An outlet for players whose creativity extends beyond the board. Post your original works here!
The posting of song lyrics is not the purpose of this board and as such please refrain from doing so. Exceptions can be made to this rule if you are the copyrighted owner of the lyrics and the lyrics are not found offensive by the majority of the population. This board is a place to post your original works of poetry and prose and also a place for discussion of poetry and related areas.
We have received word from Fencer that other's poetry can be posted to this board. These are the two conditions: 1) When someone posts a known copyrighted poem, he must add the author's name as well 2) If the author is not known, the poem can be posted without problems
Vestlusringide loetelu
Sa ei tohi sellesse vestlusringi kirjutada. Madalaim lubatud liikmelisustase sellesse vestlusringi kirjutamiseks on Ajuratsu.
See the house on Friers Bay,
Where the children love to play?
Yet in it's beauty,roams a killer,
In the presents of your sight,a chiller.
What makes the children so brave,
And the old folks so gray?
Even after six years of quiet,
The people knew the houses plight.
One time,there was the loudest scream,
The most horrid nightmare,youd dream.
On the morn,next day,
A tortured and beaten corpse lay.
Nobody could solve the crime,
No weapons or clues,they didn't find.
To this day,since that year,
This community lives in fear.
They know screams are still heard,
But not a soul admits the murmur.
As I sit reading Science Fiction
through time,fantasy and space.
I would like to mention
something of the human race:
Our Lord GOD has forgotten us
and we survive alone
and contaminated by radiation dust
we loose our loved ones and homes.
People are savagely eating their kind
to feed thyselves,for food is gone.
For abodes is hard to find.
Away from another race,we run.
They are the beings of space.
and they have landed upon the Earth.
They chase and kill the human race
for it's own generations birth.
With the crumbled streets,
they sail the ruins of a dead city
and the worlds in mammoth defeat
as they march in quantity...
As I shut this horrid book
and growing into fear,
I get a terrified look
'Could This Happen Here?'
Cold chills of the night
Of a muggy,dreary sight
A scarecrow in a sheet
From the stairs it leaped
Glow from the eyes
From a dead mans mind
From soul of a corpse
Came a howl and roar
I was dreaming
As it was singing
I accepted the fact,
So befudled,I sat
Making the image vanish
became the disadvantage
Running through the mountains
Tramping through the woods
I saw a rugged hunter
Drinking his secret brew
Down from the mountain
A wolf came near
And surprized the hunter
And bit him on the rear
His blood started pouring
All over the camp
And I ran from there
As fast as I can
Running through the mountains
Running through the woods
I hurried on from there
As fast as I could
In the end we return to our earth.
The very same earth from which we were born.
And it will take us in death like it brought us at birth.
It happens to one, to all, yet the majority mourns.
For what purpose mourns the majority?
Life is merely a blink of an eye to Time.
Indeed people die. Indeed it's a pity,
But for what purpose mourn on your behalf or mine?
Seldom do I worry, and seldom do I care
Whether or not I live to see tomorrow.
It may be a beautiful day, sunny and fair,
Or, more likely, a dark day of malice and horror.
Impossible to tell or know the future,
Yet believe you me I see dismay.
A pitiful world corrupted by the money creature,
In which life is guided by the dollar of hate.
Give up now, and sell it your soul.
It's no use fighting when your team has thrown in the towel.
The money creature razed and burned your hope-houses
And left in their place this darkness so foul.
By yousolastsummr
(Just a sampling of the
The Old Barn
A stranger came by the other day with an offer that set me to thinking. He wanted to buy the old barn that sits out by the highway. I told him right off he was crazy He was a city type, you could tell by his clothes, his car, his hands, and the way he talked. He said he was driving by and saw that beautiful barn sitting out in the tall grass and wanted to know if it was for sale. I told him he had a funny idea of beauty.
Sure, it was a handsome building in its day. But then, there's been a lot of winters pass with their snow and ice and howling wind. The summer sun's beat down on that old barn till all the paint's gone, and the wood has turned silver gray. Now the old building leans a good deal, looking kind of tired. Yet, that fellow called it beautiful.
That set me to thinking. I walked out to the field and just stood there, gazing at that old barn. The stranger said he planned to use the lumber to line the walls of his den in a new country home he's building down the road. He said you couldn't get paint that beautiful. Only years of standing in the weather, bearing the storms and scorching sun, only that can produce beautiful barn wood.
It came to me then. We're a lot like that, you and I. Only it's on the inside that the beauty grows with us. Sure we turn silver gray too ... and lean a bit more than we did when we were young and full of sap. But the Good Lord knows what He's doing. And as the years pass He's busy using the hard wealth of our lives, the dry spells and the stormy seasons, to do a job of beautifying our souls that nothing else can produce. And to think how often folks holler because they want life easy!
They took the old barn down today and hauled it away to beautify a rich man's house. And I reckon someday you and I'll be hauled off to Heaven to take on whatever chores the Good Lord has for us on the Great Sky Ranch.
And I suspect we'll be more beautiful then for the seasons we've been through here ... and just maybe even add a bit of beauty to our Father's house.
May there be peace within you today.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
"I believe that friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo,
'Good gracious! how you hop!
Over the fields and the water too,
As if you never would stop!
My life is a bore in this nasty pond,
And I long to go out in the world beyond!
I wish I could hop like you!'
Said the duck to the Kangaroo.
'Please give me a ride on your back!'
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
'I would sit quite still, and say nothing but "Quack,"
The whole of the long day through!
And we'd go to the Dee, and the Jelly Bo Lee,
Over the land and over the sea;—
Please take me a ride! O do!'
Said the Duck to the Kangaroo.
Said the Kangaroo to the Duck,
'This requires some little reflection;
Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck,
And there seems but one objection,
Which is, if you'll let me speak so bold,
Your feet are unpleasantly wet and cold,
And would probably give me the roo-
Matiz!' said the Kangaroo.
Said the Duck, 'As I sat on the rocks,
I have thought over that completely,
And I bought four pairs of worsted socks
Which fit my web-feet neatly.
And to keep out the cold I've bought a cloak,
And every day a cigar I'll smoke,
All to follow my own dear true
Love of a Kangaroo!
Said the Kangaroo, 'I'm ready!
All in the moonlight pale;
But to balance me well, dear Duck, sit steady!
And quite at the end of my tail!'
So away they went with a hop and a bound,
And they hopped the whole world three times round;
And who so happy,—O who,
As the duck and the Kangaroo!
Here's a favorite of mine for all you romantics out there on Valentine's Day. I don't know who the author is, I grabbed this off the net about 5 years ago.
'If Only'
If only I were given a chance to dream,
And a chance to make my dreams true,
I’d force myself to sleep all the time,
Just so I could dream of you.
If only I were granted wishes,
I would only ask for two,
I would wish for your eternal love,
And the other I’d give to you.
If only my heart could write a poem,
It would write one just for you,
It would explain the way I feel inside,
And how much I’ll always love you.
Alas, dreams are only dreams,
And wishes seldom come true,
Though my heart can’t write a poem,
When it beats, it beats for you.
I boarded a bus on a whim,Traveling three thousand mile to meet him.Nothing to call my own,I left behind my family and home.. Two ragged suitcases as I decended the stairs,Fifty cents is all I had left,Otherwise my pockets would've been bare.I traveled far,seen many places,horded my cash tried to fill in the spaces. Never had I been so far from home,All these strange face of people unknown.Looking around as I exit that bus,Looking for this man I had grown to trust.Afraid I wasn't!! no time for that.I had made my choice didn't want to turn back.I knew he would show but if he didn't, I had two ragged suitcases and my fifty cents.Then out of the crowd this tall man did walk,He came up to me ,he began to talk.A smile crossed his face as he took my hand.I knew then he was the kindest man.My desicion to come was well worth the distance.He asked me this question as he carried my two suitcases,ragged and bent...What would you have done if I hadn't shown? I just smiled for this I had known,I had two ragged suitcases and fifty cents..With them I would go, someplace and start fresh,Here I would stay to do my best...I still have my two suitcases batter and worn,The fifty cents I had I have no more.I have no regrets as the days speed by,Together forever just him and I..The tall kind man he stayed the same.We fell in love.With him I will always remained....
By cutiejudy
barren ground and icy twigs
hard stones and still creeks
got touched
so soft, but heavy
got burried
all lights out
and forever
it seems forever
barren ground and icy twigs
hard stones and still creeks
lay covered
and hidden
slowly and careful
layers got peeled
like unions
by many
a lil warmth
each minute
each day, month, year
a lil more
a lil more
each moment
a lil more
barren grounds
start blooming
icy twigs
hard stones
sparkle like diamonds
still creeks
develop to lively waters
like your
beautiful hearts
March 17-2004
Copyright: ~*Radiant 34*~
For my friends here and in real who suffer, who are hangin' in there, whose beautiful hearts feels like stone; who feels burried and hidden - like underneath the current snow in winter; they will blossom again in their springtime...
Decietful,litle people
Who's hell is their steeple
Who's minds are burning
Perverteness they cling
Killing and stealing
And all satans doing
Cry for God,won't help you now
Hot ashes you'll plow
Doing the deeds of satan
And your boney frames are naked using you, for his evil purposeFor freedom and dignity he'll crush
In the firey hell,you'll burn
If there's a next time you'll learn
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;
If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
From the garden of Gethsemane
Where Jesus knelt to pray
To the betrayal done by Judas
On that grim and fatal day.
From the mighty hands of Pilate
Who wished to let Him be
To the noble priests and leaders
Who refused to set Him free.
From the crown of thorns upon His head
And lash marks from a strap
To the weight of such a heavy cross
Placed there upon His back.
From the thief who hung beside Him
Crying, "Lord, remember me"
To the gentle words of Jesus
"Today, you'll be with me."
From the darkness of the noon time
As He died upon the cross
To the earth that shook and trembled
In response to such a loss.
From the cheering cries of soldiers
As they took His body down
To the caring hands of Joseph
A follower new in town.
From the tomb where He was laid to rest
In linen cloth of white
To the guards who had to stand close by
Throughout both day and night.
From the stone that blocked the entrance
As it gently rolled away
To the miracle that happened
On that third and final day.
From the baffled look of soldiers
As they peered into the room
To the startled face of Mary
When she found an empty tomb.
From the strange events that happened
As the guards all turned and fled
To the words that came from angels
"He has risen from the dead."
From the frightened eyes of Mary
As she swiftly left that place
To the light that flowed from Jesus
When she saw Him face to face.
From the doubt of His disciples
When she spoke of resurrection
To the fear upon their faces
As He walked in their direction.
From the written word of scripture
He fulfilled in prophecy
To the eleven who had gathered
On a hill in Galilee.
From the words that had been spoken
Before He went away
To His ascension into heaven
Where He lives this very day.
From the bible on the mantel
Tis the words you need to heed
To find wisdom in its pages
And a light to sow a seed.
From the death and resurrection
Of the one we hold so dear
To the coming of His spirit
Now that Easter time is here.
From the colored eggs and candy
And an orchid trimmed in blue
To the truth found there in scripture
Christ Jesus died for you.
The white dogwood,growing in abundance
With its red wounds for our messiahs suffering
Are so very elegant and bright for my glance
To my feelng heart,this plant would be king
If I were to place a bundle in a beauty's hand
And place a nice kiss upon her cheek
She'd place me as a very radiant man
My heart and those white dogwood she'd keep
'Why not give the girl roses?' You may ask
A thorny stem lays under it's petals
A very painful hold of spears,she'd grasp
All the leaves and sharp needles
Though,giving roses over dogwood is most known
Dogwood stands out as being different
And more hollier than the sweet red rose
For CHRIST was naied to it,to save our sins
Unsuspecting romance
sun reflecting slow dance
living to enlighten
Arms around you tighten
Innocent as first kiss
Feel a hint of sheer bliss
Saving all the sweetness
craving for the weakness
staying the duration
Loving the sensation
Starting and befriending
Hearts are never ending
March 24, 2004
1:00 A.M.
It's just not fair,
To come into somebody's heart.
And make them full of life
And swear you'll never part
Make them feel so brand new
and fall in love with you
From the very early start
It's just not fair
When their world falls apart
It's just no good
When a heart is on the line
thats only beats for you
To leave it now would be unkind
To undo all the dreams
Ripped out at the seams
Like its been so many times
Its just no good
its just a shame and such a crime
When you can finally love again
After so many years
Hoping he'll be the one
To dry up all those lonely tears
only to find hes just like all the rest
you've been through times before
and end up closing
What was just an openned door
Its just not fair
To come into somebody's heart
And bring them back to life
When love has torn their world apart
Knowing it never lasts
leaving a heart of glass
When you cant finish what you start
Its just not fair
to keep on breaking this poor heart.
Just when you think you're the only one there,
Love get's your attention and shows that you care.
Just to find somebody still tryin to hang on
Though she's told him so many times, she wants him gone
You thought it would be easy to tell her good-bye
That it would'nt get to you if she were to cry
Certain you could turn around and walk away
When she tells you she loves you and wants you to stay
My heart is on it's way
When you feel lost and all alone
Here in my heart, you've got a home
And when nothin seems to be goin right
You have my love to get you through the night
And if it seems like love is taking too long
Just find the strength inside you're heart to hang on
You know that giving up right now would be wrong
Give her some time to get through what she can
Give her the confidence to make her stand
Make sure she knows that you wont leave here there
And you'd give her your love anytime, anywhere
She's got too much upon her to handle it seems
Just a matter of time til it shatters her dreams
All the love she feels in her heart is for you
It's not easy for her, but in time she'll come through
My heart is on it's way
Now I'm askin you to stay
Don't let our love slip away
I love you more and more each day
Since the Pledge of Allegiance
The Lord's Prayer
are not allowed in most
public schools anymore
because the word "God" is mentioned....
a kid in Arizona wrote the attached
I liked it....
Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.
If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.
For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.
We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.
We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.
We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.
It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!
Jesus said,
" If you are ashamed of me,"
I will be ashamed of you before my Father."
I didn't knew that mentioning the word "God" is not allowed in public school anymore.. I think, its a shame! I thought this was a free country?? Its very moving what the kid wrote & true.. Do you know its age?
1963 -- ABINGTON SCHOOL DIST. v. SCHEMPP -- banned school-directed recital of the Lord's Prayer and reading of Bible passages as part of "devotional exercises" in public schools.
1980 -- STONE v. GRAHAM -- banned the posting of the the Ten Commandments on public school classroom walls.
1985 -- WALLACE v. JAFFREE -- banned observance of "daily moments of silence" from public schools when students were encouraged to pray during the silent periods.
1990 -- WESTSIDE COMMUNITY BD. OF ED. v. MERGENS -- held that schools must allow student prayer groups to organize and worship if other non-religious clubs are also permitted to meet on school property.
1992 -- LEE v. WEISMAN -- outlawed prayers led by members of the clergy at public school graduation ceremonies.
2000 -- SANTA FE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT v. DOE -- banned student-led pre-game prayers at public high school football games.
I created it for people like you, Radiant. And I sincerely hope that in the coming months your beautiful lines of verse will grace these pages again, as they have done so many times before.
You were an excellent Steward, Josetta, and you will always have a special place of honor here. :o)))