Come and wish your friends (or a stranger) HAPPY BIRTHDAY We have numerous birthdays for you to choose from each month. We never have enough though so don't forget to add your Birthday, Anniversary or other day special to you.
A belated happy birthday to Cristyn, Bethan and Siân! Yeah, I know they're only a day old, but what the heck! No doubt they'll be bk members when bumble's old and grey. Oh, that's now isn't it?
(If your daughter sings 'Happy Birthday' to you and you record it without me... I'm going to sue!)
Speaking of who:
cariad dies and is excited to find that she ends up standing before the gates of Music Heaven. St. Peter arrives and gives her a guided tour.
"This is Robert Johnson's' room here..." says St. Peter, and cariad says, "Wow, there's tidy innit? Robert Johnson!"
They stop outside of another door.
"This is Mark Knopfler's room..." says St. Peter.
"Duw! Tidy! Mark's room!" exclaims cariad.
They reach another door.
St. Peter says, "And this is Jimi's room."
"Oh coo-al!", cries cariad.
Finally St. Peter shows cariad to her own room. Before St. Peter leaves, she says to him, "I have to ask. Is my dad, bumble, here?"
St Peter shakes his head sadly and says, "I'm afraid he went... the 'other' way..."
Cariad is desperately disappointed but goes into her room and tries to get some sleep. She is woken in the middle of the night by someone playing amazing acoustic ragtime-blues guitar - and it sounds just like bumble. She presses her ear to the wall and listens more closely. Someone has changed guitars and is now playing some incredible blues riffs on what sounds like a vintage Strat. Cariad is really confused because it sounds so much like bumble.
The next day she tells St Peter that she is almost certain that her dad is in the next room.
St Peter pulls her to one side, and whispers in her ear, "Sssh.... don't tell anyone. That's God. He thinks he's bumble."
You're living proof of....
A young boy and his mother are walking down the street and the boy turns to his mother and says "when I grow up I want to be a musician"
His mother replies "Now now son, you can't do both"
(peida) Kui Sa tahad kindla mängutasemega vastast, siis võid uue partii loomisel määrata tema BKR vahemiku. Siis teised mängijad ei näe ega saa seda kutset vastu võtta. (Katechka) (näita kõiki vihjeid)