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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

Join Fellowship Teams to participate in Team Tournaments

Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

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18. september 2006, 13:35:02
new members welcome to Jasons Games Room all games available to play rated or unrated ,tournamants always for sign up
everyone welcome .

20. september 2006, 13:08:55
http://brainking.com/en/ShowFellowship?fid=603 all are welcome to join come and have fun play games or just chat

20. september 2006, 19:27:34
prettymama toimetatud (20. september 2006, 19:28:08)
don't forget to join http://brainking.com/en/ShowFellowship?fid=603 shanon and sandys place

27. september 2006, 08:12:24
ScrambledEggs toimetatud (27. september 2006, 08:13:32)
Game Addicts everyone is welcome in gameaddicts
its a fellowship for ppl who love gammon ludo and battleboat games

27. september 2006, 22:20:53
Anyone like to join O.D Chill Room! open for everyone we have tournamants set up regulary.Enjoy!

29. september 2006, 15:39:12
Teema: Monkeys Swinging Madhouse
Are you looking for a Fellowship to join ?
Fancy representing us in a Team, in Tournaments or against other Fellowships ?
Maybe have a break & join in with some Scrabble as well ?
Climb to the top of the Stairs or splash about in a Pond ?
Do you want to be part of a friendly crowd who love playing games and having a chat ?
Maybe you just bored with the Fellowship you are in, and looking for more ?

If you answered yes to any of the above, come along and ask to join:

Monkeys Swinging Madhouse

See you all soon............

29. september 2006, 23:31:47
Teema: adding problems
hwo can i add a new game to my fellowship? i currently have the three original espionge games i want to add people for the 2 new versions. how do i do this?

29. september 2006, 23:47:43
Teema: Re: adding problems
Nothingness: You have to create a Team for them first

25. oktoober 2006, 13:59:53
O.D Chill Room! Everyoneone welcome!Tournaments will be set up regular,when we get more members, also stairs/ponds will be set up.

25. oktoober 2006, 22:18:05
Teema: For Crazy Screen Chess players
qik_ toimetatud (25. oktoober 2006, 22:21:17)
I’m starting a fellowship just for you!!

The only game there will be real focus one is Crazy Screen Chess. Let the other fellowships take care of the other few games. Just Request membership on the fellowship page: Crazy Screen Chess Society. I’m sure the Big Boss will kindly accept you as a new member of the “Society”.

If you play chess (or just know the basics) and haven’t tried Crazy Screen Chess, try it!! I gladly accept a challenge if you want to try. (The game is a sort of cross between normal Chess and Espionage).

I hope that we can put a team together in near future, if your interested join!!

27. oktoober 2006, 22:25:05
Do you like backgammon and variants . What about ludo . or any of the boat variants ? then join JASON'S GAMES ROOM always plenty of tournies to sign upto. All other games played too just ask for what you would like to see , hope to see you there .

      ,'_ _`.
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      -=o===-. __ -___/___\___ ,-==O==-' _ -.__ --- _
      ___,-___-___`_| HAPPY |___.__-o__'_________-.__
      |,| | ; | |||| HALLOWEEN! || | | |,| |'| | ,|| |`|
      |o| | | | |'|| from the || |;| ||| |,| | |'| |;|
      _|_|_|___|_|_|| gamesroom ||_|_|_|_|_|_|_|___|_|_|_
      __,--. -.__,--. `-==O=-._ ._ ,- -- _ --=o=-._
      |,| |,-'| |,| |;| |o| |'-.| |,| |(| |`| |,-'| |,|

29. oktoober 2006, 11:42:11
Teema: I need more members.....
crosseyed_uk toimetatud (29. oktoober 2006, 11:43:16)

to sign up to play more tournament games. Anyone interested in playing fast games do sign up. I will set-up some slower games too.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

29. oktoober 2006, 14:38:51
Teema: Re: I need more members.....
crosseyed: If you will also post that message on the tournament page, it might help!

29. oktoober 2006, 20:38:05
Teema: Re: I need more members.....
Dolittle: Ok thanks.

29. oktoober 2006, 21:58:36
Teema: A Pawn Fellowship
Wouldn't it be something if somebody started a fellowship for just pawns so that they could see what being in one is like? People ask me all the time, as I'm sure they do other people too.

29. oktoober 2006, 22:03:39
Teema: Re: A Pawn Fellowship
srnity: Here ya go

29. oktoober 2006, 22:06:11
Teema: Re: A Pawn Fellowship
Sarah1980: LMAO - but not exactly what I meant

31. oktoober 2006, 20:53:37
    Happy Halloween to those that celebrate it!!     :-))  

9. november 2006, 17:16:15
Teema: New Fellowship
"Today"s World"

If you would like to join

Just PM me:)))))))))

Or make a REQUEST

Have a GREAT Day everyone:))))))

9. november 2006, 17:39:24
     would like to offer another fellowship that has many games and some great people all to have some fun and enjoy relaxing at the best site on the internet....BRAINKING!!    So please feel free to either request or send me a message and I will personally invite you!!    Thank you!!  :-)) 

9. november 2006, 20:50:16

       you should visit Kindaunique and ask for a invite

the Big Boss is really nice there

9. november 2006, 22:26:01
Teema: Re:
      Sarah1980: that's because I am blessed with really nice members like yourself Sarah!!  Thank you for your support!!   :-))    

9. november 2006, 22:27:06
Teema: Re:
BossLady: your very welcome

9. november 2006, 22:34:05
Teema: Re:

11. november 2006, 15:35:07
ScrambledEggs toimetatud (11. november 2006, 15:35:42)
Game Addicts a fellowship to have fun fun fun
just send me a message if you want to join

12. november 2006, 22:04:45
King Reza 
Those who are interested in reading and posting adult-material-containing jokes are welcome to join Children Un Friendly Jokes fellowship.  Just send me an IM and I'll invite you, or request membership yourself.

14. november 2006, 11:54:46
Teema: The Good The Bad and The Ugly
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Anyone like to join? We are not really Good bad and ugly we are Bad good and very Beautiful lol!

14. november 2006, 20:46:07
Teema: Fellowship team ideas
I'm going to move the conversation here so we can discuss a little more about possible fellowship team member options that would be nice to add.

What would be nice is a user in their settings had an option to set up the following. (With 1 set of setting being applied to all fellowship & team that they belong to) I would say for each team, but that would be a lot of settings for people to place.

  • Available to play in team challenges: (yes/no) [if turned off, captains will not be able to select you]

  • Time per turn: (yes/no) - Min days: (choice 1-14) - Max days (choice 1-14,15+) [So for me, I would choose min 3 days, max 15+. If you only wanted to play 1 day tournaments, you would pick 1, 1]

  • Time per game (fisher clock): (yes/no) - min/max time, min/max bonus, min/max limit choices [of course I don't like fisher clock, so I would choose no and not worry about the other settings.]

  • Vacations (check all that can play with): Standard Vacation, Fixed weekends, no vacations.

  • Play with Backgammon Cube: (yes/no)

    = = = = = = =

    So when a team challenge is being made or accepted, have the system automatically check to see who can play what.

    Comments? Suggestions? Other ideas?

  • 14. november 2006, 20:56:25
    Teema: Re: Fellowship team ideas
    Marfitalu: That is a good addition.

    Also, I don't play this enough so I do not know - but would a question about handicap in go be something that comes up for team tournaments, or are handicaps just in friendly games?

    15. november 2006, 01:35:34
    Teema: Everyone is welcome to join
    "The Mob"
    But it is by request only:)))))

    15. november 2006, 03:57:25
    Teema: Re: Fellowship team ideas
    MadMonkey toimetatud (15. november 2006, 03:58:11)
    BIG BAD WOLF: I like the ideas BBW, even if it will be alot of IF...THEN statements to code LOL

    They will be useful if we do get the Team Stairs or League

    15. november 2006, 08:34:33
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    "The Hit Man": Why do u keep opening up fellowships, then deleting them??/

    15. november 2006, 08:36:47
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    "The Hit Man": Your new fellowship "The Mob" you say is a family fellowship, but then your next comment says it has adult material, so it isnt a family fellowship, is it??

    15. november 2006, 11:03:40
    Teema: Re: Fellowship team ideas
    BIG BAD WOLF: I like very much your suggestions about the team members settings. I tried to do something like this manually for the team I manage but it is tedious work and I couldn't do it if I was managing many teams.

    15. november 2006, 12:08:32
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    "GERRY" toimetatud (15. november 2006, 12:09:18)
    xmas is soon: If you would like to dicuss these matter's which you have posted please PM me:))))))))

    15. november 2006, 13:25:27
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    "The Hit Man": This is a board about fellowships, surely i wouldnt have to pm you my questions. If i do i will wait for Dolittle or Baddessi to tell me.

    15. november 2006, 16:32:32
    Let's all keep the discussion here about fellowships please!

    16. november 2006, 05:37:37
    Teema: RE this board: see this is why so many confused
    nightmagic toimetatud (16. november 2006, 05:50:27)
    all i read was about fellowships"??????does any one else???

    16. november 2006, 07:56:11
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: Re: RE this board: see this is why so many confused
    nightmagic: Yes, because it is a fellowship board

    16. november 2006, 11:05:33
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    xmas is soon: # 1 I don't think it is any of your business!!!!

    16. november 2006, 11:07:58
    Teema: Re: Everyone is welcome to join
    xmas is soon: # 2 I would suggest that you read that warning more carefully.

    16. november 2006, 16:09:08
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: I would suggest that you read that warning more carefully.
    "The Hit Man": Only because you have just changed it

    16. november 2006, 16:10:31
    Adaptable Ali 
    Teema: I don't think it is any of your business!!!!
    "The Hit Man": Mabe it isnt any of my business, bt like me and a few others think it seems very strange that you set up fellowships and then shut them down after a few days, gets abit annoying when people join them and then they have gone.

    16. november 2006, 16:12:34
    Teema: Re: I don't think it is any of your business!!!!
    heavenlyemma toimetatud (16. november 2006, 16:12:58)
    xmas is soon: It's nothing new. Quite a few people open up fellowships then close them. I'm sure you probably know someone who does. I do.

    16. november 2006, 16:13:11
    Teema: Re: I don't think it is any of your business!!!!
    xmas is soon:Tell it to someone who care's

    16. november 2006, 16:22:00
    Teema: Re: I don't think it is any of your business!!!!
    xmas is soon: Your are just upset because you are not allowed in some Fellowship's

    16. november 2006, 16:22:22
    OK guys.. Time to take this to private conversation as the undertones are getting a tad nasty, dont you all agree?

    Thank you.

    16. november 2006, 16:24:17
    Teema: Re:

    16. november 2006, 16:25:34
    Teema: Re:
    Rose: Yes i agree.As you see for yourself,that's what i posted from the start:)

    16. november 2006, 21:17:14
    I am very sorry if my post offended anyone but I put it there because of some baiting going on, which has started again as Rose pointed out. It wasn't because the post were off topic. I did it as a general statement to keep from calling any names. Those that were doing that know who they are and I ask you again to refrain from such behavior on this board. If you must argue, take it to PM's...thanks again!

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