An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!
The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population. This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.
We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions: 1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well 2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems
Vestlusringide loetelu
Sa ei tohi sellesse vestlusringi kirjutada. Madalaim lubatud liikmelisustase sellesse vestlusringi kirjutamiseks on Ajuratsu.
The ship rocks
and I start to lose my grip
it dips and dives into the sea
and I start to slip
The raging water slaps my face
and I fall within the waves
I may die,but I'll die with grace.
Her face flinches with pain
as she cuts her own skin
At least the cut on her arm
dulls the turmoil within
She cant recall when
the agony got this bad
She cant even remember
when she started this fad
They dont realize
the anguish she holds inside
They cant seem to help her
no matter how hard they've tried
Pretty soon she'll reach the ledge
pretty soon,she'll fall over the edge.
Hey my rhymes are not offensive!They come from tha streets you and my bros.
Street power...this ain't offensive it's raw it's in tha veins,do ya know what I mean?
Tiger, The
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And, when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? What the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? What dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And water`d heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright,
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
In the sincere hope that Blake does not leap out of his grave and sue Brainking
What makes the Sufi? Purity of heart;
Not the patched mantle and the lust perverse
Of those vile earth-bound men who steal his name.
He in all dregs discerns the essence pure:
In hardship ease, in tribulation joy.
The phantom sentries, who with batons drawn
Guard Beauty's place-gate and curtained bower,
Give way before him, unafraid he passes,
And showing the King's arrow, enters in.
Blow, blow, thou winter wind,
Thou art not so unkind
As man's ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because thou art not seen,
Although thy breath be rude.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
Thou dost not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot:
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy sting is not so sharp
As friend remember'd not.
Heigh-ho! sing heigh-ho! unto the green holly:
Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly:
Then, heigh-ho! the holly!
This life is most jolly.
Poem lyrics of Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind by Shakespeare.
Useless Bravery
J. M. Vargas
When He is alone,
He has enough bravery
To equal an army's.
But when He is with Her,
All the bravery yields to cowardice.
He hides his true feelings
Behind facade hidden behind facade,
When He is with Her.
Why hide your true feelings?
He does not know the answer.
Why the facades? This He knows:
To hide an easily scarred
And punctured heart.
He thinks his feelings
Are his weaknes:
His Achilles Heel.
How unfortunate, He doesn't understand.
His feelings can be his strength.
When She leaves Him,
A part of Him is torn apart.
Yet He does nothing
To ease his pain.
And in the end,
When Hs is alone,
All his bravery is useless.
Teema: Re: Question About Newly Added Posting 'Conditions'
gekrompen hoofd: If you find a poem that has the words "Author Unknown" (meaning no one knows who wrote it) you may post it adding "Author Unknown" in place of the Author's name.
Bruno Jesus: You can,keeping the fact that this is a public board on a family site. If you're not sure what is or is not acceptable think of yourself as being in a room with people of all age,race and nationality.
When the sun goes down and the moon comes up
and the old swing creacks in the dark,
that's when we go to the park,
me and Loopy and Little Gee,
all three.
Softly down the staircase,through haunty hall,
trying to look, small,
me and Loopy
and Little Gee,
we three.
It's shivery
out in the dark
on our way to the park,
down the dustbin alley,
past the ruined mill,
so still,
just me and Loopy
and Little Gee,
just three.
And Little Gee
doesn't like it.
He's scared
of the things
he might see
in the park
in the dark
with Loopy and me
That's me and Loopy
and Little Gee,
the three.
There might be
moon wiches
or man-eating trees
or wetheres that wobble
or old Scrawny Shins
or hairy hobgoblines,
or black boggarts' knees
in the trees,
or things we can't see,
me and Loopy
and Little Gee,
all three.
But there's not,
says Loopy,
and I agree,
and Little Gee
gats up on my back and
we pass the Howl Tree,
me and Loopy
and Little Gee.
We heroes,
we three.
In the park,In the dark
by the lake and the bridge,
that's when we see were we wont to be,
me and Loopy and Little Gee
and we swing and we slide and we dance
and we jump and we chase
all over the place,
me and Loopy and Little Gee,
the Big Three.
RUN RUN RUN shouts Little Gee to Loopy and me
and we flee,
me and Loopy and Little Gee,
scared three.
Back where we've come through the park
in the dark
and the THING is roaring and following,
After me and Loopy and Little Gee,
we three.
Up to the house,
to the stair,
to bed where we ought to be,
me Loopy and Little Gee,
all three.
You are the town and we are the clock
We are the guardians of the gate in the rock
The Two
On your left and on your right
In the day and in the night,
We are watching you
Wiser not to ask just what has occurred
To them who disobeyed our word;
To those
We were the whirlpool, we were the reef, We were the formal nightmare, grief
And the unlucky rose
Climb up the crane, learn the sailor's words
When the ships from the islands laden with birds
Come in
Tell your stories of fishing and other men's wives:
The expansive moments of constricted lives
In the lighted inn
But do not imagine we do not know
Nor that what you hide with such care won't show
At a glance
Nothing is done, nothing is said,
But don't make the mistake of believing us dead:
I shouldn't dance
We're afraid in that case you'll have a fall
We've been watching you over the garden wall
For hours
The sky is darkening like a stain,
Something is going to fall like rain
And it won't be flowers
When the green field comes off like a lid
Revealing what was much better hid:
And look, behind you without a sound
The woods have come up and are standing 'round
In deadly crescent
The bolt is sliding in its groove,
Outside the window is the black removers' van
And now with sudden swift emergence
Come the woman in dark glasses and humpbacked surgeons
And the scissors man
This might happen any day
So be careful what you say
Or do
Be clean, be tidy, oil the lock,
Trim the garden, wind the clock,
Remember the Two
It's a world of laughter
A world of tears
It's a world of hopes
And a world of fears
There's so much that we share
That it's time we're aware
It's a small world after all
There is just one moon
And one golden sun
And a smile means
Friendship to ev'ryone
Though the mountains divide
And the oceans are wide
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small world after all
It's a small, small world
Walking through the city after recent rain
heard ancient stones all shining murmur where are they?
How long before next hero's day
and the splendid show of drum and gun.
Walking by the river one September eve
saw questions rise in circles on that old dark stream.
Where now are those who dared to dream they would leave one jewel in England's hand.
Gone to sleep they lie in flowered graves
for the visitors and Guidebook saved.
But come the trumpet shattered dawn
will the spirit they shared be reborn.
Comrades in arms, may they rise, fight and shine again,
till "who goes there", will be answered with friend again.
Once there stood a man, alone, sword in his hand.
In the face of the teeth and flame -
and it was all in England's name.
I was told how she grew, she alone shone her light on everyone.
And if you made the first eleven then you'd be sure to get to heaven,
like the captain of the school.
I was taught how to win
and to lose with that "get you next time" smile,
Learned Latin verbs in fear of a beating
and for years thought central heating,
was for just old people's homes.
I was raised on the past, the Tower and Saint Paul's and Westminster
escorted well-bred girls to dances, and learned to drive a horse in harness,
through the English countryside.
I was taught to behave, like an officer and a gentleman,
and when I finally marched from Sandhurst
I learned to put my fellow man first
and there was daily talk of war.
I spent 1938 in the United States of America,
I grew to love its many faces, and they had built some amazing places,
and I thought they´d come in on our side.
- Love at first sight -
Girls, oh there were girls
but they were just part of the social whirl
and I never took much notice
until the night that I met you.
Standing out there alone
out on the terrace under the moon
from the moment that I kissed you
my life turned into a dream.
I knew I loved you at first sight
and that you loved .. me.
Was it really happening, or was it a dream ?
I asked if you'd be mine
feeding the white doves by the Serpentine and when you said forever
I know that I almost cried.
You all in white
the tears and the laughing
nearly losing the damn ring
Yes, I do ... Yes, I will... keep you from harm.
Those few short days
we spent together
remembered forever
all the plans - for the house and for the children.
I know I loved you at first sight
and that you
Did it really happen then, or was it a dream ?
I knew when I saw your face
opening orders, the time and the place
oh, don't worry it won't last long
and I won't be far away
I'll try to write every day.....
- Letters from the front -
Got your letters at the front today
if you like the house we´ll buy it straight away.
Yes, it´s great now you´re a full-time nurse
but do be careful with the air-raids - getting worse.
Must end now .. the push is on...we´re moving out...
all my love...see you soon.
I'm writing to you on a convoy moving west
it's hell out here but we´re all trying to do our best.
I learned today that I get two weeks leave in June
this time I promise you a real honeymoon.
Must end now...take care my're all the world
to me my love...see you soon.
The telegram...dropped from my hand
she was all I had...I just don't understand
I see her that white dress she wore
Those eyes and that smile
no one else...nevermore.
Decorations and respect inside the club aren't compensation when you lose the one you love.
But in the end, all that is left
Is the regiment and what it means
to officer and a gentleman...
What are we fighting for,
We fellows who go to war?
fighting for Freedom's sake!
(You give me the belly-ache.)
Freedom to starve or slave!
Freedom! aye, in the grave.
Fighting for "hearth and home"
Who haven't an inch of loam?
Hearth? Why even a byre
Can only be ours for hire.
Dying for future peace?
Killing that killing cease?
To hell with such tripe, I say.
"Sufficient unto the day."
It isn't much fun being dead
Better to lie in bed
Cuddle up to the wife
Making, not taking life
To the corpse that stinks in the clay
Does it matter who wins the day?
What odds if tyrants reign?
They can't put irons on the brain
One always can eat one's grub
Smoke and drink in a pub
There's happiness in a glass
A pipe and the kiss of a lass
It's the best we get anyhow
In the life we are living now
Who's wanting a hero's fate?
To the dead cheers come too late
Flesh is softer than steel;
Wounds are weary to heal
In the maniac hell of the fray
Who is there dares to say?
"Hate will be vanquished by Love;
God's in His Heaven above."
When those who govern us lead
The lads they command to bleed;
When rulers march at the head
And statesmen fall with the dead;
When Kings leap into the fray
Fight in the old-time way
Perish beside their men
Maybe, O maybe then
War will be part of the past
Peace will triumph at last
Meantime such lads as I
Who wouldn't have harmed a fly
Have got to get out and kill
Lads whom we bear no ill;
As simple as we, no doubt
Who seek what it's all about;
Who die in defence of - what?
Homes that they haven't got;
Who perish when all they ask
is to finish the daily task;
Make bread for the little ones
Not feed the greed of the guns
When fields of battle are red
And diplomats die in bed
(peida) Kui Sa ootad oma käiku, klõpsa pealehel "Värskenda" järel "muuda", siis pane lehe värskendus 30 sekundile, et Sinu käigukord ilmuks kiiremini nähtavale. (Servant) (näita kõiki vihjeid)