Please keep things positive. Best advise I believe is to try out different sites. Find what works well for you. If you don't like it, don't go back and try another site. Nothing says you only have to play on 1 site. At one time, I played on about 6 different turn-based game sites.
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Sa ei tohi sellesse vestlusringi kirjutada. Madalaim lubatud liikmelisustase sellesse vestlusringi kirjutamiseks on Ajuratsu.
Baked Alaskan: Then we have a problem because I don't have time to play that game and learn rules. The only alternative is that someone creates a similar strategic game and send me ALL details of the rules. And it can be considered. has a word game, Spellbound, that's a multi-player game - could that be implemented here? I would assume that language would not be a problem since it would be played in the language you would have for your BK home page?
Baked Alaskan: I play that Farm Town on Facebook, i end up neglecting my other sites i play when i get into it lol, So many games to pay, not enough hours in the day to play them all though lol
Has there been any thought to create an arcade at brainking with such games as tetris, pacman, snake, etc.? I have two friends who created an arcade (using neave games) a few years ago and it was a huge hit at my university... any thoughts to this? This would be perfect add-on for when people don't have turn based games to play as well as an addional achievements opportunity... has one serious advantage over Brainking - a dice rolling machine! No i have not played any games there at all, i just stumbled upon this article about the dice roller and had to share it. What a wonderfull contraption!
MadMonkey: In reply to myself, i had a look at IYT, and they have 2 greasemonkey scripts available for the site. One adds different selections on the games menu (as in Move and goto .... ) a bit like hexkid created for here a couple of years back. The other is a simple one that helps people score Halma games, and hopefully learn by how well they are doing. by giving values to the diagonal rows as you make your way across the board, wonder if that wold work here
volant: Make sure you have greasemonkey installed, go to IYT, then right click on the little greasemonkey icon. In there it should say 4 scripts available for IYT, just open that up and it shows you the ones there are I have not actually used either of them, the Menu one would be handy there, but we already have it here, and the Halma one i have not tried as i can not be asked to start a game just to see what it does lol Doing my head in trying to learn greasemonkey, but i want to do it
Vikings: Where at? Facebook? MySpace? Tagged? Bebo? (I have played Mafia Wars on all 4 of those sites at one time, even though I don't play it much anymore.... very fun game, but started to take way too much of my time.)
Vikings: Go to the Zynga forums - they have an "ADD ME" area, where you can without signing up read and invite others who have wrote on the board - or join their forums and post your own "ADD ME".
For my Facebook Mafia Wars, I have 1,700+ players in my mafia - and almost all of those invited me when I posted in the ADD ME, plus posted in other areas on the forum with the add me in my signature.
I don't play the Mafia Wars much anymore so I removed all my none-true friends.
Note 1: Once you add someone to your mafia, you can remove them as a Facebook friend, BUT you will not be able to help them in missions & they can't help you.
Note 2: If you want to keep your Mafia as Facebook friends, you can play with your Facebook privacy level to basically block everything so they see nothing of your personal information.
tell me the email addy for facebook to write them about getting my account back which seems to have been frozen for no reason other than they felt like it
Try the "Lost my password" link on the login page. Even if you haven't forgotten it. since you login with an email, you get a new password to the email. It sorted me out once. No guarantee, facebook is a monster site.
Snoopy: Arrow keys on your keyboard - up turns it. Down drops it a little faster. Left & right move them... well left & right. space bar drops it down to bottom quickly.
Mafia wars is not a game and is no more of a game than surfing the web is a game. it may be able to be turned into a game but the way the thing is played now is not much of a game. even farmville is not much of a game.
Nothingness: yea, I agreed...and I quit surfing the facebook a month ago. But, I need to check weekly to see if my friends and family left me any Inbox messages.
(peida) Kui vastased tahavad reaalajas mängida, siis peavad nad valima "Tee käik ja jää siia" ja siis F5-klahvi abil ümberlaadima! (TeamBundy) (näita kõiki vihjeid)