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Vestlusringide loetelu
Sa ei tohi sellesse vestlusringi kirjutada. Madalaim lubatud liikmelisustase sellesse vestlusringi kirjutamiseks on Ajuratsu.
More valued than gold, more precious than life, Is the love that lifts me up higher than high. We’re partners in all, yet I’m so free to be me, I am better than I thought I ever could be.
The love of my life is so giving and kind, But we give back to each other as though by design. The love in our hearts will never run dry, For it flows to each other from an endless supply.
The foundation is honesty and to ourselves being true, And freely sharing love to revive and renew. A life of togetherness that’s so rare and unheard, Is a gift from above granted from His sacred word.
I know in my soul I shall treasure her always, For what people call love is relatively just small ways. The heartache and tears made me aware what I missed, The pain from bad choices gave way to true bliss!
Another Year ... ...... comes to its close! A lot achieved - some good, some bad. A string of memories left behind, some happy, some sad!
A path we chose, a journey travelled. A destination - some met, some await..... A new year dawns... A new begining of unspoken dreams.... and of whats in our fate?
A list of resolutions yet to be tackled, Things that we'd like to obtain New distances to be covered, Hurdles to cross & blows to sustain.
Each day is a calling... to come forth & live, to live life to the fullest, to love & forgive.
Let's claim each day with confidence & zest Live each moment to our very best!
Fresh fallen snow covers the trail of footsteps, Leading from the church to the gallows. One day removed from justice’ travesty, Nature’s course lays a blanket of forgiveness.
Perhaps healing is nature’s purpose, Else time should stop dead cold, When evil men commit the most heinous crimes, And saintly men do worse.
Yesterday was not just the end of one, But the innocence of the all was tried and hung. Mayhem conquered virtue, and corruption overtook reason. Where a display of dissent confessed guilt by association.
Today, the gavel lays silent, And peace replaces strife. The world turned upside down is set upright again, And time marches on.
I have fought the good fight, With all I have, With all I am. I think back on all the victories. Those glorious battles where, I was the victor. Gather up all the medals! Let me gaze upon the glory, Before I go down.
My spirit is worn, And I seek the final rest. I have nothing left, And the enemy is at the door. Soon I shall feel the sting on my neck, And my final breath shall escape me.
Where I go many men have gone before, And my victor shall gaze upon his future, As he looks down on me.
I have done all I can do, I have nothing more to give.
I’m waiting for you, holding on with faith, That you will be here just as you said. People say I am foolish for falling in love, Wondering what is wrong with my head.
But I know because I peered into your heart, And I know that you would be here today, If not for your life you find yourself in. Changes are just a leap of faith away.
The glue just dried on my reconstructed heart, Imperfect with chips and cracks evident. But it’s my best that I have to give you, And I know it is not too opulent.
But I know that things will be alright, Perfection is not what you or I do seek. All things become beautiful in love, Mysteriously things are not so bleak.
My eyes have opened to this amazing truth, Judge not mistakes and sins, instead, The past does not define who we are, But it prepares us for the road ahead.
My soul shall never rest again, Forever hungry, craving that satisfaction, Of knowing the taste of true love’s kiss.
For many years, my soul doth slept, In a numbed hibernation. I gave away my heart, love filled, Returned empty in frustration.
Acceptance of the status quo, Believing that was all love was to be, Survival brought restlessness to my soul, Stirrings from slumber within me.
Opening my eyes, I saw a little lost butterfly, Who led me to a silver brook, Reflections showing not who I am, But what I was about to be.
Like the butterfly who shed her cocoon, I was ready for the new life ahead of me. But the lost butterfly would fly on ahead, In search of her own fulfilled dreams.
Eyes wide open, fate brought love to me, My soul was filled with life. Traveling a difficult road to get there, I knew it was worth the strife.
A dream come true, it was true love’s kiss, A life of never-ending bliss, Until she called it quits and went home.
Remembering the sweet taste on my lips, And the touch of true love on my soul, I shall not be satisfied until I taste again.
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