that this new person will get a bad impression too, and will not become a paying member...All because of one person who ruins it for everybody....
But, hey, thats their right, and if it is fun for them to play in a way that holds up 95 % of the other players, then, oh well, too bad so sad....its their right, and and the rest of us can just choose to not play with them, and if it happens to be someone new, who does not know, well then they will learn the hard way, just like everyone else.
I agree with you, that is not a good way to make an impression, and gain more paying members, but thats what the powers to be want, and thats the way it will be until the powers that be decide that whats god for the majority is more important than the enjoyment of a few individuals....
Well apparently I have some control or say if Fencer now see's that some more/different rules needs to be in place. (How will Fencer know what needs changed/added without people letting him know?)
But I am sorry LJ - that was unlike me to actually name a person, where my post should have been about the rules that needed changed without mentioning yours (or anyones) name, so I appoligize for that.
You say the creator can do whatever (s)he wants with her/his tourney. You know, I was so pissed off when I learnt what the a*sho*e LondDick did with the Reversi tourney...I would never sign in a tourney like this "." sh*t. The creator shouldn't be allowed to edit a tourney.
I disagree with ImupChucKing. Just because the rules are the way they are now is no reason not to complain or to advocate changing them. Especially when certain people manipulate them in a way that's only fun for themselves and hurts other participants.
I feel that I was tricked into joining the "-" tournament and have been used for someone else's pleasure without anything in it for me or my permission. Since the rules won't allow Pawns to enter more than one tournament, they're screwed by these kind of actions.
The solutions are simple. Just give participants more say in what's happening and don't force them to stay in a tournament that they've been eliminated from. Any proposed change in the starting date or playing times of a tournament should immediately have a notice sent out to all signed up people that it's happening and they should be given a chance to stay or leave.
And like I said earlier, let the games one is playing count towards his limit, not the fact that some of them are tournament games or not.
Now that is a good idea - "Any proposed change in the starting date or playing times [or description] should immediately have a notice sent out to all signed up people" Then possible have a 24 hour wait before the tournament can be started so they can be given a change to stay or leave the tournament.
(NOTE: I think Fencer has going to work on a smarter tournament in BK2.0 where it will let pawn out once they are eliminated... I'm not 100% sure, but for some reason I was thinking that)
I just don't get it. I told u i was just tring to make a point. And I think I did it. As to me waiting tell last min's to do my move I have not been doing it. Oh and I'm sorry that I have found a life away from the puter. I thought this was a take your turn site but, guess I was wrong.
Sorry mrioupcity... I have not been talking about you in this discussion..... I had a problem with a couple of other users, long before the backgammon prize tournament started. I never knew if you were this type of player or not...thats why gave you the benefit of the doubt, and pointed it out to you in a PM, and since then you have made an honest effort to play this particular tournament, and it has been appreciated....
Again, I am sorry if you thought I was pointing you out... And to anybody else out there who thought I was using you in my example, I was not, and want everyone to know that you have made an effort, and do not purposly slow play to keep others from enjoying their play here :)
SORRY IMupChucKing I WAS WRONG. In thinking that u was talk about me again. And so u and others know it's not only that tourney, it's all my games. That I have been tring to move fast on..
Teema: Thanks for the advice! :( Here's some for you LongJohn
I did as I was told and now I have 14 backgammon losses. You know this really sucks. If it's that much trouble to remove me I think I'm going to quit this site again.
Don't give me that rating stuff. I didn't play the games. I didn't want in the tournament after it was changed without my being told or asked about it or given a chance to drop out of it. And now I have 14 losses without ever playing a game.
If that tournament is for real, then I guess I'm just another sucker who got caught in the fine print and minutiae of the legalese. So I'm saddled with 14 losses. OK, I think I will not ever play backgammon on this site and will drop out of the donation tournament before I'm stuck there too. Keep the five bucks. It was, after all, a donation.
As for naming names in these posts, I don't have problem with it. If someone I think needs my praise, I send it. And if I think someone needs ridicule or critism or both, I can't see why not to mention them. I can certainly send private messages too. I'll do what seems appropriate from my viewpoint.
And let me be clear about this, you are a chump LongJohn. If you're going to have a tournament under one set of rules and I join, fine.
But if you arbitrarily decide to change the rules without giving me a chance to accept it knowing full well that I might want out and can't do anything about it, you're a chump. To make such major changes without telling anyone is poor sportsmanship. Why couldn't you send a notice to all the current signed players that you've had a change or you couldn't afford the prize? Why couldn't you just delete the tournament and start a new one? Why did you start the tournament so fast after making those changes?
From what I read of the earlier posts it appears I should've paid a little more attention to the people that were questioning and critizing you and your motives.
Since I can't hold my breath for that long of a time and taking my ball home and not playing isn't much fun, I'll just go sulk in the corner and hope for the best.
A few questions for the rest. Am I and one other person the only ones that feel this way about this sorry situation? Or are you all OK with how this went down? Or will it just go away because it is just numbers on a screen and they don't mean nothing to nobody anyhow and in a few months it'll all be forgotten though not forgiven?
That said, may I also say that I think his tournament should be abolished and none of the games count. Or poll all the players that are currently in it and see which ones want to remain in a new one and then restart it.
You are not the only one Walter who is not happy about what he has done. It causes concern for many of us. The newest version of BK which Fencer is working on will prevent these types of things from happening ever again as he is implementing code in to the new version so that tourneys set cannot be changed with out an administrators ok first. The members and pawns who are now suffering from this guys deception must be quite upset. I would be too had I entered in to his contest. I had suspicions about it before it started and they were confirmed. His excuse that too many people were whining about how legitamate it was caused him to delete it. If he wanted to prove he was legitamate he would have kept it up. Going through this board I see every post he made has been removed by him I would suspect.
Suffice it to say any tourney he is to set up again will be moderated fully and all players made aware to ensure this doesnt happen again
Walter please do not pull out of the fund raiser tournament. I can assure you nothing in it has changed and all prizes will be rewarded.
I would be highly upset with 14 losses due to someone else also. They are going to be some more very upset people when they realize the tournament they entered by LJ is no longer a prize tournament.
In all fairness I think the tournaments he created as prize tourneys need to be deleted. Maybe Fencer can do something about the 14 losses.
I have already dropped out of your tournament LindaJ. I suppose I might rejoin it. Let me see what happens first. I have until March 29th, right?
A day or two, maybe three should see what happens. Stirring things in this manner makes for unpredictable results. Though it did get a few things off my chest, it might come back to haunt me later. I feel I'm right in this and have said my peace. Looks like there's two more of us who agree with me on this. I'm feeling better about it now.
Walter, the Linda J tourny is in a completely different league to the other one you are on about. I dont think you will be dissapointed by rejoining :o)
LOL You are not forking out to be in mine I am, I would fork out again to be in yours. I will be paying 10 times the amount when my paypal account is sorted out (yep got a silly prob with it :o( )and then the two prize tournies that I also have on the go at the same time on top. So already gonna put in best part of 100 dollars of my money.
Sorry Linda :o)
I will probably get pounced on by LongJohn for this, but I have had my doubts of this person now for 2 months and have OPENLY said so on this board and one other board only to be cried down and told to take my complaints elsewhere.
Maybe I am too quick to judge or maybe others are more trusting than I am, but LongJohn appeared to me to be artificial shortly after he introduced himself to me and requested to join my fellowship.
I understand just how you feel and actually wrote to a couple people on here with misgivings about his tournaments and the fact that he had changed the rules:( I said I was reluctant to post on THIS board the fact that this had happened, because of the abuse i would have to endure from LongJohn. I was told to just let it go as people would find out in good time....obviously too late now...
I would apologise to you and others that I didnt post on here about the change of rules and the fact the prize would not be on offer....IM SORRY it was a case of "Im *edit* if I do and Im *edit* if I don't"
Just my luck to join the site as a paying member earlier in the month and then get trapped into this when it was just coming to a head.
Oh well. Hey, so far it's been unanimous for your tournament LindaJ. Perhaps I was too hasty in my assumption of how it goes here. When I was a nonpaying member, none of this affected me as the rules wouldn't let me join more than one tournament regardless of how many games I had going. So I didn't need to be all the interested or involved in the running of tournaments. Now that I'm able to create my own and want to attract players to join them, it's a whole different ballgame.
So of course as luck would have it, the first tournament I join after becoming a paying member is the "-", though it had a different name when I signed up for it. There's a name for drawing the wrong conclusions from too little of evidence. Ah, yes, I jumped to a conclusion. :(
Welper, I think I won't wait any more and will rejoin LinaJ's tournament shortly. Everyone has vouched for it so far, I am beginning to see the tournament that I was hoodwinked into joining was an anomaly and the exception to the rule.
Bernice, I have yet to see anyone take LongJohn's side in this, but then the post is only a few hours old. Which was the reason I was going to wait a few days in the first place. Most of the recent postings to this board have been by people that have had some communication here and amongst yourselves for awhile. All of my postings were in a different area over a year ago. Perhaps we should kick it for a few and see what else is said, eh? Thank you for your support. And hey, damned if you, damned if don't isn't a good place to find one's self in.
Thanks Walter I'm tickled you'll be rejoining the fun. I'm very excited about the BK fund raiser and have been from day one. I can't wait for it to get kicked off. Fencer has been very much involved as has Harley and I thank them both.
He has also been extremely generous with the prizes he has added in.
SO, if anyone doesn't want to miss out, you have until March 29th to sign up and pay the $5 donation. This is going to be a blast with prizes awarded for every section, it should keep it quite interesting and all eyes glued to it to see the winners. Again thanks to everyone that joined and the best of luck to each of you. ;•)
If you haven't joined and would like to get in on the fun, you can do so HERE A special thank you to those that aren't playing and made a donation too.
I have been playing in the tourney that has been renamed "-". I wondered at the time why it had I know. BUT I only have one game left of this "-" tourney so I hope it won't be deleted because it will soon be over. At this point I would hate to have all of the games...wins and losses deleted! BUT I just looked thru all of my games to see how many I had left of the "-" tourney and found that I am now playing a tourney that has been renamed What a Shame. Where did that come from?????? I would have never joined it if it was named that! To me this is really NOT right to change a tourney name once members have joined. I play here for FUN...some people have for sure forgotten why they play or their fun must be only for causing trouble for other people..which is very sad! I have NO desire to be caught up in silly childishness when I join a tourney!!!! I come here to play and relax! This is ridiculous! Now I am in another tourney that I had NO idea was going to turn into a personal tourney that the creator has renamed for his own reasons????In the mean time Fencer can something please be done about this happenning in the future?!?!?!?!?! And if you want to delete What a Shame please do! And no I won't resign and loose my rating...but in the future I will be very careful that the person that has set the tourney up can be trusted to be an honest person and won't change anything once people have joined and it has started!
Actually about 10+ different tournament were renamed with the "." name.
The one that has most people upset is the one that was a Prize tournament which "Would not start until 200 people signed up" - but that description was removed, and then the days per turn was moved to 30 days per move, and started before many knew anything changed.
The other tournaments being renamed is just a user causing trouble, and I don't think any of those need to be deleted (maybe just renamed to something "unique" by the admin's of the site)
Why should any tournament be deleted? All *-* tournaments are free and the "ex-2 year rook prize" has 64 players! There are many free tournaments with no prizes and they have only 5 players, so why delete such a big tourney?
I'm not asking that anything be deleted. I join tourneys all the time but I am careful not to join the ones that the name of it is obviously someone causing trouble. Those I do not join because I don't want to be involved in the childishness or bothered with whatever argument is going on at the time. I'm really asking that something be done about the name of the tourney being changed once it has started. I don't care to be caught up in the childishness! Something is very wrong that a tourney name can be changed like this one has been. I would have never joined it if I had known what was going on and I am sure there are many other players that are feeling the same way right now.