volant: U could use those (hotmail, yahoo or even google mail) which give u a gig a space. But I wouldnt reccomend it without having the stuff backed up on disc anyways. They can disapear off the site and nothing u could do about it. Same as the "free" online sites that host your pics.. Can disapear anytime and u would lose everything. If its a "new" PC that your getting, it will have a CD/DVD burner for you. Use that for best protection.
If you have a burner ( CD writer or DVD writer) that is your best most efficient way to save your files to transfer them. If you cant or dont have a burner the other options are the old fashioned Floppy drive back up which would take you dozens of floppies to save your files to. OR there are free storage sites online that you can upload your files to then download them on to your new system once it is online.
Can somebody help me. When I switch to Rich Text Editor there is no message box to type into, does anybody know the cause of this and how i can rectify it. Thank you
Czuch Czuckers: The first extension I install is the All-In-One-Sidebar, which gives you an opera-like sidebar where you can put not only history and bookmarks, but everything which is or might be accessible with a toolbar-icon, and load the content in this side panel. Then I install the Web Developer Extension, Forecast Fox, del.icio.us and AdBlock Plus.
Here are a few I use: Febe Ad block Clear cach Colorful tabs Dictionary tooltip Fasterfox Forcastfox No script Pix2phone Resizeable textarea UI tweaker Image zoom Quiz addicts
Czuch Czuckers: I at one time loaded many different extensions since there are a lot of "cool" ones out there - but found out I never used most of them, and probable would not use most of them - so I uninstalled all but 2.
Forecastfox - nice weather related extension - I keep the 5 day forcast in the bottom bar of my browser - A lot of times I only want a quick outlook - like about what tempature it will be this week, or if it looks like rain, and I use this a lot for just quick looks at stuff. (for more details, I use some weather websites & not forecastfox - but I think it can give you more details also - I just already have a couple sites I look at for the details.
BugMeNot - As a tech guy, I visit many sites for things like tips, computer problems, drivers, etc... Some of those sites make you register before you can view answers, or download drivers. Well for sites I know I will probable never visit again, I envoke the BugMeNot - which will 85% of the time log me onto these sites long enough for me to get what I want and leave - without having to register & get on their mailing lists.
Are there any add ons/extensions that i just shouldnt live without? There are just so many, I get a head ache just trying to browse them all! What are some of your favorite ones, or ones you think everyone should use?
everytime i try and play a game it opens up a new window on IE on seamonkey and firefox it just freezers when i start the computer up i get a beeping sound for a couple of mins please help someone i cant play my games at all now
Update, Jan. 16, 2007 Lawyers from our primary ISP decided to pull our plug without any advance notice, as of 14:45 PST. No doubt related to our lawsuit brought by the MPAA, but we don't have more information at this time until people responsible comes to work tomorrow. We will be back in operation once we sort out this mess with our current ISP, or we get new hardware ready at our new ISP. Sit back and enjoy the rest of the internet in the mean time, while it last. For your torrent searching needs, try Google for now by searching for "SEARCH TERMS ext:torrent".
You can also come hang around our IRC channel (SSL on port +7000). We'll update on this page and on IRC when we have more information.
If you wish to help us out financially, you can donate via Paypal from the button below. Due to prior dis-taste from certain individuals misusing legal funds for their own purposes however, this is not a legal defense fund. Your donations will be used for the operational costs of our servers and development of our websites. You have our sincere thanks
I have not had time to look at the whole list, but someone gave me this link - and it looks to cover a lot of "free" software that people can use for their PC's (including security)
Rose: I know, there are several issues with ZoneAlarm, you can't configure too much yourself and it doesn't tell you very much - just like it would be a MS app ;) I loved Sygate, very sad that #*!°~#- Symantec stopped it...
Gordon Shumway: I had zone alarm and had a lot of troubles with it was it kept blocking my net access if my machine was idle.. real pain.. so that is gone. I fully recommend AVG ( the free one) Ive had it for about a year and recommend it over Norton. My hubby tries to disuade folks from buying Norton and when he works on their PC's he puts on AVG. The down side is we get fewer returns lol. Folks arent getting the viruses they were getting with other programs so less work for him!
"Snoopy": I don't know a free combination of spyware/antivirus/firewall, I use avg free for antivirus and anti-spyware(http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1). As a firewall I used Sygate, but during the search for an english download page I got informed that Symantec bought Sygate and stopped serving updates, so I might consider going back to Zone Alarm (http://www.zonelabs.com/store/content/company/products/trial_zaFamily/trial_zaFamily.jsp), also I didn't really like it..
Sorry, I can't recommend one of the "Anti-Spyware/Anti-Virus/Anti-Rootkit" because I don't use them (my connection to the internet is through a Linux machine which has its own firewall).
Czuch Czuckers: What don't you like about version 2.0. I did not like a few things, but after I did some easy configs - like be able to get more tabs, and move the X off each tab - I liked it better then 1.5
if you are running XP you can reconfigure your computer to what it was a couple of days ago... Start, Accessories,System tools,System Restore, and just follow the prompts. Put in a date pre your new firefox installation....voila....done.....I think HEHEHEHHE
Czuch Czuckers: Do you mean version 3.01a (screenshot ) or maybe 3.0a2? I installed that version on my work computer; now I have both version 2 and version 3 installed and can run either depending on which icon I click (but I'm not running the "Minefield" version).
Anyway, barring extension/configuration problems, I believe you can uninstall all versions, download the version you prefer, and install only that version (maybe you'll have to reinstall extensions too).
Czuch Czuckers: Guess it depends on if you got an upgrade or a brand new version.. if it upgraded you may not be able to uninstall the upgrade and go back.
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