Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
Last call for the friendly fellowship for a rook tournament,you have until later this evening,any pawns needing assitance on how to sign up feel free to write me for directions,the lights are red lighting,hurry up people.106 members so far should be a good one,good luck too all.
BBW: The first player of each signed team will play with all other first players, the second one with all other second ones etc. And win/draw points will be summarized as the final score of the team in each particular match.
Let me finish the "table view", it will be more understandable then :-)
The tournaments.
There are two tournaments listed, both by a member of customer service, which are for 30 days each move. For Backgammon. at 30 moves per game, that is 4.93 years just to complete one game, and that doesnt include weekends and suspended game times. I know it is every individuals choice to play or not to play, but I think some people simply dont realize what they may be getting into. You will have to renew your membership 4 times just to get through the first round. Maybe there is a conspiracy by cusomer service to keep memberships up?
Just be forewarned that even a 3 day tournament with 30 moves for a game is going to last a half year, not including weekends and suspended times, just for the first round!
Even a 1 day tournament will take 8 weeks with weekends to finish one round....
IMO...There really needs to be a way to have a tournament setting for total time per round, or something.
Linda's donation for a server tournament will still be going long after all the money has been spent on 'miscellanious repairs' and most peoples membership has expired!
IMupChucKing: There was no conspiracy, secret plans or whatsoever. The tournament (with all its parameters) was created by Linda, I've just added a payment form to the tournament page top. Everybody who signed up for the tournament knew exactly how the tournaments work, there was no hidden information.
I agree that 30 day tournaments are a problem for some users (I don't say "all users" because I know many people who don't care about days per move and play just for fun, even tournament games). I plan to add a support for fast tournaments where no weekend or vacation days can be used.
Some people cannot access the internet on weekends, very true.
But neither will they time out on a weekend as long as it is a 3 day or more limit. From my experience the people who access the internet from work are the ones who play the most, and generally dont ever hold things up.
I agree with Stevie again.... A tournament is for competition, and fun too, but mostly for competition, to find out the best of the best. Someone playing in a tournament, when they have never even played the game before, and then hold up that tournament because the rules allow them to move at the last minute every time, is simply not right, and especially so when they are a member of customer service. They should first and foremost be concerned with the paying customers whom they supposedly serve, and for their enjoyment over their own.
Why not start a tournament that is just for fun, and not for competition, if thats what they want???
What difference does it make if someone has played the game before to how long they should have for each move? Members of customer service follow the same time limits as everyone else, and why should it be otherwise?
LJ - So a pawn post a different opinion then yours and you want to ban pawns from posting here?
Nice, but the option of not letting pawns post here should probable only be used when a pawn(s) and abusing the system, not just posting things that you/anyone disagrees with.
LongJohn: Pawns will be allowed to post here until it gets to the way it got on BK 1.0 months ago. As of yet no one has said anything wrong, it is a discussion.
If anyone wants to discuss about any subject other than Tournaments, then take it to the General Board please.
In a tournament the ultimate goal is to win. It is not to have fun. Fun is mostly a side effect, and for many competitions there is very little fun involved.
There are many ways to have fun on this site. Tournaments are generally not one of them. Unless the description states that it is a tournament for fun only.
Also, I dont think most people realize what they are getting into when they play a 7 day or 30 day tournament, as far as time commitement goes. Especially newer members and pawns. Maybe an overall time guestimate could be included with the move time limit. ie, Backgammon tournament 30 day limit (4.9 years/game) or somwething like that. If I can only play in one backgammon game at a time, I may reconsider this tournament, when I see it spelled out that way.
Is there a way to create one tournament with several different game types? I tried, but it came out three seperate tournaments, under one name. I would like to have one overall winner based on overall performance for several different games. Thanks!
When the tournament first starts, do you play each player in each of the games? Do each game starts as it's own "mini-tournament", with the winners put up against each other with all the games, ????
I dont think it would be too hard. You could do it on a point basis perhaps. ie 1 point for a win, 2 points for second, and so on.... then add up all the points, with the lowest total as the overall winner.
I suppose you could do it manually, and declair a winner. But it wouldnt be official.
Say there are 10 players. How do you know who is 10th, and who is 9th, and who is 8th...and who is 3rd? You could check the S-B, or point total in each player's section. But first you'd have to make sure all the sections were the same size (not too hard). You'd also have to assume that a player's performance in their section would be identical if they were against different players, which is impossible to assume. The only fair way to do something like that would be to have every player play a game against every other player in every single game.
No, it isn't. I'm just giving my opinion on how I believe it should (and should not) work. If you (or anyone) wants to run it however you like, I won't complain about it.
Thats correct Kevin, that was my idea, no sections, just play everybody. To make it fair, you would have to play two games each player.
The problem is, of having it take up a lot of games, and would limit it for pawns and knights. just imagine trying to do it for all games, for example, or many games. It could get rather long, buthey, what tournaments arent long anyway :)
(peida) Kahe tunniga lõppev kiirpartii? Loo uus mäng, vali Aega mänguks 0 päeva / 1 tund, Boonus 0 päeva / 0 tundi ja Limiit 0 päeva / 1 tund. (TeamBundy) (näita kõiki vihjeid)